Sentences with phrase «in a young earth»

WHY?!?!?! WHY?!?!?! For the same reason that Pluto was judged to be a non-planet!!!! A bunch of «believe in young earth creationism» scientists, and by scientists I mean they got degrees in Evidence - Free Science from Fred Phelps University, somehow weaselled themselves into authority at the International Council Of Rodent - Classification in Masturbia, Arkansas, and oh what havoc they played upon the world of rodentry!
Topherisms I think I am right which makes about 7 billion people that do not believe in a young earth wrong.
As I continued to research I could see more and more massive holes in the Young Earth Creationism I had grown up on, but with no better option I became essentially agnostic.
According to this chart, the Christian worldview includes belief in young earth creationism, support for the death penalty, a commitment to mind / body dualism, rejection of non-traditional family structure, and devotion to fee enterprise and capitalism.
While reading The Language of God, I experienced a strange phenomenon: I simultaneously grew more convinced that my faith in God was in fact reasonable while also growing more convinced that my belief in young earth creationism was not.
Rubio either believes this but does not want to say it in public — which means he is untrustworthy; or he believes in a young earth — which means he has no business influencing science legislation.
«Remember that it doesn't matter if you believe in a young earth or an old earth; it doesn't matter if you question how an omnipotent, loving God could exist in the face of the existence of evil; or what you might have done last weekend — God's grace is big enough to handle all the doubt you can throw at it.»
Moving on, I would like to discuss the next set of data that leads me to believe in a young earth: dendrochrology.
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