Sentences with phrase «in a cult as»

I am a born again christian, Santorum was in a cult as well, as you all seem to think Rommey a morman makes a difference it's God will to get Pres. Obama out of office get your head on strait or we will have P Obama again and lose all our rights as Christians, and people in all walks of life.
I began writing this blog as a way of expressing my thoughts about polygamy and growing up in a cult as I came to my own understanding and awareness of the difference between religion and spirituality.

Not exact matches

As a smaller version of the slow cooker that developed a cult following on the Internet, the Instant Pot Duo Mini has all the same features in a smaller package.
I wanted to get a sense of whether or not these sneakers were as comfortable and easy to fall in love with as other cult - favorites (Allbirds being the most obvious)-- specifically because the greatest indicator of a shoe becoming «the next big thing» is generally whether or not people actually like wearing them.
In a New Yorker report, Arianna Huffington, the founder and CEO of Thrive Global, calls on companies to reassess their values: «This includes rejecting the cult of the top performer, which tolerates otherwise unacceptable behavior, and instead building a culture that functions as the company's immune system: surfacing cases of abuse and identifying toxic elements as fast as possible, and then quickly rejecting them.»
The cult television favorite Portlandia gently satirizes a commercial culture full of artisan - obsessives trafficking in such esoterica as $ 68 handmade light bulbs.
Here's a brief summary: You play as a small - town sheriff's deputy in Montana, where a violent religious cult has taken over.
Chouinard never took Patagonia public, and his iconoclastic ways have spawned a kind of cult around him and his business — a company that tells its customers not to buy what it's selling and ends up more in demand as a result.
Early on in her tenure, she became known for being a bit of an intrapreneur unafraid of taking imitative, as she showed by authorizing the 1993 Waco raid of the Branch Davidian cult compound.
The former VP of business development at high - end gym chain Equinox took over as CEO of SoulCycle, the sizzling hot cult cycling chain, in June.
SoulCycle's success comes as no surprise to the thousands of loyal riders who turn out in droves for the company's fast - paced classes and cult - like fitness community.
-- A church in Pennsylvania that has been criticized as a cult held a «commitment ceremony» while holding AR - 15 rifles.
The Lord's Resistance Army in Uganda quotes the Bible, as did the Branch Davidians of David Koresh, the People's Temple of Jim Jones, and many other eccentric Christian cults.
In the case of an eccentric atheist dictator such as Kim Jong - Il, Hitchens argued that his personality cult was as religious in character as any fanatical secIn the case of an eccentric atheist dictator such as Kim Jong - Il, Hitchens argued that his personality cult was as religious in character as any fanatical secin character as any fanatical sect.
Wow, sorry you were in a cult that billed itself as Christian.
Six years before that, Paul Vitz had made a similar point in Psychology as Religion: psychology, he wrote, had become a substitute for faith» a new religion encouraging a cult of self - worship.
They didn't last very long as a cult because they did not believe in procreation (having babies).
to stop eating a a restaurant because of this well you might as well be in a cult.
To b Christian is to recognise Christ as God in one form or the other and this is what excludes JWs, LDS n other quasi-Christian cults.
(77) And strive in His cause as ye ought to strive, (with sincerity and under di - scip - line): He has chosen you and has im - pos - ed no difficulties on you in religion; it is the cult of your father Abraham.
In regards to the teachings of Paul, one can truly claim «bullshit» in that Paul is (at least according to the NT) almost entirely responsible for the cult (s) we know as Christianity todaIn regards to the teachings of Paul, one can truly claim «bullshit» in that Paul is (at least according to the NT) almost entirely responsible for the cult (s) we know as Christianity todain that Paul is (at least according to the NT) almost entirely responsible for the cult (s) we know as Christianity today.
We in the secular world have too high morals to allow anything like this to go on for decades as your cult has protected child r@pists.
One good thing about having Romney in this race is that it forces Christian to accept Mormonism as a Christian sect, in doing so it weakens the entire Christ cult because of the obvious fraud that Mormonism is.
The Romans were prodigious record keepers, yet never saw fit to mention him, except in the above letters, which were more about keeping an eye on his followers, who were starting to emerge, Falun Gong like, as a dangerous cult to the Romans.
However, it appears that the cult was enthusiastically practised in private as well as public, although the material demonstrating this has generally been neglected in studies to date and much more work remains to be done in this area.
The imperial cult, the worship of the emperors, is one of the central elements in the ideology of the emperor and is a good place to start (though it is not, as is so often the case, the place to end).
Indeed, for a first - century audience, more attuned to the «differential charge» locations within Greco - Roman cities could possess, such temples would have appeared all the more impressive, occupying, as they did, crucial sites in their symbolic geography (in Athens, for example, the cult temple was constructed in the Acropolis, near the Parthenon, in the historic and religious heart of the city).
However, in crude terms we can say that the cult, although varying significantly in its form over time, and from location to location, claimed that the emperors, as rulers and benefactors of the world, were worthy of worship.
Although it would be foolish to demarcate too rigidly cultic and other depictions of the emperor, as in some way all imperial ideology was pervaded by religious conceptualizations of the imperial figure, the emperor was more than the cult, and imperial ideology was embodied in other forms and practices, many of which still require extensive examination (for example, its significance in the ideological construction of gender in the empire, and particularly of the body, is only just becoming visible).
Cult buildings were especially concentrated in Rome, a place which functioned (in one sense) like Versailles or the Paris of Napoleon, as the shop - window of the regime, advertising the benefits of the pax romana and encouraging inhabitants of the empire to be willing and compliant participants in its maintenance.
Mother's Day gave quintessential if belated expression to what Ann Douglas calls the 19th century's «cult of motherhood,» which, as she observes, offered women «flattery in the place of justice and equality.»
The character of the imperial cult, at least in the eastern empire, is the subject of considerable debate at present, as can be seen by a cursory examination of the two most significant works on the subject: S. R. F. Price's Rituals and Power: The Roman Imperial Cult in Asia Minor and Steven Friesen's Twice Neokoros: Ephesus, Asia and the Cult of the Flavian Imperial Famcult, at least in the eastern empire, is the subject of considerable debate at present, as can be seen by a cursory examination of the two most significant works on the subject: S. R. F. Price's Rituals and Power: The Roman Imperial Cult in Asia Minor and Steven Friesen's Twice Neokoros: Ephesus, Asia and the Cult of the Flavian Imperial FamCult in Asia Minor and Steven Friesen's Twice Neokoros: Ephesus, Asia and the Cult of the Flavian Imperial FamCult of the Flavian Imperial Family.
The temples of the cult itself (such as the Ara Pacis in Rome) and various works of monumental and fine art, from bold triumphal arches and statues to the exquisite Gemma Augustea, visually articulated this «theology».
And it was in the cult that the ideology was at its most apparent and naked (often literally, as any cursory examination of its iconography will reveal).
After some separation from her I realized that she still has that shepherding mentality from her past and is still trying to create it in her life — with herself as the cult leader now.
Other factors clearly played a part in this development, not least the unrelated growth, during this period, in the numbers of independent women who had the freedom to join a new cult such as Christianity.
«Practitioners of Falun Gong, as well as other Buddhist, folk religionist, and Protestant groups deemed «superstitious» or «evil cults» face long jail terms, forced denunciations of faith and torture in detention, and the government has not sufficiently answered accusations of psychiatric experimentation and organ harvesting.»
Although it proved a harrowing experience - she fled with her family, she says, once the cult began advocating child - adult sexual relations - as the setting at first «was really idyllic,» remembers the actress, 38, who rose to fame on TV's Charmed and now stars in Conan the Barbarian 3D.
• There is much misinformation on this thread: o The emergent movement is not a cult o emergent started as a conversation among people of various theological / philosophical understandings and remains that way o The emergent conversation hasn't faded away at all — in fact — it's now integrated in practically every Christian expression o Mars Hill and emergent have very little in common o Mark Driscoll and Tony Jones have very little in common o I don't know of the personal behavior of everyone involved in the conversation, but because people have been involved — I'm sure there has to be bad behavior from some.
We must see religion in the context of the people of God as on an exodus in order that we can perceive the eschatological or future orientation of cult and religion.
(Joshua 24:25 - 29) One who has seen, all the way from Korea to Arabia, the persistent continuance of such cult practices as these references indicate can not mistake the meaning of the tamarisk of Beer - sheba, (Genesis 21:33) the burning bush of sinai, (Exodus 3:2 - 5; Deuteronomy 33:16) the palm - tree of Deborah, (Judges 4:5) or the tamarisk - tree in Jabesh.
To put it bluntly — and to focus solely upon the most important issue that I, as a Christian minister, must consider — I will state it as follows: Because Mormonism is a church of Satan, and Mitt Romney, in his leadership role (s) in this insidious and abominable cult, is a disciple of Satan, no Christian can support his campign.
the article is irresponsible in not making clear to the reader that these images were created hundreds of years after the fact by enemies of Christ (Romans) who subsequently saw it as political beneficial to gain political control of the otherwise uncontrollable christian cult for the purpose of expanding the roman empire.
What about the Mormons that believe in mormon magical underwear that protects them from evil.Or they revere Joesoph Smith as their messiah when he was a con artist, molester, rapist, theif.Or what about Mormons believe god lives on planet kolob lol.I am a conservative christian repub and can not vote for a cult bishop like Romney, Do nt sell your sould supporting a cult bishop who believes this garbage lol.
In fact, only after Romney showed up for a meet and greet with Billy Graham in North Carolina earlier this month did the website of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association erase a reference to Mormonism as a «cult.&raquIn fact, only after Romney showed up for a meet and greet with Billy Graham in North Carolina earlier this month did the website of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association erase a reference to Mormonism as a «cult.&raquin North Carolina earlier this month did the website of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association erase a reference to Mormonism as a «cult
Second, Jewett adopts whole - cloth the latest fad in New Testament scholarship, which broadly terms itself as postcolonial, and reads virtually everything in the New Testament as a coded critique of the Roman Empire and especially of its claims of cultural superiority elaborated in the civic cult of the early empire.
Not belief itself, but one belief to the exclusion of all others and the cult of belief (as in lifestyle) to that of society at large.
Two verses — «They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly things, it shall not hurt them» (Mark 16:18) and «Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you» (Luke 10:19)-- are used by the snake - cult Christians in Appalachia as support for snake - handling and the drinking of poison as tests of Christian faith.
Prime Minister David Cameron described ISIS as an «existential threat,» saying on BBC Radio 4's Today programme, `... what's happening here is the perversion of a great religion, and the creation of this poisonous death cult that is seducing too many young minds in Europe, in America, in the Middle East and elsewhere.
A reel of well - known actors and Hollywood celebrities appear in the opening scenes, describing a cult classic called The Room as if they're describing a miraculous contribution to filmmaking.
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