Sentences with phrase «in abnormal postures»

Dogs and cats in severe pain may position their bodies in abnormal postures.
It can lead to thickening of the joint capsule which decreases range of motion at the joint resulting in abnormal postures, compensation, and increased stress placed on the joint capsule.

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Neurologically, the primary features seen most often and most evidently in infants were alterations in motor activity, reflected in body tone, posture and motility or movement; severe hypertonia (abnormal muscle tension and contraction); abnormal neurobehaviors, such as poor or delayed response to visual stimuli, and excitability.
The extra pressure on the neck from altered posture flattens the normal curve of the cervical spine resulting in abnormal strain of muscles, ligaments, bones and joints of the neck causing the joints to deteriorate faster than normal resulting in degenerative joint disease or spondylosis of the cervical spine
Shortly after settling in with his new family, Gray's posture became abnormal and his hind limbs splayed outward, severely affecting his ability to walk.
Abnormal Posture and Ataxia Loss of co-ordination between head, trunk, and limbs, results in loss of balance.
Dystocia in mares is due to abnormal presentation or posture, where a compromised fetus often is not properly positioned in the pelvic canal.
In addition to abnormal posture and movement, a cat in pain may exhibit other behavioral changes as welIn addition to abnormal posture and movement, a cat in pain may exhibit other behavioral changes as welin pain may exhibit other behavioral changes as well.
Its effects usually are loss of appetite, abnormal posture, weakness and in some cases death.
Protective and guarding behaviours may include frequent changes in body position in order to find the position that causes the least discomfort, as well as reluctance to use the painful body part with resulting abnormal posture or unusual gait.
There are several symptoms which may indicate vertebral subluxations in pets, from changes in temperament to an abnormal gait or hunched posture.
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