Sentences with phrase «in a specific moment»

The problem, of course, with setting a story so firmly in a specific moment of time is that, in a year from now, everything in this film will seem dated.
Try something else until you discover what works for your individual baby in that specific moment in time.
There's a change in context too: this training needs to be in targeted at the specific person in the specific moment.
Because education takes place in a specific moment in which you go to a workshop and get access to a training course.
They're learning while you are, so that the information they're delivering can become targeted at the specific person in the specific moment.
and doing whatever is going to make me happy and fulfilled in that specific moment.
Whether the call was correct or not is immaterial in that specific moment.
It was the hardest thing in the world for me to throw a softball underhand from 20 feet away in that specific moment.
Proteostasis is a very complex network of various pathways that interact to maintain protein homeostasis, the process through which protein integrity is conserved in a given cell in a specific moment.
Transistor was a game about a specific character in a specific moment in her life.
«We're creating and frequently updating Readlists to reflect the lives of our users in specific moments or moods, for example «Make me Laugh», «Single Life» or «The London Film Festival».
Real - time OS: As stated by our operating system assignment helpers, real - time OS guarantees to process data as well as events in a specific moment of time.
Your newfound ability to pull of controlled descents via thrusters can only be used in specific moments, yet when one thinks of being granted double jumps and controlled falls one imagines using them more naturally around the environment to flank enemies by power leaping up the side of a building before dropping down from a great height.
Instead of looking at how humans represent things, Resonance and Repetition considers things and the varying roles they may play in specific moments.
Key to her photography is the drama and intimacy of the close - up that highlights emotional content in specific moments, as well as capturing readymade objects «made» by forces of nature such as wind, sun, or the trampling of feet.
Each subject appears to be stuck in a specific moment, never to age or move on from the scene in which they exist.
Every image is rooted in a specific moment of attention, and while her work is contemporary in terms of its fragmentation and cultural references, it is perhaps more traditional in its commitment to the most fundamental aspects of picturemaking: drawing, colour, and texture.
The biggest challenge in this model of parenting is this: your child will, inevitably, try to manipulate a situation by aligning him / herself with whichever parent they perceive will parent them more favorably in a specific moment.
But when two people are truly invested in what they have together, they aren't as likely to be caught up in specific moments of unease.
The artist considers the act of painting itself as inherently performative; it is something someone does, physically, in a specific moment in time and as such is both un-predictable and un-repeatable.
Most useful for me if i see articles I want to read later on in my commute, or just don't have time to in that specific moment — depends how you look at it, but all it is just saving an article for later.
But what that senior resident had displayed that day was more than competence — he grasped not just how a pneumonia generally evolves and is properly treated but also the particulars of how to catch and fight one in that specific patient, in that specific moment, with the specific resources and people he had at hand.
In specific moments, only a specific ally can be used against specific enemies, and the command will be visible only near the enemies.
People constantly change, which is why it's interesting to capture them in a specific moment, she says.
Communication is vital, in both directions, and the WSJ piece does provide some interesting statistics about «sexual communal strength,» which is the willingness to address your partner's needs even if you aren't personally aroused by them (in general or in that specific moment).
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