Sentences with phrase «in additional taxes»

Such a theme park would create about 1,000 jobs, bring in additional tax revenues and aid local restaurants and small businesses, county officials told the newspaper.
It can result in you paying hundreds or even thousands of dollars in additional taxes.
Under the new federal rules, the state stands to receive $ 1.5 billion in additional tax payments.
Under the new rules, the state stands to receive $ 1.5 billion in additional tax payments.
Let's also assume that the couple pays around $ 1,500 in additional taxes by filing separately.
Yes, as he describes, a ten - dollar increase in income could result in tens of thousands of dollars in additional taxes.
You include the withdrawal in income on the Canadian tax return and claim the transfer into your RRSP, resulting in no additional tax liability to Canada.
This change is expected to subject these upper income taxpayers to about $ 140 million in additional tax liability.
New York Sen. Chuck Schumer, the Democratic minority leader, said ending the deductions could cost an average New York household $ 4,500 a year in additional taxes.
That means that a city resident with a home assessed at $ 100,000 paid $ 58.80 in additional taxes in 2010 to cover the costs of city residents attending community colleges other than ECC.
The $ 67 million Colorado hopes to make in additional taxes is «a rounding error» compared to the total state budget, he says.
Additionally, a Minnesota city and county offered $ 40,000 in additional tax abatements.
The increase in the child - care expense deduction for the 2015 tax year would provide $ 440 in additional tax relief.
Dodge continued, «If you are going to compare yourself to being in Toronto or being in Texas or being in California, you are going to give up 20 % of your income in additional taxes to be in Canada.
Boost local economies as well as bring in additional tax revenues.
But the Cuomo administration counters by saying the caps have saved taxpayers billions in additional taxes since they were enacted.
«He has promised billions more in additional taxes and spending that would hurt middle class families already struggling to pay their bills,» Guadagno campaign spokesman Ricky Diaz said.
ALBANY — Four months late and hundreds of millions of dollars in additional taxes later, the state Senate finally completed the 2010 - 11 budget on Tuesday evening.
The IRS audited your tax return and the changes resulted in additional taxes owed.
Again, depending on my tax bracket, contributing this $ 8,808 to my 401 (k) could result in additional tax savings of between $ 880 and $ 3,487.
To Clarify, the «peace of mind» offered by block covers only up to $ 6000 in additional taxes but the truth is that it will only pay if it is their error which by the client signing that they agree to what has been filed they have lost all ability to dispute it being in error.
As a result, a transfer pricing penalty may be imposed even if the adjustment under subsection 247 (2) does not result in any additional tax payable (e.g., due to the availability of losses or deductions).
Although the general intention of the parties was to complete the plan on a tax - neutral basis, due to certain unforeseen occurrences (including a demand for repayment of certain debt obligations of one of the target companies) and errors that were discovered by the Canada Revenue Agency in 2008 in the course of an audit, the transaction ultimately resulted in additional tax obligations.
Assuming a $ 2 billion long - term capital gain, Lucas would have paid around $ 175 million in additional taxes under 2013 law.
Depreciation Tax Laws allow annual depreciation to be written off as an expense item, resulting in an additional tax shelter.
The latest assault in the heated battle over legislation that could double taxes on real estate partnerships and private equity firms comes in the form of a new study that argues the law would squeeze $ 5 billion in additional taxes from real estate investors alone.
Since the previous city budget was adopted last spring, the city has benefited from more than $ 1 billion in additional tax revenue in the current fiscal year and $ 1.25 billion in the next.
New York's Senator and Democratic Minority Leader Chuck Schumer says ending the deductions could cost an average New York household $ 4,500 a year in additional taxes.
You run the risk of literally tens of thousands of dollars in additional taxes.
For example, a married taxpayer with an AGI of $ 400,000 would face a loss of $ 3,000 in itemized deductions and perhaps $ 1,000 in additional tax liability.
The Conservatives are expecting to reach their 2015 milestone mostly through an economic rebound that generates an estimated $ 25 billion in additional tax revenues.
Failure to rescind a PRE may result in additional taxes, interest and penalties.
«If folks» taxes go back up, and the middle - class family is looking at two to three thousand dollars in additional taxes, those are the margins in dollars that really make a huge difference in our industry,» said Rowen.
If Congress doesn't extend the Bush Tax cuts before the end of the year, which seems possible, NYers will pay an average of more than $ 5500 in additional taxes.
ALBANY, N.Y. (CBSNewYork)-- New York state Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Tuesday offered an election - year budget that seeks to soften the blow of federal tax laws that could stick New Yorkers with billions in additional taxes.
Although the administration has lauded the deal as a potential source of $ 140 million in additional tax revenue over the course of 40 years, lawmakers have approached the plan with caution, criticizing Astorino's attempt to fast - track its approval by tying a Board of Legislators» decision to a required Dec. 27 budget deadline, and for not sending out a formal request for proposals.
A potential 40 - year agreement announced by Republican Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino looks to privatize management of the county's airport in exchange for more than $ 100 million in additional tax revenue.
The poll was conducted Feb. 5 - 8, amid the ongoing bribery trial of Joseph Percoco, a former top aide to Cuomo, and after Cuomo proposed $ 1 billion in additional taxes and fees.
«The state's budget includes a $ 248 million increase in school aid, $ 212 million more for the state takeover of Medicaid, and $ 60 million in additional tax revenue — calling this significant increase a cut is disingenuous and the city should check its math.»
This means that in 2010 a city resident with a home assessed at $ 100,000 paid $ 58.80 in additional taxes to cover the costs for city residents attending community colleges in other counties.
«I don't think that the taxpayers of Connecticut are going to pay $ 500 million to $ 1 billion in additional taxes to give money to people who are making $ 916 million.»
If you keep it for 25 years, you will end up paying $ 19,800 in additional taxes.
With AGI just below one of those increments, however, adding $ 100 of income will eliminate 2 % of your personal exemptions — and with a large enough number of personal exemptions, this $ 100 of income could cost more than $ 100 in additional tax.
For a $ 100,000 gain, that can mean a difference of over $ 15,800 in additional taxes.
When combined with the $ 911 million in additional tax revenue the state will likely receive, the Barnett Shale is estimated to generate $ 1.6 billion in tax revenue for the state of Texas in 2011.
So by filing separately, the couple will pay $ 1,500 in additional taxes but with the student loan payment savings, the couple will save $ 5,292 overall ($ 6,792 — $ 1,500 = $ 5,292).
Many real estate professionals «believe if the legislation is not extended, households who are already struggling to pay their mortgages will be further burdened with tens of thousands of dollars in additional taxes that they probably can't afford to pay because the IRS would count the cancelled debt as income,» says Jamie Gregory, a lobbyist for the National Association of REALTORS ®.
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