Sentences with phrase «in a scientific career»

You need to assess early in your scientific career which languages you will need to effectively do and present your research.
You believe that being a digital scientist is the best way to progress in your scientific career.
The problem of recruiting and retaining women in scientific careers is itself a diverse one, with no single solution.
If you want to thrive in your scientific career you need to know how to handle it and get the most of it.
At different points in her scientific career, lesbian and gay students and colleagues mentioned something similar: They had been inspired by the example she had set for them.
My grandfather's advice served my dad very well in his scientific career.
That's partly because it's the start of a big transition in your scientific career, and big transitions are hard.
There is indeed much that is wrong in the scientific career ladder, and it ought to be corrected.
How do you get on the right path in your scientific career?
Create a professional experience section detailing the jobs you've held thus far in your scientific career.
Mastering Your Ph.D.: Mentors, Leadership, and Community 31 August 2007 Finding a mentor is an important step in your scientific career, but what qualities do you look for and whom should you ask?
As the presidency stick is handed over to Luxembourg, there is a clear answer: the number of advances in scientific career development during the Dutch presidency of the European Union (EU) has stopped at zero.
He was already interested in a scientific career, but he didn't know what life was like in a lab — until he joined Gladstone.
In other words, if one should beware of the curse of the artefact, success in a scientific career often comes down to an exceptional ability to sift the gold from the dross.
From an early stage in his scientific career, Werner Reigler found a niche in which he could practice the science he enjoyed most: furthering accelerator science and technology by perfecting subatomic particle detectors.
AUDIENCE MEMBER How can institutions make it easier for women to advance in their scientific careers and balance work with family life?
Thos happen later on in their scientific careers when they manage to run labs with big groups.
She received her Ph.D. in biochemistry from Duke University and first joined NIEHS as a postdoctoral scholar in 2009 where she developed her passion for working in the scientific career development field.
But, Georges Lemaître said sometimes that faith gave him optimism in his scientific career because he knew that the deep enigmas arising from the study of the universe had some definitive answers.
Yamanaka said the first crisis in his scientific career occurred when he returned to Japan after working in the United States at the University of California, San Francisco.
Effective collaboration and networking will help you establish the kinds of connections that advance science while moving you forward in your scientific career.
In 2008, Science Careers offered readers worldwide a collection of articles illustrating scientific career opportunities in and out of research, advising readers on landing good jobs and excelling in scientific careers, and profiling scientists who succeeded in research as well as some who looked elsewhere for fulfillment.
Club Biotech distributes information on scientific events in our area, gathers information on internships and research student jobs for undergraduate students who would like to gain some extra experience and get a step ahead in their scientific career by working in a lab during the year, and counsels young students on how to approach a scientific career.
Optimism and perseverance are not, together or separately solutions to the problems inherent in scientific careers.
And yet, the overall climate for science is more difficult than I have ever seen in my scientific career
In a followup interview with Science Careers, he shared his vision of what matters most in a scientific career and offered advice to early - career scientists on how to be successful.
Being selected as the bursar for the Novartis Foundation symposium was a very special moment in my scientific career, not least because it seemed like a great reward for undertaking the double burden of clinical work and research, trying to give your best in both areas all the time.
Einstein, no monk in his personal life, displayed an almost monastic drive in his scientific career, a capacity for concentration that awed contemporaries.
A Case Study of a Mom - Scientist: Canopy Meg 1 September 2006 Being a single mom makes starting out in a scientific career all the more challenging, but Margaret Dalzwell Lowman found a way to involve her two sons.
At a time when international travel is a key component in a scientific career, for some nationalities obtaining travel visas is complicated and still more so when not living in their country of origin.
Finally, we've prepared our own list of career - related breakthroughs of the year in science, what we — the editors of Science's Next Wave — believe are the most important developments in scientific careers over the last twelve months.
Twenty young women and 20 young men last week aced an early challenge in their scientific careers.
Joshua - Tor is sensitive to the special challenges women face in scientific careers.
The American Astronomical Society supports the goal of the Baltimore Charter, which is to promote a culture in which both women and men can realize their full potential in scientific careers.
Dr. Navar's original intent on entering college was to become a veterinarian but during his academic studies, he was greatly influenced by famed University of Mississippi physiologist Arthur C. Guyton who was the catalyst for the course change in his scientific career.
Although he has not published any climate - related research in his scientific career, Happer nevertheless seems to enjoy making his opinions about climate science known, as we have previously examined here and here.
English is the language of science and you need to master it to progress in your scientific career.
The National Postdoc Association and our own Postdoc Network have advocated programs for improving training in these nonscientific areas that are, however, essential for success in a scientific career.
It may take a while to find your own inner mythological god or goddess, but regardless of what stage in your scientific career you find yourself, know that your mentoring efforts could create future generations of mentors to whom even Odysseus would be comfortable entrusting his son.
Jahren «tells it like it is,» Lowman added, frankly describing «the loneliness and uncertainty she experienced early in her scientific career» and the trials and tribulations of setting up her first lab.
Doctoral studies should be the first step in a scientific career but once the doctorate has been obtained there are few possibilities to do research in Spain.
Q: Do you think that this ability to concentrate and plan has in some ways helped you in your scientific career?
Scanning back through complete publication lists (not the censored ones on scientists» own Web sites) shows just how frequently people change direction early in their scientific careers.
But in her religious life, Schweitzer is no more of an ideologue than she is in her scientific career.
Early in my scientific career, I pursued research while remaining blissfully unaware of the difficulty of securing a permanent academic position, especially for women and mothers.
He and co-founder Amar Sahay, a professor at Harvard University and Russo's former boss, believe their system can help scientists «start engaging opportunities outside of academia earlier in their scientific careers,» Russo says.
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