Sentences with phrase «in a situation like this»

The first thing most people do in a situation like this is panic.
Not getting upset can be hard, especially in situations like day care arrangements that are often contingent upon your child's ability to control their bathroom habits.
At our firm, we have represented people in situations like yours for over three decades.
Try thinking ahead of time about a line or two you can use in situations like these so you're ready.
Sure, if the emails go on long enough, they may call you but that doesn't help in situations like the one I faced where time is of the essence.
We purchase homes from people in situations like this all the time.
I think it is best to reinforce defensively when in a situation like this.
An experienced medical malpractice lawyer should help victims by consulting with medical experts able to explain what medical standards would call for in situations like those.
As with any relationship it requires work and maintenance but bringing more people into your life in a situation like adoption just increases your capacity to love and care about someone.
This is almost never the most helpful thing to be thinking in a situation like this.
The board of elections says in a situation like this, many of the next steps are determined by party leaders.
The other question to ask in a situation like this is whether any personal property was damaged.
I think it's also important in a situation like this that the main terms are highlighted, not just buried in a contract.
Having renters insurance liability coverage means that you're not responsible for making people whole out of pocket in situations like the above.
So, whose responsibility is it to help the animals in a situation like this?
If you relate to any of that description, I want you to know that I've helped many couples in situations like yours.
It's merely an exercise to see what could happen in a situation like this.
It is the mainstream of most if not all religions and a leading cause in division and between religious people leading to the violence we see in situations like these.
But who gets hurt in a situation like that, when you are out to hurt the other parent?
Again, it's not as applicable in situations like job interviews or presentations.
It still sounds interesting, though in situations like this it can be better for the game not to be restricted by having the show connected to it.
The down payment in situations like this needs to be at least 25 percent of the difference between the loan limit and the loan amount.
We'll have your back in situations like animal strikes, weather damage, and even vandalism.
I don't know the specifics of the pros and cons as a developer to using either one, but competition is always great in a situation like this..
The children are the ones who feel the emotional toll the most in a situation like this.
As I am not in a position financially right now to do stools tests, are there any natural broad spectrum antibiotics you find effective in situations like mine?
To avoid being caught in situations like this, practice good driving habits.
Make sure and ask for this specifically if you are in a situation like mine, where you are considering moving in the future.
I hope this post will help you overcome your writer's block and my 80 fashion blog post ideas list proves to be useful in situations like this.
That extra awareness can really come in handy in situation like these.
My standard suggestion in a situation like this is to look at comparable books.
The best course of action in a situation like this is to hire a lawyer who can fight on your behalf to recover compensation to cover your expenses.
Getting insured will always be the best policy in situations like these.
Your landlord isn't necessarily obligated to find you another apartment in a situation like this, so it's on you to cover the costs.
Many people find they've left their phone and wallet inside in a situation like that, and can't exactly get back into the building to retrieve them.
Liability coverage pays for the damage to the building in a situation like that.
If you are stuck in a situation like this you are not alone.
As often in situations like this, the most vulnerable people will be hurt the most.
It's natural in a situation like a merger that existing partners will take stock of whether they see their current existence as something that is sustainable under the new, more global regime.
How does an inspection work in a situation like this when an inspector obviously can't get a good visual on huge portions of the space?
I have witnessed so many miracles in situations like yours, and you'll hear some of the miracle stories there.
There's no way to maintain the value of your products in a situation like that.
Still, as I typically mention in situations like this, the lack of a solid soundtrack does not break a game, and the effects of the world kept it feeling alive.
It is all too common that people do not even know that they could file a lawsuit in situations like that.
This is very profitable for the insurance companies because they do not have to payout a death claim in a situation like this.
We often need to be reminded to make eye contact in situations like job interviews.
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