Sentences with phrase «in a toxic environment»

We live in this toxic environment with all the wrong influences.
Discrimination is unlawful and employees who are working in a toxic environment need an attorney to protect their rights.
Staying in a toxic environment destroys various aspects of our personality that we don't even realize.
In the same way, we shouldn't expect to stay healthy in a toxic environment where we spend up to 80 percent of our time.
It also helps in fighting nasty bacteria that we are exposed to day by day in our toxic environments.
Such empowerment can not happen in a toxic environment, of course.
I don't want my kids to be in this toxic environment any longer.
I think we now live in a toxic environment and by adding more natural produce into our diet, we can gain better health.
But I do hear you saying that you currently work in a toxic environment, and recommend that people do not go there.
Says that we are in a toxic environment in this state mainly because of Gillibrand's party.
The organisms thrive in toxic environments and metabolize metal.
Coffee enemas and near infrared saunas are employed to assist the body's eliminative organs, which are overburdened in our toxic environment.
Funded by the National Institute of Health, LITE is studying eating and exercise behaviors of individuals who are successfully Living Lean in a Toxic Environment.
Somehow though he befriends I - want - to - be-more-than-just-a-housewife Fields and so they help each other in the toxic environment that is stand - up comedy.
Jesse T. Cook (Director) captures the essence of what it would be like to be isolated in a toxic environment.
in Hollywood have started coming forward to reveal their own stories of sexual assault, sexual harassment, and sexual misconduct experienced in the toxic environment of the entertainment industry.
Imagine trying to exist in a toxic environment that is slowly, almost imperceptibly, choking you to death.
Upgrade your engines to jump ever farther, and strengthen your suit for survival in toxic environments that would kill the unwary.
Working in a toxic environment feels stressful, confusing and insurmountable.
Achieving success in a toxic environment is not intuitive because the fixed points on the cultural compass are site - specific rather than universal.
«And one of the things, is we are in a toxic environment in this state.
We say the crow is his spirit animal because a crow can live and thrive in a toxic environment, and that's pretty much what he did through the chemo.
It's when the body has been exposed to lots of processed foods and sugars, chemicals from household and personal care products, or just daily living in a toxic environment, that detoxing can really make you feel different.
Every day, armies of young men, women, and children, deprived of any other job alternative, work in these toxic environments.
We live in a toxic environment, being exposed to an estimated 2.5 billion pounds of chemicals each year.
It's no secret we're living in a toxic environment.
Unfortunately, living in today's world means that we are living in a toxic environment.
The same assessment states that the children are being emotionally abused and living in a toxic environment that is damaging to both their current and long term mental health.
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