Sentences with phrase «in a lot of trouble at»

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«I moved to Canada at a time when there was a lot of violence and insecurity in Colombia, and whenever I thought about the conflict, the trouble always seemed to stem from the inequality between the rich and the poor,» she says.
If you look at your friend's paper, it's called cheating and you get in a lot of trouble for it.
They can't sell without creating a loss and they dare not do that because it gets them in trouble with the Republicans and the House who don't understand monetary policy at all, but have a lot of opinions on it.
I had in my heart and tongue the Name of Allah when ever I had fears, troubles or depression of any kind but from Jan 05 1995 when had lost my father and second brother in a car accident, it was the time I really felt am alone at age of 33 to face all the challenges my father has left upon me to run and manage among other partners therefore had been investigating the Quran as to understanding every word of it rather than to memorize it, have been did a lot of reciting verses of prayers begging God to look upon me and give me strength... am sure through such difficult times if I had no faith in God I would have perished and lost every thing long ago... Another thing my heart always gave me signs and my mind gave me logic of what to believe although have read many books abroad in my youth of many beliefs out of curiosity but could not belief in other than that God is one and Muhammed is his last prophet in all belief of the Quran he brought upon me / us in all that it says... Should mention at times had experienced dreams seeing signs and warnings long in advance of things going to happen A year or more before losing my father in a car accident I had seen him in my dream good bye wearing white cloth and going to board a tourist ship all crew dressed in white uniform rolling a red carpet on front of him and when was on the top of the stairs weaver smiling good bye... seen in another dream how or wealth will be stolen and what I will hold... so many things like that..
David Garcia, a former gang member who now Ministers at the House of Worship Christian Center, believes that troubled kids will be the ones most hurt by the ban: «In schools there's a lot of violence going on.
For a god / guy who urges everyone to believe in him to be saved he could have saved a lot of trouble and torment by at least giving his followers something other than hearsay.
The other day, at a small group I attended, someone expressed concern for me because there is a lot of stuff going on in our community right now: illnesses, the threat of death, marriages in serious trouble, depression... the kind of things that take time to deal with.
The fact that James, a player notoriously good at staying out of foul trouble, collected four personal fouls in the fourth quarter alone says a lot about the inconsistency in that area.
Well the sale of Gonzalo Higuain has done a lot to inflate the prices of players in European football and if Belotti continues his current form I'm sure Torino would have no trouble in finding potential suitors at that price.
She also was having lots of trouble sleeping in her own bed at night.
I had a lot of trouble getting pregnant and wasnt even sure I was ever going to have the chance to be a momma at all so there is alot invested in her nursing.
So seeing somebody in hospital, but also, once you get home, having trouble at home, a lot of moms are discharged even before their milk comes in, and then the milk comes in sometimes, if there are issues with engorgement or whatever the issue may be, but a lot of moms have a tendency to wait and see, there is this sort of mentality of, «breastfeeding is natural and I should be able to do this, I shouldn't need help», but it really is a learned skill and it's better to get help sooner rather than later because the sooner breastfeeding problems are addressed, the better chance we have of being able to resolve them.
My 3 year old has a speech problem he is nit quite at the communication level he should be at and he has a lot of trouble telling me things and is quite angry all the time there has not been a day that we do not have a tantrum at a store or while in the park.
Devo, I didn't choose ST because they do not allow rooming - in (or so I was told), and someone told me they make a lot of trouble at night if you want to nurse the baby.
Nature seems to go to a lot of trouble in regulating the baby's vitamin K levels: the level at birth gradually rises over the eight days following birth to a higher level.
Fourthly there is the combined affect of all them, the culumulative image of a government in trouble you get when lots of bad news stories come all at once (take for example Labour's «Black Wednesday» in April 2006 when they were hit with the foriegn prison scandal, John Prescott's affair and Patricia Hewitt being heckled by nurses in a single day).
While child protective services workers spend a lot of time working with troubled families, a new study from the University at Buffalo finds those workers need new tools to spot families in which there is chronic child neglect.
There's going to be a lot of trouble over Scotland, and it will go back to Cameron's poor judgement in allowing such a long campaign and then panicking at the end of it.»
I got heavily involved in unionizing black workers, which got me into an awful lot of trouble because it was illegal at the time.
They found that one group of flies, with a mutation in the gene they would later call Wide Awake (or Wake for short), had trouble falling asleep at night, a malady that looked a lot like sleep - onset insomnia in humans.
Merle Waxman, ombudsperson and director of the Office for Women in Medicine at Yale Medical School, says that a lot of problems stem from miscommunication, and in particular, e-mail often gets people into trouble.
The past few days there were a lot of comments from people who are having serious troubles or difficulties, and it makes me think of how not so long ago I was in the same boat (going through a break - up, hate my job, hate my body, bad relationship with my mom, fighting with a friend) and it felt to me like it all happened at once and it would never end (i.e. depression).
They found a lot of trouble at school, and the single mothers are struggling to keep them in line.
The great thing is trouble is a heck of a lot less likely in a Miata since it feels like you are flying even at legal speeds.
T - Mobile thought it was okay to change my order to one of the worthless Curves they already have in stock, (which they realize they will have a lot of trouble selling for even 50 bucks at this point) and decide to send me this, charge me 99.99 with a $ 50 mail in rebate... because they are «temporarily out of stock».
«So it looked like instead of accumulating more debt, which is something that we would expect in times of trouble, we saw that at a time when things were the worst, the debt actually dropped a lot
Debt consolidation has quite a lot of advertisement both online and offline; the trouble with this is that advertisement only focuses on the virtues of a particular thing and this can persuade people to make decisions that are not in their best interest at the end of the day.
So, when you're looking at bankruptcy as a solution you're saying, look, I really am in a lot of financial trouble and I can't afford to deal with these debts.
A previous example occurred in August 2007 when a lot of them got into trouble at the same time.
Even those new to credit should avoid opening too many credit lines at the same time, since such behavior could suggest they are in financial trouble by needing significant access to lots of credit.
But people who spend a lot of time outside their home environment and leave their dog at home are in for big trouble.
There has been a lot of news about troubles at the U.S. Postal Service lately, and its plight can be summed up in one word — email.
The trouble is that a lot of consumers don't actually look at the true value of what it is that they are receiving in return for their loyalty.
- the scene at the beginning of a ceremony caused Shimamura a bit of trouble - the lines of the ritual did not properly reflect Zelda's personality, her motivations, her powerlessness, and awkwardness - Shimamura talked about it with Naoki Mori (who was in charge of Cinematic Design, including screenplay, and cutscenes)- the whole thing was rewritten several times, until they arrived at the final result - there's quite a lot of scenes she really likes in the game - her favorite line is the «Yes» Princess Zelda gives as an answer to the Deku Tree in a particular scene - in that scene, Zelda thinks about what she should do, but she can not see it at all - she refuses to give up, and wants to give hope to Link - Shimamura tried to convey all of those feelings through the single «Yes» she spoke - recording felt completely different than for animation, the dubbing of (foreign) movies, or other games - there was no fixed routine of how to approach it, as all different things were being tried out - lines were redone even after other lines were implemented in the game, as the team found better ways to say things - Shimamura finally managed to beat the game the other day, but she wants to keep practicing her shield surfing - Shimamura explains that she really gave it her whole when voicing Princess Zelda, to give her emotions - she hopes that players will remember their memories of Princess Zelda
For better or worse, at least the story is easy to follow for non-fans, a concept the franchise has had a lot of trouble with in the past.
If the monster can eat enough to evolve to level two, however, the playing field becomes more even, and at level three the hunters are in a lot of trouble.
I fear that, if you take away the Kinect controls, people will notice just how much Kinect Disneyland sucks.With the Kinect controls, you at least have fun in the minigames and have a lot of trouble navigating the park, so you kinda don't notice.
Animal Crossing is a very popular series for Nintendo that helps shift a lot of hardware, and while the company appears to have no trouble shifting consoles at the moment, an Animal Crossing title in the future is a a good guarantee of enticing players new and old.
Mr. Salle's essays are occasionally critical — in reviewing Frank Stella's recent show at the Whitney, for example, he says the artist's paintings of the last decade generally «leave us with a feeling of an awful lot of energy being expended to no particular end, of being more trouble than they're worth.»
I focus a lot on hotspots for social or environmental troubles in the tropics, so it's worth stepping back once in awhile to point to areas where the great tapestry of life is still dizzyingly rich — at least for now.
If you take the time and trouble to do this, you will be able to place a lot more of the current discussion in its proper context and you will have a greater understanding of where we are at.
Further, if someone tells you that the mode (highest value) of their distribution of estimates for the ECS is at 1.6 or 4.2 K, the fact that the distribution has a width of a few degrees means that they are really saying something very different than if they say 3 K, and if their distribution extends much below 1.5 K they are in trouble with just about every other estimate and a lot of very basic physics.
At globalchange (re: Pat Michaels may be in a lot of trouble, message 11), I said that... climate change has not been a politicized field of study.
Sam Glover: Where the marketing and sales start blending together is on your website, in your Google search results, right like that's where people start making decisions about whether to even enter into any sort of a transaction with you and so if you're having trouble you want to sort of break that up into multiple pieces like at which point do you think people are falling off, have you spent a lot of money on SEO and you think it's performing well and you're not getting clients out of it?
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