Sentences with phrase «in a multicultural society»

A Key Stage 4 lesson looking at the advantages and disadvantages of living in a multicultural society.
Thanks to the increasing interactions between people in this multicultural society, a lot of people actually look forward to knowing people belonging to different racial backgrounds.
Diversity within unity: Essential principles for teaching and learning in a multicultural society.
The model described in the preceding pages is one of crossing barriers in the multicultural society.
To what extent are traditional British values still relevant to artists in our multicultural society?
She is also interested in the experiences of living in a multicultural society and the influences this can have.
It does so by becoming financially self - sufficient, by having its own building (often ethnic parishes remain in lease or rental arrangements for years — a sign that they have no physical or psychological territory in the larger church) and by providing both lay and clerical leadership in the multicultural society and church structures.
You can't really dictate that sort of thing in a multicultural society like the U.S.,» said Diana Loguzzo, U.S. marketing manager for Diesel Clothing.
We need a post-Vatican Two equivalent, something both truly Catholic and yet usable in our multicultural society, something that will get us out of the ghetto we are still largely in, but not in order to conform to middle - class culture, rather to call it to conversion, alongside Christians of other Churches moved by the same zeal.
But he said the recent controversy in Birmingham, where six non-faith schools have been put into special measures and a further five criticised following allegations of a plot by hardline Muslims to infiltrate them, had raised important questions about the relationship between education and religion in a multicultural society.
Interactions in the multicultural society: More and more people continue to throng universities in the United States in search of better opportunities.
«Neither position makes much sense in a multicultural society,» says Charles Haynes, executive director of First Liberty Institute at George Mason University (Education Digest, December 1996).
Multiple literacies and critical pedagogy in a multicultural society.
On the other side, human rights campaigners say the section offers some protection for minorities against hate - mongers, necessary particularly in a multicultural society such as Canada.
It is true that not everyone in our multicultural society celebrates Christmas; and it is important to acknowledge that.
Intentional Interviewing and Counseling: Facilitating Client Development in a Multicultural Society
, The challenge of permanency planning in a multicultural society (pp. 1 - 8).
Programs affirm and strengthen families» cultural, racial, and linguistic identities and enhance their ability to function in a multicultural society.
On one hand, some proponents of fostering racially and ethnically diverse student bodies in higher education facilely proclaim that diversity is crucial, as college is considered a training ground for life in our multicultural society.
The world has shrunk and we live in a multicultural world and in multicultural societies.
It has scenes of powerful emotion, but because of its large cast, it is more about ideas than lives, especially the idea that in a multicultural society, racism is more complex than we like to think, and doesn't sort its victims into the good and the evil but finds everyone can be a little of both.
In order for prospective teachers to become effective teachers in our multicultural society, they must first understand their own identities as complex multidimensional people in a multicultural society.
«In our multicultural society, culturally responsive teaching reflects democracy at its highest level.
«In a multicultural society,» the decision states, «it is not a breach of anyone's freedom of religion to be required to learn (or teach) about the doctrines and ethics of other world religions in a neutral and respectful way...»
In our multicultural society, Christmas, although important to many people, is still not everyone's holiday.
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