Sentences with phrase «in a free country»

«We live in a free country where people can move wherever they want,» she said.
There number students participate in these activities, it looks like we do in free country site fact play a powerful role in society than a 82.
These people were praying by themselves according to their custom, well within their right in a free country.
As a free citizen in a free country, shouldn't I be able to make that decision for myself?
Let's pretend we're still in a free country, shall we?
But even in the best cases, most good people in a free country are going to be living contradictions.
The mere speculative possibility that something might have happened does not authorize politicians to demand proof that it didn't happen — not in a free country, anyway.
We are all free to feel anger in feelings and words — this is a given in free countries.
So life gets better, if you work hard, in a free country when it comes to justice and prosperity.
We live in a free country so you can call yourself a Christian or whatever you want.
TT actually, in a free country there is no way to prevent such tragedy.
Before any citizen in a free country is subjected to that sort of treatment there ought to be a highly compelling reason.
«Either way, this kind of hateful act has no place in the freest city in the freest country in the world.»
reX — Isn't it great to live in a FREE country where even mentally unstable hate - filled raving lunatics like yourself are still able to spew their insane rhetoric?
«This kind of hateful act has no place in the freest city in the freest country in the world,» Bloomberg said.
«Our Military Order of the Purple Heart appreciates that Erie County is honoring those soldiers who have been killed or wounded during wartime combat, for it is their sacrifice along with all other veterans that makes for all Americans to live in a free country as a one America,» said Senior Vice Commander Ward, Military Order of the Purple Heart - Chapter # 187.
If these people are crying over the fact their religious views aren't made into laws, maybe they need to re-consider living in a free country such as the US.
Whenever any belief related matter is touched in this free country with religion and state «separation», all kinds of gloomy insects of any creed crowl out from crevices and start buzzing with hatered and venom aimed at every other creature not like them.
«we see [atheists] openly challenging Christians and insulting them on their own blog page» — as if an atheist speaking on a public forum in a free country is unacceptable — as if «challenging a christian,» let alone any view in a free society, is unacceptable — as if a public blog is his
Then again, I guess in a free country we have to out up with peoples rights to be jerks.
«It's incredibly difficult to know in a free country what you can do.
«No right is more precious in a free country than that of having a voice in the election of those who make the laws under which we live,» Castorina said in a statement.
Peter McWilliams» 1966 libertarian book Ain't Nobody's Business if You Do: The Absurdity of Consensual Crimes in Our Free Country contains an argument against the regulation of «victimless crimes» — its title inspired by the Grainger and Robbins song.
We live in a free country where you're admittedly free to make bad decisions, but by and large the government trusts Americans and doesn't see the need to micro-manage all aspects of daily life.
(In a study of health indicators in 170 countries, the researchers found that «the highest levels of health were in free countries.»)
«We live in a free country and we are not going to tell you what you can and can not do with your body, that's not our job as employers.»
«In a free country, there is no justification for forcing citizens to provide personal information to government,» wrote one.
In a newspaper article from May 1948, Rep. Buffett wrote, «In a free country the monetary unit rests upon a fixed foundation of gold... independent of the ruling politicians... unless you are willing to surrender your children and your country to galloping inflation, war and slavery, then this cause demands your support... we must win the battle to restore honest money.»
Because we fortunately live in a free country and have been provided a choice as to where our money is spent.
Your kind of behavior exists only in America because you are free and allowed to do it in the freest country in the world which was founded on Judeo - Christian beliefs.
Understand that in a free country, there are going to be things you disagree with, and you should simply deal with it.
Oh well, at least we live in a free country and you can believe whatever you want to believe.
Glad to be in a free country.
The great Founder of modern liberalism — John Locke — said that in a free country you'd better be rich if you're going to get old, and, unfortunately in some ways, that's probably more true and more difficult than ever.
Let's force all women to wear burquas on Mohammed's birthday.Doesn't work that way in this country and I am stunned by these comments.We live in a FREE country - got it?If you don't - sign up for remedial civics please.
In a FREE country, the employer, who owns the job, and the employee would both agree voluntarily to the terms of the job — or they wouldn't, and the employer and the job seeker would look elsewhere.
In a FREE country, a court would not be deciding the employment decisions for a company who fired someone who would not carry out the work duties (duties that do not include force, theft, or fraud).
Luckily you live in a free country or she'd be locked away in a prison for the rest of her life.
Also, hopefully there is a chance for Syrian / Iraqi children to excel in life and live in a free country that embraces religious freedom.
they are merely giving them all options open to them in this free country of ours.
Answer: WHy then do 99.99 % of those who convert to Islam stay as Muslims We are in a free country and anyone can change their faith anytime they want.
I pray that people can understand I have right to practice my beliefs, and not try to force anyone to live like I do, and it's my personal choice to live my life, and not harm anyone because of my personal beliefs, in a free country, and say I have a personal Savior in Jesus Christ and no one has to agree.
You say you want to live in a free country?
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