Sentences with phrase «in a squat position»

Start in a squat position with one hand touching the ground.
In one explosive movement, hop your feet forward around each side of the box so you land in a squat position with your feet in line with your hands (b).
How to: Start in a squat position with your hands in prayer or lightly touching.
-- Finish the routine by staying in a squat position for as long as you can.
While in a squat position, raise one knee toward your shoulder.
On the fourth hop, land on both feet in a squat position (e).
Therapists have their patients sit in a squat position with their bodies close to the wall in case they need support.
Begin in a squat position with the left arm out for stabilization and the right arm bent, kettlebell or weight at the shoulder.
Stand in a squat position with your feet slightly wider than shoulder - width.
Hopefully you do and have the ability to deliver in a squat position!
Using a 10 - pound medicine ball, get in squat position.
Continue to resist the pulling of the band while taking steps and staying low in squat position.
Push bum back and down and stay in squat as you take small forward steps in the squat position for 1 minute; follow with 1 minute walking / jogging.
For a challenge, start on the balls of your feet or do pulses in squat position.
Continue rotating from side to side in a squat position for one minute.
To do a wall sit, sit in a squat position against a wall for 30 - 60 seconds.
In the cool - down rest in the squat position and let your heart rate drop.
Then jump as high as you can, arms overhead, land in a squat position and repeat for 30 - 60 seconds.
Start in a squat position, place your hands on the floor shoulder width apart and lift your hips high.
On the fourth hop, land on both feet in a squat position (c).
Land back in a squat position on the opposite side, touching the ground with your other hand.
These are essentially jumping jacks in a squatting position.
In fact, there is some evidence to back up his idea: At least one sauropod fossil displays an injury suggesting that it was attacked by a predator while crouched in a squatting position.
Step out to the left (laterally) against the band, remaining in the squat position with your hands in front you in an athletic stance (b).
Bring both knees quickly to your chest and on to the balls of your feet, so that you are in the squatting position again and then;
1 minute up & overs on BOSU: Start with one foot in the center of the BOSU and your body in a squat position.
From a squat position with your arms straight back, utilise their momentum as you jump as far forward as you can and land softly in a squat position.
Is this calf raise in squatted position safe for the knees?
The skater crouches forward (as if he was skating in a squat position) to reduce drag caused by air resistance on the front of his body, and to help him balance.
George chose the former and remembers «the doctor leaning back, almost in a squat position, and pulling on those forceps that were around my baby's head.»
The natural position of a newborn's spine is rounded slightly with «frog legs,» or the hips and legs in a squatting position.
After I had been pushing for a little while, P. suggested I try a few contractions in a squatting position, as being upright would help move the baby down the birth canal faster.
What it is: A squat bar is an attachment for a labor bed that provides support for the mother while she pushes in a squatting position.
After spending months agonizing, watching DVDs about women around the world giving birth in the squatting position, it turned out I didn't care if Brad Pitt was in the room during the pushing, which only lasted 15 minutes.
Baby's knees and bottom should form an M shape with knees higher than bottom in a squat position.
Using the upper body, lower body, and trunk, jump to your feet as quickly as possible, landÂing in a squat position, with one leg in front of the other, body slightly sideways, as if riding a surfboard.
Begin with a normal lunge, with front leg at a 90 - degree angle in the squat position and back leg behind you.
Your legs are also constantly engaged in a squatting position, giving your thighs a hard, next - day - burn workout.
Malasana has many variations which are practiced in the squatting position.
Start with legs a little more than shoulder - width apart in a squat position, holding medicine ball mid-torso.
Slams with jump - similar to double wave but the motion is powerful instead of quick; you jump up as your arms come up, land in squat position when arms / rope come down.
Start in a squat position facing the bench and then powerfully jump up on to the bench landing on both feet at the same time, remember to land softly and drop back in to a squat position as you land to allow your muscles to absorb the shock.
To turn this vibrating surface into training you have to launch an isometric (not moving, staying in exercise position) exercise — for example, freezing for few minutes in a squatting position.
Also, if you don't have the 2 × 4, would you recommend doing the mini-calf raises while in the squatting position just on the floor?
Do feet turned way out in the squat position indicate tightness in a particular area?
As Jouffroy (2006) also noted that extended time spent in the squatting position may also have been relevant.
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