Sentences with phrase «in a risky situation»

Try not to put your baby in any risky situations during your pregnancy.
Many times labor duration decreases with multiple births, and a home delivery can guarantee that the child is not born in a risky situation such as on the side of the road.
With the decision - making areas of their brains still developing, teenagers show poor judgment in risky situations.
Without collateral, you will find that interest rates are much higher because the lender is laying out money in a riskier situation.
In your artistic practice you were often involved in risky situations.
One staff member, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, says not receiving a lump sum puts her and her colleagues in a risky situation in case Heenan Blaikie files for bankruptcy.
Dr. Rotheram - Borus has directed and implemented several landmark intervention studies that have demonstrated the benefits of providing behavior change programs and support to families in risky situations.
Go Wider Testosterone Makes Men Less Likely to Question Their Impulses Social Hormone Promotes Cooperation in Risky Situations
They wake up feeling like they need a drink, which can lead them to imbibe in risky situations, including at work or even when they're driving their kid to soccer practice.
Educating the pupils about concepts such as «delayed gratification» helped to improve their understanding of the nature of gambling and how to make good decisions when in any risky situation, particularly with gambling.
Strength and Flexibility Weak or stiff muscles can make it harder to brake quickly or maneuver a vehicle effectively, especially in risky situations.
Another reason for my conviction that people should work on their marriage before splitting (except in risky situations) is that staying and trying creates richer possibilities for human flourishing, both as a couple and individually.
He tiptoes in risky situations and has to be picked up and carried sometimes.
It's also important to speak with them about refusal skills, decision - making skills, what to do if they find themselves in a risky situation, the dangers of drinking and driving, and so on.
Because of this, they often find themselves in risky situations that would be frightening, even for adults.
Just as you protect your kids against illnesses like measles, you can help «immunize» them against drug use by giving them the facts before they're in a risky situation.
The problem, of course, is that by trying for the «safest» option — a successful VBAC — you could find yourself in the riskiest situation, which is an emergency C - section.
Those who run away can find themselves in risky situations, flattered by the attentions of sympathetic adults, and can become «highly vulnerable to the well - rehearsed grooming techniques of abusing adults,» the report said.
«They're more likely to be in risky situations and are often left without the hunting skills or disease immunity they need to thrive in the wild.»
If a lending company tells you they don't perform any credit checks, then you are in a risky situation.
It's important to rebalance your portfolio to avoid a «drifting portfolio» that can you put you in a riskier situation than you had intended.
Yes, it is a lucrative concept but using it without knowing the implications, can put you in a risky situation.
Although it will take some extra effort on your part, it's better to vigilantly separate your dog and your child than to put the two of them in a risky situation.
Also because wild animals are exactly that — wild animals, meaning their behavior is often unpredictable, and an encounter could land you in a risky situation.
Dangerous areas on the slopes, such as rocky patches, unmonitored terrain, and cliffs should all be clearly marked so that skiers do not accidentally find themselves in a risky situation.
Behavior resulting in putting oneself in risky situations, including the use of recreational drugs or attempting suicide
If you are in a risky situation and feeling some fear, attach yourself to a group.
Sport brings many different people together and puts some of them in risky situations.
As a student, you might find yourself in risky situations, or you might even unintentionally cause harm to someone around the MD campus.
Otherwise, you could be putting yourself in a risky situation.
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