Sentences with phrase «in a huff»

A week after the coup, he was visited by Pigeon and an associate, who left in a huff after 10 minutes, a witness recalled.
He eventually leaves in a huff after answering the question of what brought him to the event with a joke about mushrooms and fungi.
And now in the huff because it is not in store any longer... off to trawl ebay.
The fact that Rise of the Tomb Raider is getting a Season Pass isn't much to get in a huff about.
The bartender walked away in a huff without asking if I wanted something else.
I'm not a betting man but if I was I would put a fair amount of money that Liam Fox will resign in a huff in the next 18 months.
Even if you're prolific, there's a limit to how often you're going to release a new book, but common newsletter - publishing wisdom suggests that you stay in touch with your subscribers so they don't forget about you (and then unsubscribe in a huff when they get a random email six months after they've signed up).
I know this because of when the $ 50 «bonus» for cashing in $ 200 reported went away in July, I called in a huff, wanting to know why I wasn't notified.
About 15 years ago, when the original Lexus RX appeared, I wrote in a huff, «If you think the Hamptons are «the country,» then this is your «off - road» vehicle.»
Frankly, those who left in a huff never would have been paying customers anyway.
The natural progression of a fight like this is that, one of us — usually me — will start cleaning the house in a huff.
that might result in an even «badder» deal than his predecessor signed with Iran or forcing him to storm out of the negotiations in a huff.
Most of the criticism in Germany this morning is being aimed at the pro-business Free Democratic Party, whose leader Christian Lindner triggered the collapse of talks by walking out late on Sunday evening, in a huff over immigration, tax cuts, and environmental policy.
He reportedly left the theater in a huff, though, and later said the only thing the filmmakers got right was his fashion sense... or lack thereof.
So when the public - address announcer, who is about half the age of Max's uniform (the one with the question mark on the back), blows the introduction to the Rock Around the Clock number, Max stalks off the field in a huff.
His program was somewhat defined by quarterback Todd Marinovich, who left USC in a huff, basically, following the 1990 season.
They didn't have a single player called up to Japan's recent East Asian Championship squad — Kawasaki had five — while last year former club legend Shunsuke Nakamura decamped to Jubilo Iwata in a huff.
She, at the point, verbally doubted that I had, indeed done any worthy research, told me the doctor would talk to me, and left the room in a huff.
It's hard to feel good as a parent when you can't even get his socks on, when every word you've said to him has been a reprimand, when the innocent act of serving tuna casserole instead of the expected tacos incites a riot, when you realize you've left more public places in a huff with your child in five years than most parents do in a lifetime.
The discussion online seems to be focusing on sugar per se and my feelings about it — as if I just couldn't countenance the number of sugar grams in HISD breakfasts for one more minute, threw up my hands and marched off the committee in a huff.
My son then crawled into the tunnel in a huff, relieved to be away from his sister.
And before anyone gets all in a huff, I'm talking about factors other than medical reasons that make a woman physically unable to nurse.
Last month he turned the sprinklers on when CBS 2 tried to interview him there and he did walk out in a huff during an interview «Eye on New York,» but Wednesday was first time he was caught on tape being so uncontrollably angry.
After the clip ran, one scientist stood and declared in a huff that activism had no place in science.
Pym resigns from the agency in a huff and we jump forward 25 years.
There will be spoilsports on both sides — one anticipates the nasty racists, but there may also be intellectuals in a huff: «The white audience certainly gets off watching all this black - on - black violence!»
The transition from satire to love story is a tricky one, and writer - director Andrew Bujalski («Computer Chess,» «Funny Ha Ha») fumbles most with Trevor, who takes over as Danny's trainer after Kat quits her job in a huff after one too many run - ins with jerk clients.
Seemingly in a huff because he is told to leave, he returns with a revolver killing all three card players.
Says iUniverse in a huff why sticking out her tongue at her older half sister.
In art, success doesn't announce itself so easily; that's why critics end up in a huff toward the end of the year, trying to sort out the «great» from the mere «good.»
She then sank «the line», the cherished privilege of hanging paintings just at the viewer's eyeline on the wall, which in centuries past has caused artists to trade insults or even punches, or withdraw their work entirely in a huff.
Among the people notably absent at the Paris opening were Baselitz, whom Werner hasn't spoken to in 15 years, and Anselm Kiefer, who left the gallery in a huff in 1979.
Do I put some stock in huffing and puffing?
Don't stay in a huff about how good you are.
Typically, for example, the one who leaves during an argument does so in a huff, with some parting shots about being «done» with talking, or worse, done with the relationship.
One time my girlfriend stormed out of our session in a huff, but Ms Adelman went after her, calmed her down and got her to come back to the session.
But Ben & Jerry's may face the prospect of marketing the names of two men who quit in a huff.
Malcolm Rifkind - arrogant, notable for making a remark to US Congressmen including a certain Senator John McCain and some other Vietnam vets that they had no concept of what it was like to be at war, went off in a huff when he wasn't given the role of Shadow Foreign Secretary.
He stomped up to the barn / stage in a huff to discover about 10 people swaying in the dirt at 4 am while the DJ lay passed out over the mixing whatsit DJs do their thing over.
he wrote in a huff, «because here [in Rome] I'm known only as Michelangelo Buonarroti, and if a Florentine citizen wants to have an altarpiece painted, he must find himself a painter.
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