Sentences with phrase «in a quandary in»

Jax at Making It Up discusses behavioural issues in a quandary in search of a tip.

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Create quandaries for yourself, in which there are tradeoffs between profits, customer experience, and ethically questionable practices.
It should address both the particular nuances of the company's industry as well as its broader goals for social responsibility and should be concrete enough to serve as a guide for employees in a quandary without laying out rules for every situation that could arise.
But as DeMars says, a written set of rules will never anticipate every situation — and not every ethical quandary will offer choices in black and white.
Large companies are in something of a quandary.
A member of the Under 20 Thiel community, Jackson recently gave an inspiring and thought - provoking Tedx Talk about this quandary in software development.
One such quandary is called computer vision, the process of programming machines to recognize objects in images, something conventional computers don't do very well.
I'm tackling such quandaries in my book, but like I said, I can't help but get a bit blue knowing the direction in which the trends are pointing.
The answer to this quandary is deceptively simple: We must shift our focus away from what individuals do when hurricanes strike, and turn our attention to the social, economic, and environmental conditions in which we live.
This presents a quandary for smaller companies — in particular, tech firms — which have struggled to find enough qualified workers in the U.S. to fill their needs.
That sometimes puts customers in a quandary about when is the best time to buy a Tesla.
That puts central bank officials in a quandary.
The Conservative government is in a quandary about what to do with the surpluses projected to begin in 2015 - 16.
There's no such quandary 8,000 miles away in China, where the «either - or» retail equation is being pushed aside in favor of a model, called «New Retail,» melding the best of both the in - shop and online experiences.
In that sense, the questions do present unresolvable quandaries.
We hear repeatedly of his «ingenuity,» «virtuosity,» «vigorous intellect,» «mental agility,» «agile wit»; he writes poems that are «brilliantly convoluted,» in which «intractable mental puzzles» are pored over and «metaphysical quandaries are addressed, but never resolved.»
In addition, one can find from Protestant churches statement after statement about certain problems or quandaries that may impinge upon the family, such as abortion, gender - roles conflict, and homosexuality.
Rather, its intention is focused on certain moral quandaries or on those who find themselves in troubling situations.
In designating his disciples as his extended family, he provided us with a solution to that quandary.
In resisting the claims of his relatives, he illustrated a contemporary quandary of ours.
I respect your opinion, Jeremy; but I am in no such quandary about the issue of homosexuality, because I do my very best to live the Word of God.
One response to this quandary is attributed to Eusebius of Caesarea in a famous (but possibly forged) letter to Constantine's sister, Constantia.
The multivalent moral quandary is present also in the euthanasia issue.
The fresh point of view possible precisely because I am not you may be just the thing for solving a stalemated quandary, but what we ordinarily mean when we say such things is «If I were myself in your place.»
While Crosby's interest in this article is limited to Tertullian's quandary (and our own) of relating the elements of the Christian university, that is, philosophy, literature, history, and the liberal arts, to the life of redemption and faith, the underlying issue at stake seems easily to extend beyond intellectual culture.
The ICEL translators were, I would infer, confronted with a quandary in this regard.
The churches have really not understood how lonely and in how much of a moral quandary people are during a divorce.»
Here's a solution to the quandary Mr. Farris and allies find themselves in: simply lay aside politics and do as Jesus said - «Treat others the same way you want others to treat you» (Luke 6:31).
I've been in a quandary about what subject to discuss.
I was in just such a quandary as Vinny started out this blog about... I found many interesting things on the internet - but one of them was a «conversation» community which I partook of called THE OOZE.
The Chaldeans now in custody are in the same quandary as Shaou: awaiting Homeland Security to decide their fate, if they are not deported first.
Of the recurring quandaries in Christian theology — suffering, sin, ignorance and death — suffering, historical suffering, appears to have become the chief concern of Protestant theology in the latter 20th century, replacing the «Classical Protestant accent on sin and God's answering word of forgiveness.
While some traditions in the Bible have changed the fact that she is in this quandary is only because she hasn't met the real person Jesus.
Are developments in the «theology of religions» also bound up with the cultural quandary of suffering?
When we understand human nature as the pinnacle and goal of material development it all appears to come to nothing, or at least to frustration, without an end in God - and that quandary can not be answered from within the categories and potential of created being.
Thanks Rene: I am not in a quandary about what is right and wrong — it's not a guessing game.
Moreover, he argues that, since tragedy is an ingredient in every situation, there are no easy solutions to our military and diplomatic quandaries.
Bob's parents mentioned to me that he was still in a quandary about choosing a particular career.
There is a possible solution to this apparent quandary: that Jesus did in fact perform faith healings, at least early in his ministry, and that he intended them as «signs».
No wonder the church is in a quandary.
In deciding whether to think of Jesus as a priest, the early Christians faced a quandary.
These quandaries are made worse by the fact that one of the marks of civilized society is the refusal to take pleasure in punishment.
An attitude of trust in God's fidelity must accompany our understanding of the seemingly irredeemable socio - economic quandaries we find ourselves in today.
One way of responding to this contemporary theological quandary is to think out more fully the implications of a belief in «the universal significance of Christ.»
The ineluctable connections between Christian violence, its global magnification through the West's colonial reach, and the hard quandaries of religious conviction thereby slowly unleashed were in fact sustaining forces within the evolution of modernity.
This leaves me in a bit of a quandary, since the subject I want to address is what it might mean for a university to be Christian.
The everyday moral quandaries that the original Plato and Goldstein's invention encounter offer us double lessons in right action and thought.
As a Protestant, I find myself in the quandary of appreciating the wisdom of the Pope and the Catholic Church but being unable to agree ultimately with various Catholic doctrines.
Somehow I always get myself in a quandary when a recipe says «red chilies».
Well, now I'm in a quandary.
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