Sentences with phrase «in a systematic way»

People have only been studying stock investing in a systematic way for 50 years or so.
Thinking through problems in a systematic way, identifying options and choosing the best path of action makes all the difference between feeling overwhelmed and being back in control.
A database can be defined as a collection of information that are organized in a systematic way so that it can be accessed, updated and managed easily.
Rather it is about finding new ways to do things in a systematic way by thinking creatively and engaging the best talent and resources from across sectors and from across party lines.
Additionally, it doesn't help you get your arms around your intake data in any systematic way.
The entire procedure goes in a systematic way in which the potential assignment buyer and our writers interact with each other to establish a better tuning.
We will want to reflect on Scripture in a systematic way, but this will not be done in isolation from personal and social factors.
They bring their assets to the operation and support of schools in a systematic way rather than an episodic way.
A good resume format must outline work experience and education in a systematic way.
In other words, he simply failed to take on board the point that the kind of voting system affects the kind of policies we get in a systematic way.
It is a state of consciousness where the body is completely relaxed and you as a practitioner become aware of the inner world in a systematic way by following a guided instruction.
That's because wait times are not reported in a systematic way to the public.
Her guidance in the book will encourage you to create a side hustle in a systematic way.
One of the most important things a dating app does is bring like - minded people together in a systematic way.
Special - education placements did increase nationally, just not in any systematic way suggestive of a relationship to state accountability.
Most public schools do not do much in a systematic way to help preschoolers make the transition to kindergarten, a federal study concludes.
Especially in high - poverty urban schools, where kids often struggle with reading, teachers spend hours every day on these skills and don't teach history or science in any systematic way.
Students test the strength of their model bridges in systematic ways to collect data.
Writing business reports, business proposals, and business plans can be challenging, but if they are approached in a systematic way the process can be broken down and simplified.
I was also very interested in the systematic way that he conducts his research and applies his strategy.
You may conclude very differently than I have, but I would encourage you to try to think about the hard problems of our world today in a systematic way.
Just like your car, components of the natural world interact with each other in systematic ways.
In the last 5 years, most of our urban sanitation program was adopted nationwide and expanded to various programs by many stakeholders in systematic way.
It helps you to invest systematically by organizing up Investment Plans in a systematic way through any of the aforementioned modes.
Often compromise is just a matter of talking out your differences and preferences in a systematic way.
As a scientist, you are used to tackling complex problems in a systematic way.
In addition to collecting more data, organizing the data in a systematic way or focusing in on parts of the system could have helped the observers in identifying the rule.
How many seminaries still claim to equip for church ministry students who are not forced to wrestle in a systematic way with what and how the church communicates when it assembles for worship?
SIP works in a systematic way allowing you to invest on a monthly basis.
I. Work with institutions of higher education, particularly communication and theology faculties, to encourage them to address societal communication issues in a systematic way.
collecting in a systematic way information relating to the system for administering civil justice;
High - altitude plateau cultures differ in systematic ways from fishing cultures in island archipelagoes.
Hypopressive techniques are postural and breathing exercises done in a systematic way so that they achieve, among other effects, a decrease in intraabdominal pressure (IAP).
When we stopped teaching the contemplative mind in a systematic way about 400 to 500 years ago, we lost the capacity to deal with paradox, inconsistency, and human imperfection....
Once the FDA green - lights a drug and it is ushered into the hands (and IVs) of patients, there is no real incentive for a company to continue to collect information about side effects in any systematic way.
In those few fleeting moments, he had a distinct feeling of déjà vu, a sensation that psychologists once considered too unpredictable and ephemeral to be studied in any systematic way.
«Pinpointing the needs of the district and working to fill those needs in a systematic way really helps the Pathways programs be successful.»
Mindfulness, paying attention in a systematic way, deepens the internal ability to apply the skills learned through SEL.
With this money, he said, «the whole concept was to pull the players together and to figure out ways in which we could really attack in a systematic way the issue of why kids aren't successful.
At Web Design Relief, we know a new year offers excellent opportunities to improve your online marketing in a systematic way.
This provides the unparalleled potential to open doors and avail oneself of opportunities that could have not materialized without being represented in the best possible light and having YOUR career story told in a systematic way that gains the attention and interest of hiring managers.
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