Sentences with phrase «in a constitutional democracy»

Fortunately, we live in a constitutional democracy with not two, but three branches of government and the judicial branch has drawn the constitutional line to protect our children.
And if we could reach down to the root of the mayor's error, we would have some understanding of how religion actually works in a constitutional democracy.
It makes the job of the court that much more important in our constitutional democracy.
As a result, the Code of Virginia § 22.1 — 200.03 required the Board of Education to develop and approve objectives for economics education and financial literacy to be required of all students at the middle and high school levels to «further the development of knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed for responsible citizenship in a constitutional democracy
Whatever one thinks of the appropriate federal role in education, there are surely strong reasons in our constitutional democracy to prefer that we get to where we are going through law rather than executive edict.
Civic education at every grade level has always been designed to prepare students to be responsible participants in our constitutional democracy.
If we can not engage in these discussions within the academe then what hope is there for the broader social engagement that is essential for the realization of an enlarged Black humanity in a constitutional democracy?
[1] This case raises troubling implications that strike to the heart of the constitutional relationship between the judicial and other branches of government in our constitutional democracy.
Regardless, we live in a constitutional democracy where navigating the legal system is a long, hard and expensive slog.
She has stated publicly on several occasions that mutual respect between the branches of government — and their respective roles — is essential in a constitutional democracy
Put differently, the appellants» arguments fail to recognize that in a constitutional democracy such as ours, protection from legislation that some might view as unjust or unfair properly lies not in the amorphous underlying principles of our Constitution, but in its text and the ballot box (par.
The Preamble states, ``... [A] lawyer should further the public's understanding of and confidence in the rule of law and the justice system because legal institutions in a constitutional democracy depend on popular participation and support to maintain their authority.»
Yesterday's court ruling, while minor, symbolically illustrates that in a constitutional democracy even Alberta's Progressive Conservatives are not all - powerful.
«What they decide will determine whether we still live in a constitutional democracy
I said nothing in my review, not a single word, about what exactly the judicial role should be in our constitutional democracy.
In constitutional democracies, people tend to think in terms of dichotomies — faith and reason, church and state, public and private, executive and legislature.
In constitutional democracy, the powers of the rulers are regulated by legal means so that the rights of the minorities and the weak are protected and respected.
Smart said, «In any constitutional democracy, the number of times one represents a constituency is not the issue; the yardstick is performance.
It is important that we honestly assess this issue because it involves an appraisal of the relationship between the courts and the state; in a constitutional democracy, that relationship is fundamental (28).
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