Sentences with phrase «in a whole new world»

Today's graduates compete in a whole new world rooted in the knowledge economy.
Sleeping together in a whole new world is still sleeping together!
As a scuba diver you can explore in a whole new world — you'll be hooked!
Just don't be surprised when you buy a magical carpet and find yourself already in a whole new world.
The accelerating energy transition to low carbon alternatives, coupled with low - cost crude producers like the Saudis protecting their market share by playing with the taps, means we are living in a whole new world of cheap oil — «lower forever» in the words of Royal Dutch Shell CEO Ben van Beurden.
If you accept this invitation, then you'll be able to join in the co-creation of the most wondrous future reality imaginable... a whole new life in a whole new world in a grand, golden age!
In its beginnings Christianity ushered in a whole new world of brainpower.
In the meantime, prepare to spend even more time hunched over your 3DS engrossed in a whole new world!
I discovered your blog recently and it's like I've stepped in a whole new world — I can't get over the loveliness of your photography!
For six months I visited uncharted genetic territory in a whole new world (unexplored by most people).
Here we are several decades later in a whole new world, and I just self - published the first of those many stories that have spent the intervening years migrating from my head to typewritten sheets in dusty drawers to floppy disks to CD's to USB drives.
«A dazzling place I never knew But when I'm way up here, it's crystal clear That now I'm in a whole new world with you»
With Pokémon GO, you'll discover Pokémon in a whole new world — your own!
Silverton quickly usherd in a whole new world of designer sandwiches.
The endless dinners, flirtations and mixed messages have always frustrated singletons looking for love, but 2017 ushered in a whole new world of...
And then on a personal know, I feel like Kangaroo Care does a lot of healing, for a mom that's just had a baby whether you've had it cesarean or you know, it was like me and it was just unexpected preemie and you're in a whole new world of new terms and doctors, and it's very overwhelming.
In the meantime, prepare to spend even more time hunched over your 3DS engrossed in a whole new world!
And then we were in a whole new world — because we hadn't realized the differences in the market.
She originally got them so she could have fresh eggs and ended up in a whole new world.
After my daughter was born I immersed myself in this whole new world of being a mom.
Just like in Trails of Cold Steel, you follow the daily lives of a ragtag group of students who find themselves in a whole new world once teleportation gates start opening up around the city.
As Toller counsels the two of them, he finds himself in a whole new world while dealing with his own health issues.
But when Vincent meets Catherine he wakes up in a whole new world and has to fight his way through nightmarish worlds to find his way back to the life he wants to have.
LLs are in a whole new world and landmine of potential discrimination lawsuits.
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