Sentences with phrase «in a hand basket»

Instead, it turns out the world's economy has gone to hell in a hand basket because there's too much oil to fetch a good price.
It all goes to hell in a hand basket once humans stop «pointing out the way» and start enforcing «belief».
The amount will never go up or down, even if the economy, stock market, real estate market or interest rates go to that hot place in a hand basket.
The material sounds light and kid - friendly, but it all goes to hell in a hand basket in its second act.
I do find it a bit arrogant of some agents to think that literature will go hell in a hand basket without them.
This all goes to hell in a hand basket once he's manipulated.
The CHOICE Act would also roll back SIFI criteria for what are termed «living wills» — essentially these are liquidation resolution plans under bankruptcy laws to be implemented if things go to heck in a hand basket.
We have seen many stocks go to hell in a hand basket so selling now might not be the swiftest thing to do.
The world is going to Hell in a hand basket primarily during YOUR lifetime because... let me guess... YOU are HERE!!
I always go worst - case scenario in my head and then when things go well, then I'm happy and if everything goes to hell in a hand basket then well, I'm ready for it!
Each item must be collected separately, bagged and put in a hand basket.
I wonder what he would have made of the current generation of despicable trolls on the Internet who sent us to fascism in a hand basket?
Peak oil was the notion, much talked about in the early Aughts, that after a maximum point of oil extraction had been reached, the world's economy would go to hell in a hand basket because there wouldn't be enough oil to do all the stuff we humans want to do with it.
Therefore, GLD is probably one of the most secure and efficient ways to own gold, should you believe the world is going to that place in a hand basket.
As a matter of fact, we had very serious interest in 2007 from a financial investor, but that ended when markets went to hell in a hand basket.
But since you will never be first on the scene, there will always be something to make your little darling seem expensive: Competition is lurking imminently, the stock has already run up, or the market is going to hell in a hand basket
I used to not want kids because I thought the world was going to hell in a hand basket.
There's a pessimism that the world is going to hell in a hand basket and the best we can do is hope Jesus will come back.
I m sure he would love nothing better than to spread the lie that christians are a bunch of petty academics splitting hairs while the world is going to hell in a hand basket.
Most of us evangelicals in Canada, regardless of personal beliefs about homosexuality, can admit that since same - sex marriage has been legalised in Canada, our society has not gone to hell in a hand basket, nor has traditional marriage, or our families been under attack.
This whole world is going to h * ll in a hand basket.
And since they believe theirs is the only true religion, they also believe that the great majority of people are going to hell in a hand basket.
And what happens when the bottom drops out of everything we know to have seen all that we thought was secure, and the world going to hell in a hand basket — which incidently, it already is.
Yea... I'd say America is pretty much going to hell in a hand basket.
Now, it's just gone to hell in a hand basket.
No, Mommy doesn't mean it when she answers, «to Hell in a hand basket» when you ask her where you are going today for the 46th time.
Other things Sax cites as clear signs the world is going to hell in a hand basket: Kids today wear obnoxious T - shirts, TV shows aren't as good as they used to be, and Miley Cyrus.
We'll see if it works out that way, but Gov. Cuomo has turned a blind eye before on his commitments with «Progressives» and when this election is over, he may just tell the WFP to go to hell in a hand basket.
Legislatures have time to party and howl like a bunch of high schoolers while the State goes to hell in a hand basket.
Repeatedly, Iñárritu and Arriaga stop themselves just short of suggesting that we're all going to hell in a hand basket.
everything pretty much goes to hell in a hand basket.
It is my opinion that weimaraners are rapidly «going to hell in a hand basket».
Well, our world wouldn't be going to hell in a hand basket!
Entitled Last Raven, it featured a complex branching narrative occurring over a 24 hour period where the entire world was going to hell in a hand basket.
I have a problem with the fact that the world feels like it's on fire and we're all going to hell in a hand basket — and an artist can just paint white on white?
The astronomical divorce rate can lead one to speculate that our society is going to hell in a hand basket.
So, all of my original ideas of painting the pair of chairs and covering them with just the right fabric went to hell in a hand basket.
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