Sentences with phrase «in a neutral position»

If you are unable to hold your spine in this neutral position during the lift then this is a sign that you need to lower the weight.
Keep the head in a neutral position as you look forward with quiet and receptive eyes.
Keep the shoulders back, a natural arch in the lower back, and the head and neck in a neutral position throughout the exercise.
Try to keep your lower back in a neutral position throughout.
It is often associated with weak abdominal muscles that are not able to hold the low back and pelvis in their neutral position where the pelvis is like a level bowl.
The spine is supposed to be kept in a neutral position when doing the plank.
To perform them, you'll need a pull - up bar that has neutral or parallel grip handles that put your hands in a neutral position with your palms facing each other.
Many people don't have their wrists in a neutral position when doing this exercise.
Turn signal switch must be left in the neutral position when the car's off or it leaves the parking lights on.
Your legs should be straight and your trunk in a neutral position.
Your elbows should continue to point forward and wrists stay in the neutral position.
A tail held in a neutral position indicates a neutral mood.
The back must remain in a neutral position throughout the movement.
Your job is to find your available range and then position your joints in that neutral position.
Contract your abs — this will keep your spine rigid, chin in a neutral position, and will allow your chest to brush the floor.
But when you are a beginner trying to learn hip drive, it is much easier to keep your head in a neutral position like I talked about in the previous section.
Remember to keep your head and back straight in a neutral position.
It is normal for the upper lip to rest in a neutral position at the breast.
Start with the kettlebell at shoulder height and your hand in neutral position.
Slowly lower your body, under control, until your arms are fully extended with your shoulders in a neutral position.
Keep your neck in a neutral position by looking straight down.
With your palm starting in neutral position (facing your body), press the kettlebell overhead until your arm is fully extended and rotating the hand so your palm is facing ahead.
The U shaped neck pillow allows you keep your head in a neutral position while sleeping.
Keep your head in a neutral position between your upper arms.
The woman in the pictures should have her head and neck in a neutral position through out the swing, meaning she should be looking slightly downward at the bottom of the swing.
There should be a slight curve of your lower back so that your spine is in a neutral position rather than pressed to the ground.
The trunk should be on the bench in a neutral position with the feet on the floor in a stable and comfortable position.
I can replicate the noise by parking the car with the wheel in neutral position and applying all my body weight to the front left area of the car.
If your dog is indeed happy and relaxed, you can expect his tail to move in a sweeping side - to - side motion in a neutral position.
There is a tail held high, in a neutral position level with the spine, held low or tucked under.
The ideal marriage counselor is one who is unbiased and who works in a neutral position to help the couple resolve their issues.
Use your lower back muscles to keep your spine and pelvis in a neutral position.
Again, on this exercise, it is key to keep your lower back in a neutral position, never letting it round.
You should have your feet on the ground and your trunk in a neutral position.
Slowly extend your right leg behind you, keeping the inner thigh lifted toward the ceiling so your leg stays in a neutral position.
Contract your abs, keep your chin in a neutral position, and ensure your feet are shoulder - width apart.
Keeping your head in a neutral position, push through your heels to drive your body upward and slightly back as quickly as you can.
Push the dumbbells up, keeping your back and head straight in a neutral position.
The reinforced thumb loop design on both the stiff and medium stiff wraps keeps them in place, ultimately securing your wrists in a neutral position.
Your trunk should still be in a neutral position at this bottom position.
In trap bars, you need to have your shoulders in a neutral position and your hands facing one another.
The trunk should be in a neutral position with the arms and legs straight.
Begin with your HAVA or SlingEZee in the neutral position, with the rings a bit higher than corsage position.
Keep your core tight and your spine in neutral position as you hinge forward at your hips, letting the kettlebell fall towards the floor and your left leg extend up and back.
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