Sentences with phrase «in accumulation phase»

Presently, the company is in an accumulation phase and expects to do its first issuance at the end of the year.
«It will be difficult to offer guarantee in accumulation phase.
If the owner dies while the contract is in the accumulation phase (discussed later), there usually is a mandatory distribution of the death benefit (except when a spousal continuation rider takes effect).
Deferred annuities grow capital by investment in the accumulation phase (or deferral phase) and make payments during the distribution phase.
Though variable annuitization is non-taxable in the accumulation phase, there are somehow some implications that the product has taxes once annuitized.
Then note that the total return you'd earn while in the accumulation phase (making contributions annually to the account) on this fixed annuity, is only 1.1 % for the first ten years (then 1.0 % after that).
Twelve High Quality Dividend Stocks For Retirement by Sure Dividend Retired investors have different investment needs than investors still in the accumulation phase.
Just bought some more shares of T since I am still in the accumulation phase.
The death benefit can not be retained in accumulation phase.
Jill partially commutes $ 800,000 of her account - based income stream on 1 July 2017, retaining it in the accumulation phase, and continues receiving the reversionary death benefit income stream valued at $ 800,000.
A superannuation provider will not comply with the compulsory cashing requirement if it allows the deceased member's superannuation interest to remain in the accumulation phase after a time when it became practicable to cash the deceased member's superannuation interest.
Jill still has her original account - based income stream (now with a reduced value) in the retirement phase, and has $ 800,000 in accumulation phase.
So even when you're in the accumulation phase, and paying dividend and capital gains taxes at the highest bracket, this is still less money than paying ordinary income rates at your lower (retired) tax bracket.
What type of securities work best for someone in an accumulation phase?
It is increasingly evident that postretirement product design requires consideration of a more complex set of factors than exists in the accumulation phase.
It's been said that investors who are in the accumulation phase should be happy when markets go down, so they can get more for their investment dollar.
As a strong saver still in the accumulation phase, I would be delighted to have the opportunity to buy in the market at lower valuations.
Yet, unfortunately, one of the main appeals of ETFs — that they trade «like stocks» — has also inhibited their growth, as the ticket charges of trading commissions can add up quickly for younger investors that are still in the accumulation phase and making modest ongoing contributions to a diversified multi-ETF portfolio.
In an accumulation phase, we will likely have a larger allocation to growth assets.
SMSFs in accumulation phase will continue to receive the rebate and not be double taxed.
I tend to agree even though I'm an indirect beneficiary through my SMSF, though still in the accumulation phase.
From 1 July 2017, investment returns on super transition to retirement pensions are taxed at up to 15 % just as they are in the accumulation phase.
From 1 July 2017, investment returns on super transition to retirement pensions will now be taxed at up to 15 % just as they are in the accumulation phase.
Masayo is 55 years old and her only super interest is $ 1 million in accumulation phase.
From 1 July 2017, you should ensure you know the balances of all your interests in accumulation phase and the value of any super income streams at the end of 30 June of the relevant year.
Ray has no other interests in accumulation phase.
We are also in the accumulation phase home - stretch, and carry a mortgage with no intentions of paying it off early.
Quick clarification: The Sequence of Return Risk (SoRR) example was meant for someone in the accumulation phase (as I am right now).
Over the long term, these fluctuations will smooth out and of course as an investor in the accumulation phase, a strong Swiss franc towards other currencies is a real blessing (see also The day when my portfolio dropped by 15 %).
If you are not withdrawing and are still in your accumulation phase, bonds could also be used as a lever when stocks do very poorly.
Effectively, I am drawing down about 0.5 % currently, so, barring market falls, I am still in an accumulation phase.
As an investor in the accumulation phase, a strong Swiss franc — particularily towards the EUR, GBP — is a real blessing.
Since we are in accumulation phase, I buy the asset class that has deviated most from the target when a buy will cost only 0.5 %.
I don't mind being rather overweight to a sector as i'm in the accumulation phase.
I think they are a fairly good tax efficient way to do withdrawals but for someone in the accumulation phase I don't think they are the best option.
You're right, valuations are something that really only affect those of us who are still in the accumulation phase.
Well, for an investor in the accumulation phase, new positions become more and more expensive.
All of Jimmy's interests are in accumulation phase.
We already talked about this in the past; if you are just starting out and in your accumulation phase, the best thing that can happen is a recession.
This is in line with most SMSFs with borrowings being in the accumulation phase.
SMSFs in pension phase had higher total average operating expenses than that of funds solely in accumulation phase.
But investors in the accumulation phase often reinvest all distributions, which is a potential problem at tax time, Fok Kam says.
If you're in the accumulation phase of your life, rising interest rates will cause some short - term pain.
SMSFs in the pension phase had similar assets to SMSFs in the accumulation phase.
The only noticeable differences are that SMSFs in pension phase tend to slightly favour listed shares and managed investments more, while those in accumulation phase favoured property assets more.
The majority of SMSFs continued to be solely in the accumulation phase (52 %) with the remaining 48 % making pension payments to some of or all members.
Someone who is retired or very close to retiring should hold enough fixed income to cover their expenses throughout a major correction in the stock market but someone in the accumulation phase might not need any bonds at all.
A super interest is said to be in the accumulation phase if you have not yet ceased making contributions and retired.
any rolled over super benefits not reflected in your accumulation phase value or transfer balance account
Since we are in accumulation phase, I buy the asset class that has deviated most from the target when a buy will cost only 0.5 %.
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