Sentences with phrase «in animal excrement»

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Ten people have contracted leptospirosis, a disease spread in drinking water contaminated by animal excrement.
Any animal needing to lie down to rest risks being buried in excrement.
Events for the younger set included a tour of «the fourth dimension» — a room full of hypercubes and other higher dimensional objects that gave me a touch of vertigo; a chamber of robots that you could teach to play football; a demonstration of forensic science involving (real) guns and a (fake) cadaver in a staged crime scene; a live cooking show in which physicists, chemists, and anthropologists explained the science and origins of food; and a walking tour through the natural history of excrement featuring — you guessed it — a dizzying array of animal feces.
Human sewage largely consists of excrement from toilet - flushing; wastewater from bathing, laundry, and dishwashing; and animal and vegetable matter from food preparation that is disposed through an in - sink garbage disposal.
Every minute, 7 million pounds of excrement are produced by animals raised for food in the U.S..
«The excrements of 80 billion land animals raised for food each year aren't» treated and go in to water basins and oceans».
Today, most milk is produced in large concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) where the animals don't receive sunlight, are fed genetically modified grains and soy products and stand in each other's excrement.
It wants to preach environmental awareness one moment, then cover its cast with animal excrement in others.
The roundworm is long and smooth - coated, and will appear as light strands in your animal's excrement.
If you live in the country make sure that your puppy does not eat animal excrement, especially in the case of animals that have not had a veterinarian control check up.
An officer of Vancouver Animal Control has been in touch with them re noise complaints (excessive barking), and a Health Dept. Inspector has contacted them re the cleanup of the excrement.
Several of these animals were found dead in their own yards... killed by a psychopath... with warning notes about nuisance barking and public excrement.
«The animals were housed in extremely unsanitary conditions — filled with excrement and with no protection from the heat or cold — causing them to be in distress,» said Constable Jo Anne Landsburg, Chief Provincial Investigator with the Nova Scotia SPCA.
Cats are intuitively very clean animals, and by nature, they prefer to eliminate their waste in an area of the house that is private and in a box that allows for sifting through sand - like material to hide their excrement.
He first conceived of its artistic potential during study in Zimbabwe — although, as the artist and scholar Olu Oguibe has insisted, the country has no tradition of artistic use of animal excrement.
Belying the humble status of dung beetles — insects that burrow their broods in balls of animal excrement — Thater's video enlarges the beetles» scale and flips them skyward.
This project developed by First Climate, Indian NGO INSEDA and Germany «s Governmental Agency for International Development (GIZ) aims to provide a sustainable solution to all these problems: To date, about 7,000 households have been provided with their own biogas plant to utilize the free and sustainable energy contained in their animals» excrement for cooking, household lighting and boiling water.
Animal excrement is stored in massive cesspools or lagoons that often leak into adjacent waterways.
Methane has more than 20 times the global warming potential of carbon dioxide, and is released in massive quantities from animal excrement.
Some typical responsibilities of this professional include: • Cleaning and maintaining animals» area • Preparing food for animals and serving in a safe manner • Removing animal excrement • Observing the behavior... Read More»
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