Sentences with phrase «in a quantitative way»

If one is drawing quantitative conclusions, one needs to establish the problem in a quantitative way.
What's more, evaluating the scenarios in a quantitative way would be extremely hard for any number of reasons.
I will not answer this question in a quantitative way, which may disappoint those who want numerical forecasts; in fact, I will be making a few criticisms of the simple models that are often employed for this purpose.
We need to design clinical trials and outcomes in a way that captures the downsides of aging in a quantitative way» that allows targets for drug approvals by the FDA.
If the inheritance from previous occasions in the soul is different only in quantitative ways from other routes of inheritance, then I believe it does not, and the consequences must be accepted or the philosophy itself altered or abandoned.
«So now we can evaluate CFTR function in a quantitative way
«To use biological data in a quantitative way, you really have to understand the data and control the way you got these data.»
«This is the first time this method of protein labeling has been used to measure the act of translation of multiple proteins over space and time in a quantitative way,» says Eberwine.
Now, if you like me question, «How the heck do you measure social capital in a quantitative way
In order to know if your client has reached their goal, no matter how impossible it seems, you and your client must know exactly what outcome they want and be able to measure progress in a quantitative way.
4) I have never seen the problem of Canadian versus foreign asset allocation argued in a quantitative way.
As I've been asking for almost three years, it is way past time for Curry to shore up her claims in a quantitative way.
Anastasios Tsonis and colleagues used a network math approach to demonstrate for the first time in 2007 that climate shifts are consistent with the theory of synchronous chaos — showing in a quantitative way that climate is a coupled nonlinear system.
As Judge Craig Shaffer recently said at the Georgetown conference, «Lawyers are thinking about proportionality in a quantitative way.
[14:02] Thoughts on measuring mindsets in a quantitative way.
For example, when you are hungry, you have the urge to eat, but it is difficult to measure how compelling your urge to eat is in a quantitative way.
These surveys are useful in establishing the association's agenda, and they can alert the institution's administration — in a quantitative way — to the needs of postdoctoral scientists.
That background makes it important to characterize «both the natural occurrence of the antibiotic - resistance genes and the anthropogenic load, and where those genes come from, and it's good to do it in a quantitative way,» as Pruden's team did for the South Platte, says Joakim Larsson of the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, who has tracked antibiotics and resistance genes in India and Sweden.
While there are undoubtedly individual cases where this has been the case (this protein folding code for instance), the vast majority of papers that turn out to be wrong, or non-robust are because of incorrect basic assumptions, overestimates of the power of a test, some wishful thinking, or a failure to take account of other important processes (It might be a good idea for someone to tally this in a quantitative way — any ideas for how that might be done?).
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