Sentences with phrase «in a strange environment»

Your dog might thoroughly enjoy the routine, structure and safety of class but not be as comfortable in strange environments with unknown people.
That is so helpful because you have noisy family running around and baby in a strange environment.
Unfortunately, babies have trouble sleeping in strange environments, and you can't take the entire baby room with you.
He did not know his role in this strange environment and no one helped him define it.
Beginning the school year in a strange environment filled with new faces, unfamiliar procedures, and unknown pitfalls can be a scary prospect.
A familiar object, such as a blanket or toy, may prevent him from becoming too distressed in a strange environment.
At the beginning of the day they stand uncertainly in the strange environment of the studio, and by the end of the day they're relaxed and confident with a piece of unique handmade silver jewellery.
If you must board them, having a familiar object such as a blanket or toy may prevent the cat from becoming too distraught in a strange environment.
However, my first few weeks in this strange environment convinced me that theology was not an exclusive endeavour for the cultured churchgoer; it was for anybody who wanted to wrestle and reflect on who God is.
Of course, that you know the true character of a person, when in crisis, is as true now as it was in William Golding's Lord of the Flies, the 1954 novel in which the best of British public school boys (metaphor for the best of western civilization) descended into feral brutes, just because they were marooned in a strange environment for a few days.
They are able to form in strange environments very different from what we're accustomed to on Earth.»
The Turing Test is yet another first person puzzle game where the player is stuck in a strange environment with a possibly malevolent «mission
To add to the tension, the Americans aren't exactly welcome, they had to manipulate their way into the case, and they have to operate in a strange environment with customs and a culture pretty different from their own.
A recently revealed first - look image shows Waterson wielding a huge gun in a strange environment, seemingly on the look out for aliens.
He'll be in a strange environment away from his littermates and mother for the first time.
Don't know what happened, maybe a combination of boarding in a strange environment and getting forced attention due to the small quarters and inability to hide, but Little Bit is a changed cat.
Scheduling an appointment when the clinic is less active will also help ease the anxiety your puppy will feel in a strange environment.
Your cat won't understand that a dog with friendly intentions means her no harm, especially in a strange environment, and being away from the main waiting area will not only keep your cat relaxed, but will also mean they will be far happier during the consultation.
Senior dogs and cats can find it particularly difficult to cope in strange environments like shelters and pounds, but thankfully there are rescue groups assisting in the transport and foster care of these special animals, with the aim of getting them into more suitable environments — and matching them with someone who can provide the love and friendship they are only too happy to return.
The figures in the show are suspended in strange environments stripped of society's trappings.
Each of these three traditional patterns of attachment are considered to represent organized strategies for dealing with the stress of separation from the parent in a strange environment (Main, 1990), although attachment to the mother has repeatedly been found to predict less favorable outcomes than does secure attachment in later childhood (see Cassidy and Berlin, 1994, and Main, 1995, for an overview of the foregoing studies).
Having a familiar object, such as a blanket or toy, may prevent the cat from becoming too distraught in a strange environment.
You find yourself in a strange environment, surrounded by high - tech equipment and a multitude of people caring for your baby.
But in this strange environment, he may have found his heart's match, in the form of a cheerful young woman named Sarah (Samantha Elisofon).
Emotionally, your dog will need to be tolerant of your moods, being in strange environments, and doing things they may not always want to do.
Being at the shelter, we thought it was the noise and being in a strange environment.
Right now, in this strange environment, you are the only familiar thing to the puppy.
Your pets can feel much more stress being in a strange environment and being away from you, therefore changing diet at this time is not a good idea.
Breeds that were developed to use aggressive displays to keep people or animals away may be likely to be aggressive or reactive to strangers or in strange environments.
They are in a strange environment, surrounded by other animals they don't know.
You are scared, in a strange environment, surrounded by strange dogs and strange people, and trapped in a cage or kennel most of yourRead More
Separated from his mother and siblings, the pup now finds himself in a strange environment with new smells, new people in addition to perhaps a new house mate, i.e. another pet.
Instead of being in a strange environment, your pet can be seen, treated and cared for by a veterinarian in their own home!
Pets are always more comfortable in their home than in a strange environment, no matter how awesome that new environment may be, and DiOGi's number one priority is your pet's comfortability.
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