Sentences with phrase «in amniotic sacs»

There little babies in amniotic sacs float toward the hero, who must slay them because they will «jump on your back if you let them live,» according to the game book.
Not enough fluid in the amniotic sac (oligohydramnios) could mean that the baby isn't peeing properly, which could indicate a problem with the kidneys or urinary tract.
When I looked down I realized he was still completely wrapped in the amniotic sac.
Your baby is still very small, though, and has plenty of room as he or she floats in the amniotic sac.
Despite your baby's small size, he or she is already swimming in the amniotic sac and kicking but you won't feel it at this point!
During your pregnancy, your baby is protected in the amniotic sac, which is in your uterus, and is made of two membranes.
In the event of a spill, remember that the baby is really well cushioned in the amniotic sac.
There's no outright medical reason for your water to break before pushing baby out, and babies can be born in the amniotic sac with no ill effects.
But not all women experience their water breaking as a first sign of labor, and plenty of women never have their water break at all, going on to deliver babies in the amniotic sac.
Your baby is becoming more active in the amniotic sac, rolling and flipping.
Although baby is sealed away in the amniotic sac, transmissions of infections and diseases can and do happen.
So your baby plays an important role in keeping just the right amount of fluid in the amniotic sac.
Not much is known about why babies hiccup in the womb, but one theory is that it could be a way for babies to regulate the amount of fluid in the amniotic sac.
And that sort kind of reminded me I've never seen a baby still in the amniotic sac.
Near the end of your pregnancy, your doctor will check to see if your baby is a normal size, and that there is an adequate amount of fluid in the amniotic sac.
It shows a laboring giraffe standing solemnly in front of a sandy savanna, her newborn hanging halfway out, with its head still in the amniotic sac.

Not exact matches

It also plays a critical role in the formation of the amniotic sac later in pregnancy.
Some other things that can cause a loss in this portion of pregnancy include incompetent cervix (where the cervix doesn't hold closed), infections (of the uterus, amniotic sac, etc.) and other complications of pregnancy.
The longer your little one remains in utero post due date, the greater the risk he or she has for meconium staining, which is a fancy phrase that boils down to this: Your baby's fecal matter making its way into the amniotic sac, raising the likelihood of infections and serious complications.
For nine months your baby grows inside your womb and is safely cradled in a perfect pod called the Amniotic Sac.
The chorion is the outer membrane of the fluid - filled amniotic sac surrounding a fetus in utero.
Your baby floats in the amniotic fluid safely within the amniotic sac for the duration of your pregnancy.
If your baby was born right now, he or she would still spend some time in an incubator, as there is not enough fat on the body to keep warm outside of the warm amniotic sac.
While your baby is in these early stages of development, your placenta and the amniotic sac (which provides the warm environment where the embryo will grow) are still forming as well.
By this stage in the pregnancy, the amniotic fluids in the gestational sac offer ample protection right up until the time when your water breaks.
This is often a sure sign that you're in labor, as it means the amniotic sac has ruptured.
On the other hand, you can count on having a scheduled c - section if your first twin (meaning the one that's lower in your uterus, who will be born first) isn't head down, if your twins share one amniotic sac, or if you're carrying more than two babies.
If the baby's head is near your cervix and low enough in the birth canal, your practitioner will rupture the amniotic sac and continue to monitor the baby's heart rate.
This Fit Pregnancy story is a crazy home birth one because one of her twins was born in its intact amniotic sac.
The theory behind water birth is that since the baby has already been in the amniotic fluid sac for nine months, birthing in a similar environment is gentler for the baby and less stressful for the mother.
Sometimes this happens when fragments of the placenta or the amniotic sac remain in your uterus after delivery.
This early, your baby is still just a mass of cells called embryoy An amniotic sac is just starting around this mass of cellsl It is not bigger than a small pinhead which will rapidly see growth in the next 38 - 42 weeks where it becomes a full babyb
The amniotic sac helps protect the baby and aids in the development of muscles, limbs, lungs, and the digestive system, as explained in the aforementioned post by the American Pregnancy Association.
The placenta, umbilical cord and amniotic sac each play critical roles in your baby's survival inside the womb.
This sac is filled with clear, water - like fluid known as amniotic fluid and it is in this fluid that your baby will float and be protected for the remainder of your pregnancy.
In addition to that pancake, there's the amniotic sac.
At any given time, she might be playing with the umbilical cord (which she's now able to grasp), putting her thumb in her mouth, or kicking at the amniotic sac.
In order to do this, your healthcare provider will sweep his or finger around your cervix, gently detaching your amniotic sac from your uterine wall.
This is untrue, because some babies are «born with a caul,» or born still in an intact amniotic sac.
And for the record, a secure mucous plug in your cervix separates your amniotic sac and uterus from the rest of the world — including your partner during penetration.
There's a line in the write - up of the birth that the twins shared a placenta, which would make them mono - di or even mono - mono (she never mentions whether they shared an amniotic sac or not).
MAS can happen before, during, or after labour and delivery when a newborn inhales a mixture of meconium (the early stool passed by a newborn soon after birth) and amniotic fluid (the fluid in which the baby floats inside the amniotic sac).
Hurricane Sandy's potency came in part from the storm's unusually low barometric pressure, which in theory could cause a pregnant woman's amniotic sac to break — inducing labor.
One of the biggest problems in fetal neuroimaging is that a fetus is a moving target, bobbing around inside the amniotic sac.
Unlike reptiles, birds and mammals, unborn or unhatched amphibians do not develop in a special protective sac called an amniotic sac.
This is probably because the amniotic sac plays an important role in the physiology of a natural birth.
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