Sentences with phrase «in ancient languages»

It wasn't until an eccentric but dedicated historian writing a paper for a renowned academic journal (Retro Gamer issue 63) pieced together the complete saga of Willy's heroic exploits from fragments of scattered evidence - in the form of obscure retellings of the «Manic Miner» folk fable in ancient languages readable only via long - obsolete machines - that the whole truth was finally revealed.»
Four characters are introduced likewise in the movie: Tyler's psychiatrist (Elias Koteas), the town sheriff (Will Patton), and a scholar in ancient languages (Hakeem Kae - Kazim)-- all of whom are «aliases.»
Since there is not a perfect one - to - one match between English words and words in these ancient languages, interpretation was implicit in the translating.
Turkey, or «huexolotlin» in the ancient language of the Aztecs, is native to Mexico and was used in the original recipe, but this mole also goes well with chicken and pork.
The breath is known as Prana, which, in the ancient language of Sanskrit, means «Life Force.»
Anandita means «bringer of happiness» in the ancient language of Sanskrit, and this beachside haven located in fabulous Lombok is sure to bring its fortunate guests just that.

Not exact matches

He studied Philosophy and Classics at Stanford and has language skills in German, Ancient Greek, and Latin.
The first is relatively uncontroversial to most believers except, perhaps, to evangelical philosophers and fundamentalists of various types — namely, that laypeople are in no position to adjudicate disputes among experts in New Testament scholarship because the scholars have an expertise in languages and ancient history that laypeople lack.
I'd point to a whole life of unremarkable moments and the ancient streets in Rome and the night sky and dead languages, to all of the ways we defiantly choose life over death, the ways that our everyday lives testify to the victory of God's dream for us.
Others are outraged that Christians, especially Christian leaders, tinker so casually with the ancient language of the faith, the faith in which we baptize.
The name means «unified» in Ge'ez, the ancient and still liturgical language of Ethiopia.
Latin is an ancient language still in use but is not in any way an ethnicity or a race.
By this «in - mythologizing,» there is the possibility of penetration into the reality which the ancient cosmology and the mythology used by the biblical writers was attempting to state in language appropriate to their time.
we are direct descendants of the Egyptians living at the times of the pharaohs and the greeks that have come afterwards... we still use the ancient demotic language (spoken ancient Egyptian) in our liturgies and prayers.
Today attempts to arrive at the text of the New Testament center on three sorts of materials: ancient Greek manuscripts, ancient versions in languages other than Greek (e.g., Latin, Syriac and Coptic), and early quotations said to come from the New Testament.
In addition, there are words and phrases that do not easily translate from one language to another, such as idiomatic expressions, word usages from ancient agrarian societies and so on.
Some of these principles are particularly relevant to the translation of the Bible of ancient Hebrew and Greek into other languages.39 In a linguistically pluralistic country like India, various principles play vital role in different translationIn a linguistically pluralistic country like India, various principles play vital role in different translationin different translations.
There was initial rote memorization of the words that, in their various inflections, were the elements of the language — usually more of them than any ancient speaker ever used, or ever knew.
Ecumenical theology, on the other hand, dealt generally with pre-Enlightenment issues in pre-Enlightenment language, seeking a rhetoric that would heal ancient divisions.
Critical historical exegesis during the past hundred years has undoubtedly aided unprecedented advancements in our biblical knowledge: in the better understanding of literary genres, source history and textual composition; in etymology and archaeology; in the penetration of ancient languages and cultural settings.
Trigster: the Book of Mormon was written by dark skinned people, who probably knew nothing of the white supremacy you accuse them of... it does use ancient language, but they were not racist in our terms, the Nephites and Lamanites of the Book of Mormon viewed themselves as «brothers,» they were all one race.
For some of those people, and I am one of them, that will no longer be in the concepts and language of the ancient world.
And even the truths in it are from ancient languages that have long ago lost their meaning??? If you get strength from the Bible that's really great, but understand that one size does not fit all, and therefor there is indeed a need for a decoder ring when speaking «religious»..
The Greek term psyche (soul), which Christians naturally found themselves using in order to describe the spiritual aspect of a man, already implied the dualistic approach to human nature and introduced a concept for which there had been no verbal equivalent in the language of ancient Israel.26
Here is the sheer miracle of it: a literature that long antedated our glorious gains in science and the immense scope of modern knowledge, which moves in the quiet atmosphere of the ancient countryside, with camels and flocks and roadside wells and the joyous shout of the peasant at vintage or in harvest — this literature, after all that has intervened, is still our great literature, published abroad as no other in the total of man's writing, translated into the world's great languages and many minor ones, and cherished and loved and studied so earnestly as to set it in a class apart.
Our ancient forebears stood in such awe of the forces of nature that they created concepts, symbols and a language by which to understand them.
The use of biblical language to express a Victorian worldview makes it very difficult for most Protestants to remember that the books of the Bible address questions posed in another time in terms of the worldviews of ancient cultures.
It is therefore proper to our study of worship to inquire what this revolution in language means for the public worship in our churches; to ask whether perhaps it is not a task of contemporary obedience and praise to find fresh forms of statement whereby intelligibly to set forth ancient facts and encounters.
Hey, maybe if Darwin or Hawking had a Hebrew lexicon in * their * writings you guys could study ancient languages, but alas, i guess you'll just have to leave that entire field of academia to the religious.
Do you contend that all scholars of ancient languages agree on the meaning of words in ancient texts?
The ancient tongues were but a small though important province in the realm which he explored tirelessly, testing his general theory of linguistic expression by an investigation not only of Indo - European and Semitic idioms but also of Basque and Hungarian, of American Indian languages, of Chinese and South Sea dialects.1 Visitors found the aged sage «pure and perfect like an ancient work of art.»
The best part about ancient partial out of context text in dead languages with the authors long dead is it can be made to mean a wide rage of sometimes contradicting meanings.
In one sense, we might regard it as the reappearance of a long lost religious language — not the simple rebirth of an ancient and primitive language, but far rather a transformed and transmuted language in which our inherited Western language itself assumes a comprehensive and universal forIn one sense, we might regard it as the reappearance of a long lost religious language — not the simple rebirth of an ancient and primitive language, but far rather a transformed and transmuted language in which our inherited Western language itself assumes a comprehensive and universal forin which our inherited Western language itself assumes a comprehensive and universal form.
I try to view the texts in as much of the context (including literary devices, ancient languages, cultural norms of the times) as I possibly can.
«Parts of the New Testament have been preserved in more manuscripts than any other «ancient» work, having over 5,800 complete or fragmented Greek manuscripts, 10,000 Latin manuscripts and 9,300 manuscripts in various other ancient languages including Syriac, Slavic, Gothic, Ethiopic, Coptic and Armenian.»
if were only going to use the KJV why stop at greek, or latin why not only read the original texts which were written in Coptic the simple fact is not a single one of us, including our highest religious leaders, other then about 30 ancient language specialist in the world have ever read an original scripture.
Dr. Biran and Dr. Joseph Naveh, a specialist in ancient Semitic languages at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, have now provided a full, illustrated report in The Israel Exploration Journal.
It isn't even a single book — but rather an ancient collection of letters and laws, prophecies and proverbs, stories and songs, spanning thousands of years and written in languages and cultures far removed from my own.
Indeed, their paranoid fascination with the fossil record (which includes, almost, surreally, a «creation museum» in Cleveland, Ohio where one can see biblical children playing with dinosaurs) Hell, American Indians, Australian Aboriginals, «true» Indians, Chinese, Mongols, Ja.panese, Sub-Saharan Africans and the Celts and other tribes of ancient Europe were speaking thousands of different languages thousands of years before the date creationist say the Tower of Babel occurred — and even well before the date they claim for the Garden of Eden!!!
I just forget what it is right now... Both Ancient and Modern Hebrew are rather imprecise, which is why I'm glad the NT was written in Greek, a very demanding and precise language.
Just as Jesus assumed the language, culture, and life of a first - century Jewish teacher, so the Bible «belonged in the ancient worlds that produced it.
Yet, missionary activity has been at least a factor in the renewal of the ancient religions of Asia and some missionary scholars helped to make knowledge of these faiths available in European languages.
he made sure that the words were written in the language of the time and if there would have been a jelly stain on it they would have had an expert on ancient fruit look at it too.
The New Testament has been preserved in more than 5,800 Greek manuscripts, 10,000 Latin manuscripts and 9,300 manuscripts in various other ancient languages including Syriac, Slavic, Ethiopic and Armenian.
Last week, we discussed Enns» incarnational analogy — in which he posits that just as Jesus assumed the language, culture, and life of a first - century Jewish teacher, so the Bible belonged in the ancient worlds that produced it.
Byzantium, for its part, never completely cast off from its moorings in ancient Greece and always kept, at least in educated circles, the classical form of written language.
In the original language and in the solemn manner of recitation of ancient India this verse resounds yet more fullIn the original language and in the solemn manner of recitation of ancient India this verse resounds yet more fullin the solemn manner of recitation of ancient India this verse resounds yet more fully:
As for Ehrman's 400,000 variants, Blomberg explains, they are «spread across more than 25,000 manuscripts in Greek or other ancient languages....
Can you read Ancient Hebrew or Greek which is the language that the majority of the book was written in?
There was no punctuation marks in the ancient Greek and Aramaic languages.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z