Sentences with phrase «in a patriarchal society»

Using this quote as a springboard, begin your discussion by considering the central role of women in the patriarchal society portrayed in the novel.
It's part of the pressures of living in a patriarchal society that in general men can't understand.
Do these traits pair with male and female because of biological maleness and femaleness, or because of the social formation of gender in patriarchal society?
Surely, the more severe biblical condemnation of male homosexuality was not unrelated to the status of the male in a patriarchal society.
Monogamy was invented so that in a patriarchal society men could be sure they were only furthering their own lineage.
However powerless the woman may be in relation to other social forces in a patriarchal society, she is powerful in relation to the fetus.
It can't be otherwise, written 2,000 years ago in a patriarchal society.
As Ignacio introduced me to feminism and liberation, Ed taught me about homosexuals and the suffering they undergo in a patriarchal society.
These theories reinforce a widespread feeling of revulsion toward homosexuality in patriarchal societies.
Ok so the cartoon would be consistent with the idea of «the patriarchy» and the bible written in a patriarchal society being sexist, and the culture being sexist and that being true today.
The concern we see is centered around the proper ordering of gender roles in a patriarchal society
I suppose that is why the ordination of women is finally, for me, an, inadequate expression of the essence of feminine theology, just as obtaining the vote in patriarchal societies proved illusory in terms of granting women civil liberties at the beginning of the century.
«This feminine archetype was very threatening in a patriarchal society, which generally accepted power, morality, and wisdom flowed from God to kings and noblemen and then spread to the rest of society.
The strength of the male conceptualization in patriarchal societies is demonstrated by female internalization of ideas that damage their well being.
Delicately wrought yet impactful, she fully embodied the vulnerability and tenacity of a woman pushed to challenge status quo in a patriarchal society.
Hungry for Love / Adua e le compagne Antonio Pietrangeli, 1960, Italy, 35 mm, 106m Italian with English subtitles A trio of iconic European actresses — Simone Signoret, Emmanuelle Riva, and Sandra Milo — headline this potent, proto - feminist portrait of down - and - out women fighting to beat the odds in a patriarchal society.
The theme of illness in the film becomes a terrain on which to contest the function, desirability and validity of a woman's selfhood in a patriarchal society that constrains how she presents herself and processes her emotions.
It turns a series of unfortunate events into a fable of the exhausting effects of persistence in a patriarchal society.
Against the backdrop of getting that story, we meet a group of women carving their own paths in a patriarchal society.
Simone and Rev Easter were women who held power in this patriarchal society.
Leni Zumas refers to her protagonists by these descriptors, invoking the reductive distance from which women are viewed in a patriarchal society: «That's someone's daughter.»
In the cleverly named piece, «Spit / Swallow» (2016), the flashing neon sculpture depicts how women vacillate between submission and rebellion in patriarchal society.
A good example of this is the changes made to silence women in a patriarchal society, especially after the religion was co-opted by the Romans.
Despite our #metoo times, we still live in a patriarchal society, and the Tracys of the world are more common than people think.
«We live in a patriarchal society — it's just that way,» she says.
Other rules were obviously nothing more than to subjugate women in a patriarchal society.
What he fails to understand is that, in a patriarchal society, a woman need not be raped to be oppressed or coerced.
In a patriarchal society, it is common that women are not allowed to have a personal sense of sexuality.
In a patriarchal society, women are not allowed that freedom of expression, it is another way the women are dominated into submission — only a man can control her sexuality, a woman can not be allowed to control it herself.
In addition to the inherently religious and spiritually transcendent depiction of Joan's (Renée Marie Falconetti) tragic and uncompromising ultimate sacrifice, Dreyer's humanist sentiment also transforms The Passion of Joan of Arc into a socially relevant and harrowing reflection of the senseless persecution of women in a patriarchal society.
Artists since Jackson Pollock get asked that all the time, at least implicitly, in the patriarchal societies of both China and America.
Through various mediums, the exhibiting artists in the show have used the female body and femininity as a way to subvert the dominance often inflicted on women in a patriarchal society.
It is about time something like this came up in the patriarchal society.
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