Sentences with phrase «in accepting religion»

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Brown was founded in 1764 on the then - unprecedented idea of accepting students regardless of religion.
Well, yeah... and I mean if what someone is really trying to achieve with this is to reduce practices that in any way, shape or form could indicate that someone bears them or their faith ill will... I don't think publicly humiliating people who would take the time to look up your dead ancestor's name and then take the time to drive to a temple and then get immersed in water on their behalf so that they (by their belief) have the option to accept your religion post mortem is really misguided and contrary to the spirit of freedom of religion in what it advocates.
This prejudice favouring traditional religions demonstrates a degree of imperial ethics... Sometimes, while not based on established jurisprudence, the perception is that we are prepared to challenge in the courts a newer religion with different belief structures but are prepared to accept the more established religions.
It is simply that you accept this one religion in FAVOR of all others.
A number of the major religions have even accepted this as you're not actually worshiping Buddha, just following his examples and teachings as to how to be a better person in life.
In religion, you have no option to ever verify any of the myths you're asked to accept.
The church = Oldest criminal organization in the world; Accepted because people can not accept their own death; Still people are going to be dead when dead; No religion will get you past that fact.
Because without their steadfast support of freedom of speech and religion, you run the risk of ending up in a theocracy that only accepts a religion other than your own.
The only way to find compatibility in such a worldview is by accepting a religion with no authority on the most meaningful matters of human existence.»
So, unless you are willing to accept your daughters from being excluded from education, your sons from being forced to pray to Allah in school, women being second class citizens, women being sent to prison for adultery after being raped, etc., you may want to consider what it truly means to have freedom of religion.
Further since faith is required to accept religion, Atheism in rejecting faith is the default position.
(membership is a religion is either professing a belief in it and / or being accepted by it)
Religion has little to do with ethics... for example... is it right for you to allow someone else to accept your just punishment... of course not, we do not allow that in our legal system, because it is not ethical... but your religion is based on that one unethical behavior.
At the National Conference on Religious Work in Beijing in April 2016, Xi declared that religion must adapt itself to China's existing social order and accept the party's leadership.
I am neither a christian or muslim but what right do christians have in making fun of muslims and their books when so much trash exists in their houses only difference being that other religions are open about their practices and even accept their mistakes..
The second is where most «atheists» can be found... unwilling to accept the logical consequence of their utterly meanigless lives as atheists, they cite humanity as being self - transcendent, in the end, this becomes a religion with themselves as its god — think Nietzsche.
I accept that the RCC is in competi.tion with other religions and sects of Christianity for souls, but it really seems over the top.
In this fashion, accepting the framework of Whitehead's metaphysics, it is possible to account for the justice of God which is basic to Biblical religion.
The Romans would have accepted them better if they showed any tolerance towards the many other religions in the empire.
AE, Because you and your kind push religion into society, insisting that there is a god and that it is your god and that we should all accept that in our life.
If that is NOT what you are suggesting, please explain in what ways — how and where — you would accept the «free practice of religion» anywhere other than in a religious building or at home.
I think that many of them at one point believed in Jesus alone for eternal life, but over time, have come to accept the lies of religion that they need to have the performance and good works in order to keep or prove their eternal life.
«Theology of religions» is the generally accepted term for how we as Christians articulate our faith in the light of the religious plurality of the world.
Since I accept the evolutionary view of religion, namely, that religion itself evolves, ramifies, differentiates itself, then there are various forms of religion that vary according to the degree that the very meaning of religion is developed in them and according to the degree that reason is reborn to the new dimension.
This is not about trying to force churches to accept us or to marry us, this is about religion waging a campaign against the gay community to demonize us in order to get their voting congregation to pass laws that deny us equal rights.
I guess sometimes it's humbling to sit and think about how many people believe in every different religion no matter how different they are and then science and accepting the fact that a HUGE majority of people are going to be right or wrong when they die and some people spending their entire life trying to justify or prove something that may be wrong.
So, I guess religion is harmful in a sense as well as providing a sense of tranquility (which is beneficial) to those who are unable to accept and deal with reality.
In other religions the use of cult images is accepted.
The Koran should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.»
Young people have choices in religion, and they want some validity before they can accept one over all the others.
society needs to stop protecting the rights of gays and lesbians and should focus on our mere extinction if we do nt repent, and hed to the words of CHRIST, we should not be spending even a minute talking about gays, bc the main story is how ignorant and stupid society has become, KNOW THIS, IF YOU REMOVE THE WORDS CHRIST FROM CHRISTMAS AND DECIDE THAT IS NO LONGER A STORY ABOUT A BABY FROM BETHLEHEN AND NOW ITS ABOUT SANTA CLAUS, AND PEOPLE ARE LEARNING TO ACCEPT OTHER RELIGIONS MOVING TO NY THEN YOU CAN EXPECT EVIL AND DISOBIENCE TO PROVAIL how can any group of people who blantenly marry in a church before GOD ALMIGHTY and demand that society accept them, have any place NEXT TO A HOLY GOD IN HEAVEN, WHO IS WITH OUT SIN, ACCEPT THEIACCEPT OTHER RELIGIONS MOVING TO NY THEN YOU CAN EXPECT EVIL AND DISOBIENCE TO PROVAIL how can any group of people who blantenly marry in a church before GOD ALMIGHTY and demand that society accept them, have any place NEXT TO A HOLY GOD IN HEAVEN, WHO IS WITH OUT SIN, ACCEPT THEIR SIin a church before GOD ALMIGHTY and demand that society accept them, have any place NEXT TO A HOLY GOD IN HEAVEN, WHO IS WITH OUT SIN, ACCEPT THEIaccept them, have any place NEXT TO A HOLY GOD IN HEAVEN, WHO IS WITH OUT SIN, ACCEPT THEIR SIIN HEAVEN, WHO IS WITH OUT SIN, ACCEPT THEIACCEPT THEIR SIN.
xx4zu1 - «the point that was made is that religion is the only thing that is given to you, in most cases, at birth that you can chose not to accept
«Narrative and practical Christianity can, in its encounter with... other religions, keep hold of its eschatological and universal history of meaning without at the same time having to accept the histories of the other religions in a totality of meaning.»
«If an atheist has belief or faith in anything, it's that believers of religion accept propositions as evidence, and possibility as fact.»
Go out and murder someone, and then come join our for - profit religion in prison, we'll accept you and you will go to heaven.
They are opposed to the use of force, and although they are a bridge between Wahhabi and Sufi practices, they follow orthodox Sunni doctrines, rather than the usual Sufi teachings, and accept the school of Malik in the particular requirements of religion.
We are forever putting conditions and qualifications on the love of God: «If you rid yourself of your racism, if you vote Democratic, if you accept Jesus as your savior, if...» Such conditional, achievement - oriented, self - made - men religion certainly doesn't need Jesus dying on the cross and rising from the dead to make itself plausible and reasonable in an achievement - oriented, you - get - what - you - deserve capitalistic culture.
science is not everything, the problem is when the critical and objective philosophy of science is accepted as absolute in reality.God is beyond logic at this point of our consciousness, The process of gods will manfistation is evolution which accepts all variables in the process, the input could be not what scienctists wants.Thats why faith or religion is part of reality.
i wish i could get 1/100 of the attention that muslims get now in this contry when they demand that Americans accept every one of their customs based on their religion including walking around our streets in a burqua.
Or, for that matter, might God be accepting and rejecting the worship of individuals scattered about in a number of religions despite what their organizations teach?
However, in living their lives according to universal values they also accept the value that says that all religions and their «gods» are as valid.
In contrast, constitutional stipulations that are substantive contradict the provision for constitutional change because they falsely assert that they must be explicitly accepted by any political participant who seeks to change them democratically The contradiction becomes fully apparent if we recognize that the argument for permitting substantive constitutional prescriptions also permits an established religion.
Panthrotheism does not discriminate or believe the bible is wrong, in analogy no one can claim that our human ancestors are wrong because they were naked or ate raw meats.We have now to accept that we are evolving.What is important that we survive.and still love each other in general despite conflicts.No one is wrong in believing and practicing any religion that is pro life.Some people thinks that any contadiction to classical faith is wrong, un aware that humans survive the trials in history was because of change and adaptation, in short evolution.its not anti religiom
Believing in religion just because you cant accept death is stupid.
equally, I» know you can't fathom that or accept that your religion is equal to every other religion in U.S. but that's how it's always been will always be.
If your world view and faith is so fragile that you can't accept even a basic flaw in your religion, you probably have greater problems than just trying to explain away a scientific theory.
Fortunately, it is exactly that insistence on delusion and denial, and this refusal to accept or adapt to the realities of the modern world, that is causing organized religion in the US to crumble more and more rapidly.
Christianity's Christ is not in either other religions mainly because the jews only accept the first five books of the bible.
Why would you expect honesty from your police, judges, Doctors, and even your builder, but you will accept unprovable fiction in your religion.
Strange that you believe in the evolution of Animals and Mankind but do not want to accept the Evilution of Religions... and that's why we remained separated becoming more divided... with each others and among our selves growing in to too many branches every generation evolves...?!
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