Sentences with phrase «in a thesaurus»

One student was an expert at finding words in a thesaurus and assisting other students in doing the same.
It has a built in thesaurus and dictionary and allows you to export to html or RTF formats.
Far too many companies market and sell using words they found in a thesaurus as opposed to words they would use at a cocktail party.
Interestingly enough, looking up the word «vision» in a thesaurus produces words like: pipe dream, daydream, foreknowledge, imagination, muse, trip, delusion, fantasy, mirage.
Let's take a look at the antonyms (opposites) of the word gentle in the thesaurus ~ harsh, tough, violent, sharp, rigid, severe, unrelenting, unforgiving, punitive, unpleasant, pitiless, stern.
Terms in the thesaurus are organized hierarchically, so for example, we see that a «legal service centre» is described here as a type of «legal service provider», the broader term (BT).
Using complex words doesn't make you look smart; it makes you appear like a dude who spends too much time in the thesaurus.
I also use the built in Thesaurus to find alternative words that are easier to understand.
A new Parts of Speech table explains in simple language how words in the thesaurus are classified according to their function in a sentence.
In the thesaurus another word for ministry is ORGANIZATION.
This phenomenon has a scientific pedigree: In 2002 Adilson Motter and his colleagues at Arizona State University found that any two «root» words in a thesaurus can be linked, on average, by two other related words.
Or alternatively look this word up in a thesaurus to find a new and creative word to use instead.
The only thing it's missing is a built - in thesaurus to go along with the dictionary, which would be useful when editing documents.
Yet it also abstracts away from the context of successive words in speech to the context of alternatives, in a thesaurus.
Our favorite feature though is the «Word of the Day» which allows you see multiple definitions, hear how it sounds, look it up in a thesaurus and share using WP7's social network integration.
However, you can maximize the use of built - in thesaurus (a.k.a. right click synonyms) to improve your diction and generate a compelling content despite the very simple style.
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