Sentences with phrase «in a great while there»

Acknowledging that once in a great while there is a brilliant solo tinkerer like Thomas Edison or Steve Jobs, the vast majority of seasoned, successful entrepreneurs thrive through building a unique team of talent.

Not exact matches

While there are no current plans, Fielding says the company «is a great IPO opportunity,» which he's keeping in mind.
While some artists will continue to have reservations about having their work featured in ads, Gardner and Hayman say there is still a greater likelihood of people finding a new band or their favourite new song in a television show these days than there was a decade ago.
There are many tips for delivering a great presentation, and while it is important to grab your audience at the beginning, what you do at the end can make all the difference in your presentation's overall impact and success.
While there are plenty of unknowns about the shape and form of podcasting's growth, Wall is optimistic that podcast lovers have plenty to look forward to: «There will be plenty of great new podcasts coming out in the next there are plenty of unknowns about the shape and form of podcasting's growth, Wall is optimistic that podcast lovers have plenty to look forward to: «There will be plenty of great new podcasts coming out in the next There will be plenty of great new podcasts coming out in the next year.
I had a lot of anxieties about moving into my first apartment, and while I think the roomies and I did a great job at making our apartment feel like a real home, there are definitely a few things we could have thought a bit more about before moving in together.
And while great leaders may sometimes be born that way, there are certain traits that great leaders share in common that anyone can practice and adopt to become more effective.
While the College Football Playoff will garner the most attention, there's plenty of other great bowl games to enjoy in the mean time, and for gamblers, there's plenty of money left to be made.
But while Patagonia is great at what it does, there are other brands out there for those in love with the great outdoors.
So, while it is tempting to invest in Brazil now that change seems to be afoot, there's still a great deal of uncertainty on the horizon.
As with any new type of television technology, 4K won't be found in the average home for a while — many out there have yet to upgrade to HD — but it's the latest and greatest TV screen to strive for.
The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know neither victory nor defeat.
While there are some commonalities in all great throwers — eyes level, release point, location of the nonthrowing hand — their deliveries differ.
While there is no doubt Internet marketing is a great way to generate brand awareness, it's becoming increasingly difficult to keep pace with the changes happening in this domain.
While there is a great deal of detailed discussion in the blogosphere about Japan's unsettling age demographics (see example), it...
The financial sector, large and small, is doing great in terms of profitability (and that's before all their goodies in the tax cuts), credit is freely flowing, and while there's always speculation afoot in financial markets, there are no large and potentially destabilizing credit bubbles.
There is a great deal of disagreement between those who seem to think that monetary policy is largely ineffective and those, known as monetarists, who followed Keynes in attaching importance to changes in the demand for money while berating him for not stressing the inflationary impact of money creation.
While there are some signs of recognition such as the Fed's reduction in its estimated neutral rate from 4.5 percent to 3.0 percent during the last 2 years, the IMF's explicit use of the term secular stagnation in its World Economic Outlook, ECB president Mario Draghi's call for global coordination and greater use of fiscal policy, and Japan's indicated interest in fiscal - monetary cooperation, policymakers still have not made sufficiently radical adjustments in their world view to reflect this new reality of a world where generating adequate nominal GDP growth is likely to be the primary macroeconomic policy challenge for the next decade.
While setting up 401 (k) accounts for your company might not be feasible, there are lots of great options to save for retirement in a tax advantaged account when you are self - employed.
While there's a great deal of variation across individual market cycles, that's roughly the historical average for a 5.25 year market cycle: a 135 % gain, a 30 % loss, and a 65 % full - cycle return (about 10 % compounded annually, with the full - cycle return coming in at less than half of the bull market gain).
For those in this bracket of the work force, it is essential to realize just how much opportunity, benefits and advantages there are when it comes to having nonprofit insurance at hand, especially as a great means to a stable and secure future while at work and even through the years of retirement.
If an investor has any money on the sidelines, or are still in the accumulation phase of life, there's a great opportunity after a stock market correction to invest in equities while stocks are on sale, Westerman said.
While the types of offers we mentioned above are all great options for marketing offers, there are a number of qualities that an offer should possess in order for it to be effective for lead generation and nurturing.
While economists can agree that trade liberalization benefits economies at the macro level, at the micro level there are always those who see welfare gains, and those whose immediate welfare is reduced as a result of the (necessary) changes in the economy brought about by greater overall efficiencies.
While there's no guarantee for the success of any business, by avoiding these five business killers as best as you can, you'll get your business off to a great start and stack the odds in your favor.
While there is a seasonal pattern in auction clearances, such that they tend to decline over the second half of the year, the fall in clearance rates in November and December 2003 was noticeably greater than in the previous two years (Graph 31).
Once upon a time, there was a young man who got his dream job in the financial services industry, thought he could make it big one day and worked hard at it, then got disillusioned and disgusted by what he saw around, and finally quit to live a life of greater peace and fulfillment, while pursuing his passion in value investing.
In our discussions with companies located there, we casino pa natet have found that while things aren't great in Europe, they don't appear as bad as the last several weeks and months of market action would seem to indicatIn our discussions with companies located there, we casino pa natet have found that while things aren't great in Europe, they don't appear as bad as the last several weeks and months of market action would seem to indicatin Europe, they don't appear as bad as the last several weeks and months of market action would seem to indicate.
While everyone is debating over someones hurt feelings, the entire economy is in meltdown, soldiers are spilling blood on foreign soil in a war that no one can remember why we are there, we now have a government that is destroying practically everything this once great nation stood for.
So while yes, mercy is a theme of recent popes, and there is of course great popular devotion to Divine Mercy, I haven't seen the concept used in discussions about church policy in quite this way before.
Also, while you may be able to «find» meaning in life as an atheist, this meaning can not possibly be anything more than personal (subjective) wish fulfillment in denial of greater reality, that there is no meaning.
While there is great diversity in these characters, there are also traits and ideas that unite them.
@Linda, while I absolutely agree with your comment, for me there is an even greater and broader purpose in pursuing this conversation in a public place: so that people can become aware of some of the deceptive (whether intentionally or not) and dangerous behaviours and practices that sometimes (often?)
While there is great respect for the traditional liturgy and worship of the Episcopal Church, the place is totally devoid of the stuffiness and stiffness you encounter in some more traditional churches whose favorite refrain seems to be, «we've always done it this way» with a subtle undertone of «please don't break anything.»
While it is manifestly true that there is a great faith which has long been the secret of life in Western man, does not the ordinary church, whether in New York, Middletown, or Gopher Prairie, provide such a caricature of this faith that it is really a joke?
While our increasingly global readership gives us great encouragement, we are especially keen that our efforts become known here in the UK, where we believe there is a real need for such practical support.
For in the Old Covenant such as it appeared in history there was much that was right and willed by God, but there were also a great many errors, wrong developments and depraved ideas, while there was no permanent infallible authority to separate the two.
So, while it's good to have places of safety, can we say that in order to be great it's always going to be necessary to be prepared to be misjudged, mocked and hated and there is a need to be prepared for that and engage with it if issues like this are to be addressed?
And while the new «social history,» which wants to do history from the bottom up, has taught us many things, there are still occasions when great men do bend history's curve in a different direction; Liberating a Continent is also a useful reminder of that.
While great strides have been made in the world of preventable disease, there is still a long road ahead.
To say this presupposes that in all men and women there is some working of deity, varying in degree and intensity, while those in whom there is a greater fullness of response to the divine working become more adequately the personal instruments for God.
But he became hungry and was desiring to eat; but while they were making preparations, HE FELL INTO A TRANCE; and he saw the sky opened up, and an object like a great sheet coming down, lowered by four corners to the ground, and there were in it all kinds of four - footed animals and crawling creatures of the earth and birds of the air.
There was a great article in Sports illustrated a while back that spoke of how coaches were forced by parents of black and white children to play them at positions based on race.
The former camp were highly concerned with packing as much theological and biblical knowledge into each song as possible, while the latter adopted the strategy of reaching hip - hop culture by fitting into it, and there's more great Christian - focused hip - hop being made, which will appeal to more fans, than at any point in the genre's history.
That is, while there may be many circumstances in which faithfulness calls for sacrifice of bodily enjoyment, the bodily enjoyment that is thereby sacrificed for a greater good is, in itself, also affirmed to be good.
So while we will not appeal to revelation, there are insights about God that have been developed through the ages, passed on by the great religions, and confirmed or maybe even originated in our own lives.
He is a great preacher, and I still feel like this is backwards somehow: like he should be the one up there preaching while I sit in the front row.
And while it is true that such an approach does offer a more «down to earth» understanding of the relation of mind to nature, here there is a seemingly equal tendency to assign too great a role to the place of nature in the general scheme of things, resulting in the general devaluation of reason or mind.
There is so much activity of this kind that, while some consideration should be given to the sense of having been wounded in the past, our greatest emphasis should be on the new wounds that are being inflicted in the name of national security, in the name of anticommunism, in the name of patriotism.
The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.
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