Sentences with phrase «in a state of fear»

It is not possible to live in a state of fear while simultaneously growing and achieving your highest potential.
The junior staff are treated quite badly and live in a state of fear.
The year 1740 found the colonies in a state of fear and yet confidence.
In 2014, a team of researchers at UCLA led by genetics researcher, Steve Cole, discovered that the cells of people who experience chronic loneliness appear to be stuck in a state of fear.
Allowed to continue in a state of fear, the child develops an aggravated apprehension of the outer world, and he loses his sense of security and his confidence in the protective powers of his mother.
There were no casualty but some residents of Ga, especially women and children told Citi News they were in a state of fear since they have never witnessed such confusion among same party faithful before.
Taking place during the year preceding the start of World War I, «The White Ribbon» is set in a German village where the elders keep the young in a state of fear, supposedly so they can remain pure and innocent.
The sculptures are at times hideous visions that present bodies in states of fear, sadness and horror.
writing courses are great for this and it would be good in such courses — those housed in humanities — to know enough to be able to do more than analyze the rhetorics of science in texts and films of pop culture (lone heroic scientist in day after tomorrow; lone heroic scientist in state of fear + naive liberal lawyers).
This is the reason Michael Crichton could get away with the biased portrayal in State of Fear.
In a conversation about trying to educate an ignorant environmentalist about the realities of Global Warming, Kenner sums up for me the essence of Crichton's presentation of science in State of Fear:
Nigerians now live in a state of fear and trauma for the fear of the unknown.
Anyone to whom this feeling is alien, who is no longer capable of wonderment and lives in a state of fear is a dead man.
Our mind can easily leave us in a state of fear, where we hold ourselves back from tapping into and living our potential.
Oftentimes the symptoms become crippling; they prevent the patients I see from living their optimal, authentic lives, instead living in a state of fear and self - loathing.
When we are in a state of fear, there are stress hormones in our bloodstream.
The possibility of being bullied might cause bystanders to live in a state of fear and focus on little else.
He lay flat on the floor with his head facing the ceiling, in a state of fear that broke my heart.
In State of Fear, Crichton says GISS altered its website to show less data.
Novelist Michael Crichton, in State of Fear, ends with an appendix comparing the theory of global warming to the theory of eugenics — the belief, prominently promoted by Nazis, that the gene pool of the human species was degenerating due to higher reproductive rates of «inferior» people.
Our projects use a number of behavioral measures of emotion, including «potentiated startle ``, the increase in magnitude of the acoustic startle reflex seen when a person or animal is in state of fear.
Women who behave this way are subconsciously living in a state of fear and distrust.
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