Sentences with phrase «in a few centuries»

It's easy to think we haven't really come a long way in a few centuries.
Why switch from coal to uranium if we might run out in a few centuries anyway?
Based on more recent research, however, a number of scientists suggest this could occur in a few centuries, and some, like Jim Hansen, seem to think the change could occur even more rapidly, although it is not completely clear if by this he means the commitment to this much rise or this much actual rise during the 21st century.
Baptismal fonts have become progressively smaller, moving from bathtub capacity to fingerbowl size in a few centuries.
Dear Bill Nye, You've got bigger problems than worrying about whether evolution will be taught in a few centuries.
I suspect in a few centuries, much more about nature will be understood and taken out of the «it must be God» bag.
The fathers of the faith so - called, in the few centuries after the death of the apostles thought as you did.
You can imagine the shock on the faces of simple faithful people trying to follow age old rules pertaining to what you do when you go to the one temple allowed in ancient Israel in those few centuries before Hadrien destroyed ancient Israel.
Thinking long - range, they say in a few centuries they hope that all of humanity is down to a miniature size to help save Planet Earth.
Like Broken Age, it's another softly - spoken point and click adventure, but here, it's so aesthetically brazen — especially as their own confidence in their methods has increased from release to release — that it's accompanied by this sense that its developers are from a far - future, and have time travelled back to now, dropped this on our laps, and humbly said «this is how storytelling in videogames will eventually work in a few centuries».
The answer was disheartening: human civilisation and all human traces would be utterly wiped out in a few centuries as though we had never existed.
A similar instability may exist there, and scientists say a rapid retreat could cause a rise of sea level of several meters in a few centuries
In addition, the rate of sea - level rise has been higher over the last decade than over the last century, and paleoclimatic evidence is suggesting that the loss of about half of the Greenland Ice Sheet took place in a few centuries going into the last interglacial (the Eemian) and that sea levels were even higher than this amount of ice can account for.
OSLO The spread of humans around the world from Africa thousands of years ago wiped out big mammals in a shrinking trend that could make the cow the biggest mammal on Earth in a few centuries» time, a scientific study said on Thursday.
In a few centuries the whole system (including oceans) would arrive at about zero Kelvin.
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