Sentences with phrase «in a tiny room with»

You may find yourself in a tiny room with a makeshift stage, seeing a performance poet throwing olives around the room dating in Adelaide can certainly be a colourful experience.
When she's writing, she's anchored in a tiny room with a desk, a chair and a cat.

Not exact matches

I don't dance often, just around my dining room, with a laughing baby in my tired arms, tinies swirling and twirling through the furniture, sometimes I dance at the grocery store, as I push the heavy cart.
And the dining - room table would fill with a turkey or a goose, rolls and salad and green beans, little glass bowls of watermelon pickles with tiny three - pronged forks beside them, and cranberries plopped whole in sugared water, boiled until they started to burst, then set aside to cool.
I'm a freshman living in a dorm room, which means: tiny refrigerator (that I share) and a utility room with a stove and oven that is shared with 30 other girls.
Whether we were crammed in my grandparents» small dining room, in the larger dining room of my parents» old house, or eventually spread through the tiny dining room and at folding tables in the living room of my house with The Hubby, it was pretty much the same.
They are fed organic food and live in a similar environment to their ancestors, whereas conventionally grown animals can be raised in tiny indoor cages, like battery hens, for example, or pigs in sow stalls or gestation crates, with little or no room to move and no exposure to natural light.
You and your kind, who for some strange reason are happy with the transfers and the tactics and the results are a tiny minority, so why do nt you all get together in one of your dorm rooms and circle jerk each other.
Suddenly the youngster is on his own, shadowboxing in the living room, filling the air with his tiny fists as Michael looks on in avuncular approval.
Even with all of my ingredients at room temperature, I couldn't break down the tiny little cream cheese bits so in the picture below you can see them in the sides of this frosting, which kind of bugged me!
And though he loved the time with our daughter, trying to maintain sanity in tiny hotel rooms with a baby wasn't exactly easy for my husband either.
There is one (teeny tiny one) for forced hot air, but we hope to heat this area with a woodstove in the adjacent living room.
And also the correlation between your truly - terrified - of - poop friend and your own fears — your imagination is generally worse than reality, and even when reality IS pretty gross (like that time my baby had an explosive poop all over my lap at a restaurant that only had the tiniest bathroom ever, like there wasn't enough room between the toilet and the door for the diaper bag, much less a three - month - old) you just sort of... take it in stride and deal with it, knowing that the benefits of babies and children outweigh the occasional brush with grossness.
My first apartment was a one room studio that was less than 450 square feet, with a kitchen so tiny, I could reach in the refrigerator, while washing a dish and stirring a pot on the oven.
The unfortunate side of many premature births is that these tiny babies end up in the NICU — the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit — and can not be held often, nor can they room in with Mom.
So I conducted surveillance in restaurants, waiting rooms, church, and grocery stores, looking for mothers with tiny feet protruding from their sides.
The other issue we are dealing with is that we live in a super tiny house, and my boys» rooms are separated by a J&J bathroom, so if the crying goes on for too long, it wakes up my older son, which, no... just, no.
I imagined myself cuddled up in a big, comfy chair in his nursery, loving our many nighttime feedings and telling him how precious he was, as the tiny room was lit up with a soft glow of a lamp.
I'm more comfortable with a tiny infant next to me, where * I * can keep the cats away, than if she were in another room, in a crib or floor bed or whatever, until she's old enough to be safe on her own.
When the Lords send back (often very sensible) amendments to the Commons, they are often overruled by Ministers sitting in a tiny back - room with a small majority without debate.
As he did, monitors on one wall in the room flickered with images from the tiniest level of animal biology.
If an atom absorbs a single photon, its change in velocity is tiny compared with the average velocity of atoms in a gas at room temperature.
(Twenty - seven kilometers of tunnel underground Designed with mind to send protons around A circle that crosses through Switzerland and France Sixty nations contribute to scientific advance Two beams of protons swing round, through the ring they ride»Til in the hearts of the detectors, they're made to collide And all that energy packed in such a tiny bit of room Becomes mass, particles created from the vacuum And then...)
They were on the road, living in cramped quarters with sporadic downtime and in a new city every day: in San Francisco, we ran the steep hills and stretched near the Golden Gate Bridge; at Coachella, we worked our cores in the shade of a palm tree; in Toronto, we did planks, lunges and squats in a tiny green room at Massey Hall; visiting the Ellen Show, we worked on balance and flexibility in the waiting area.
Whether you're spending hours on end in your airport terminal (we blame you, delayed flights), bunking up in a tiny hotel room, or soaking up quality time with your family, there are still plenty of ways you can sweat it out when you're on - the - go.
Cover with plastic wrap and let dough rise at room temperature, in a draft - free area, until its surface is covered with tiny bubbles and the dough has doubled in size, approx. 6 - 10 hours.
Bring enough GF bread for the first few days (keep in the little tiny fridge / wet bar in the hotel room) and then make due with microwaved baked potatoes, rice from a Chinese restaurant, and lots of snacks like Poprice, cashew nuts, and potato chips.
paint bedroom colors decorate white bedroom paint ideas with artistic painting above white bed and cushions in tiny room bedroom paint ideas with dark brown furniture.
With tiny budgets and a crafty, can - do attitude, they overhauled each room in their...
It's seriously amazing how much you can pack in a tiny dorm room that you share with one, two, even three other people.
It was really tough to do in our tiny house our first two years of marriage, but now that we have a house with space (and a guest room!!!)
The blouse is even more striking in person, e.g. the lace yoke with tiny buttons in the back so that you have room to pull over your head.
I'm planning to participate in the One Room Challenge next month and I've gotten a tiny bit of a head start with the painted walls.
This is not to insinuate that Haneke betrays any insincerity towards his characters, but one wonders how he might have conceived and shot a film about a lowly working - class couple dealing with encroaching death in a tiny one - room apartment.
It is wrenching to see the son's fierce defense of his father — in a tiny room crowded with academic egos — and wonder not only whether he'll ever receive anything back, but whether he'll be able to do better with his own son.
When he is depressed, he sleeps with Val in her tiny room.
Find reason there for the caricatured white trash pastiches serving as Maggie's family (and additional pathos in Maggie's need for a father figure), the boxing - trainer archetype, the old fighter Scrap (blind in one eye and living in a tiny room at the gym), the evil Drago Eastern Bloc nemesis, and the rags - to - riches sports story into noble - cripple tropes that worked in 1962 with Requiem for a Heavyweight.
Throughout the scene, Gerwig never cuts to inside the dressing room; the camera stays on Marion (with Lady Bird occasionally emerging in a new dress), with Metcalf registering the tiniest facial twinges every time she realizes she's said something that goes too far.
In Room with him is his Ma (Larson) who has been walking the same square of carpet, sharing the same bath and enjoying the same single skylight that shines the only natural light into their tiny space in timIn Room with him is his Ma (Larson) who has been walking the same square of carpet, sharing the same bath and enjoying the same single skylight that shines the only natural light into their tiny space in timin time.
Green Room solves this problem by trapping the members of a punk band, The Ain't Rights, in the tiny green room at an Oregon club packed with white supremacists, giving them no choice but to fight their way Room solves this problem by trapping the members of a punk band, The Ain't Rights, in the tiny green room at an Oregon club packed with white supremacists, giving them no choice but to fight their way room at an Oregon club packed with white supremacists, giving them no choice but to fight their way out.
Last week at the ASU+GSV conference — an enormous education innovation Summit held each year in Phoenix — Evan Marwell, founder of Education Superhighway, gave a lecture in a tiny crowded room with a low ceiling and not enough chairs to accommodate an eager audience.
One of her first ventures involved opening a community reading room in a tiny town in Guyana, with only a small, clean room and a few used books.
With the tightest turning circle you've ever driven, this tiny BMW is extremely agile around town and there's plenty of room in both rows of seats for bodies, although a small boot is a blot on the copy book.
And like the standard Smart Fortwo, the Fortwo Electric Drive is only a two - seater, with a tiny bit of cargo room in back.
Doesn't the fact that «T» can stand there in the shower room at our gym, confidently toweling off his tiny unit, while «O» is at home changing their spark plugs with alacrity, indicate that it is only a short stroll down a slippery slope before he is completely happy being the «girl» in their relationship, from which it is only a slight fey hop down the same slope before «T» is happily married to another man, perhaps my car mechanic, a handsome Portugese fellow I shall refer to as «J?»
Margot installed me in a tiny exam room with puffy cartoon forest animals all over the wallpaper.
It sprawled for three miles along the river and back again into the castle, and was a noisy, busy place filled with a warren of passages and rooms, with small factories, schools and shops mixed in with family rooms, tiny roof gardens and even a theater.
Can you set up a tiny fitness studio in the basement or will you have to work out with a fitness video in your living room when your kids could walk by any time and make demands of you?
Here is an example: You have a phobia of spiders and you're trapped in a tiny room filled with hundreds of spiders, so you start to scream and freak out.
Although we don't know about the first years of Reece's life, we know that she was captured, forced to live in tiny wire crates with so many other dogs that they didn't have room to move, before they would have be killed to be eaten.
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