Sentences with phrase «in appropriate cases»

«Computer - assisted review appears to be better than the available alternatives, and thus should be used in appropriate cases,» he wrote.
But you have a right to these benefits in the appropriate case include if they will help you.
And while the law should strongly encourage punitive damage awards in appropriate cases, judges should ultimately retain the discretion to award punitive damages.
I very much am a strong proponent of mediation in appropriate cases.
Thus, in the appropriate case if the threshold of relevance is met, a hard drive may require production.
For example, agency procedures should require that processing of reasonable accommodation requests be expedited in appropriate cases.
I have a basic thesis that I would love to see some attorney test in the appropriate case: any behavior that would excuse no sex should also excuse adultery.
We also advise upon the option of serving statutory demands and the commencement of bankruptcy or winding up proceedings in appropriate cases.
In order to make legal services more accessible and affordable, we offer parties the option of limited scope representation in appropriate cases.
We understand the complexities of handling employment litigation and are able to access alternative litigation funding sources in appropriate cases.
I'm asking if you that issue of reliance in an appropriate case is for the certification stage?
We provide representation under a variety of fee structures, including reasonable hourly fee arrangements, contingency fee agreements in appropriate cases, and hybrid or mixed hourly and contingency fee structures.
An equal sharing of custody of children is also possible in appropriate cases.
The province assurance fund also pays financial compensation in appropriate cases where the possibility of lose of title through fraud occurs.
To assist clients with cost containment, we offer prelitigation services on a flat - rate basis in appropriate cases with the aim of resolving disputes before they turn into lawsuits.
Laura Cameron, partner at Pinsent Masons, says: «Many of those currently subject to proceedings may be well advised to enter early guilty pleas in appropriate cases in order to expedite their cases.»
The law of defamation provides for the defences of fair comment and of qualified privilege in appropriate cases.
«(a) CONSIDERATION OF ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION IN APPROPRIATE CASES - Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary and except as provided in subsections (b) and (c), each district court shall, by local rule adopted under section 2071 (a), require that litigants in all civil cases consider the use of an alternative dispute resolution process at an appropriate stage in the litigation.
The built - in barcoding system syncs with your scanner to provide automatic document filing in the appropriate case file.
Compensatory and punitive damages in appropriate cases Judge's should be encouraged to award compensatory damages in successful applications where damages are proven.
Commentary to the Rules of Professional Conduct indicate that it is important for lawyers to consider, advise and act on ADR, including arbitration in appropriate cases.
Sir Brian Leveson, President of the QBD, said: «Cross deployment of judges across the Chancery and Queen's Bench Divisions for the purposes of the Financial List has demonstrated the real value of flexible deployment in appropriate cases.
The Memorandum acknowledges that while not all matters may be capable of being resolved through an ILUA, in appropriate cases ILUAs can be a productive means of dealing with native title matters.
Gary also has been trained in and, as a founding member of the South Jersey Collaborative Law Group, practices and is committed to Collaborative Divorce in appropriate cases.
The number of recent awards demonstrates an increasing trend of such awards and Ontario courts are prepared to award human rights damages in appropriate cases.
When one considers not only pages 301 - 2 but rather pages 141 - 2 and the entirety of the AMA Guides which provide no absolute prohibition on the use of percentage ratings for psycho - emotional impairments, it is clear that those Guides recognize it may be necessary to arrive at percentage ratings in appropriate cases in order to provide physicians with informed guidance.
This section allows appellate courts, with permission of the trial court, to address and answer controlling questions of law in appropriate cases without the need for the parties to incur the expense of a full trial.
These are necessary reforms: increased information, greater access to legal services, more use in appropriate cases of different forms of dispute resolution and triage (ensuring that families are sent in the right direction in the system)... [more]
He added that «suicide for depression has never been part of the credo of the Hemlock Society» and that the society supports «suicide prevention in appropriate cases
The Court further ordered that the Commission should in appropriate cases afford the candidates the opportunity to comply with Regulation 9 (2) of the Public Elections Regulations, 2016 (C.I. 94).
For the majority of offences, no permission from the CPS or equivalent is needed and so the first step is usually an application to a magistrates» court to issue a summons or warrant which, if granted, begins the proceedings culminating in a trial either in the magistrates court, or in an appropriate case before a jury in the crown court.
Supreme Court Aug. 11, 2016)-- authored by Justice Werdegar; discussed in our Aug. 15, 2016 post: Trial judges can use the percentage of recovery fee approach for purposes of awarding fess in a common fund class action case, with the trial judge not shackled to using only the lodestar approach in an appropriate case.
(2B) For the purposes of this Act, the quality of goods includes their state and condition and the following (among others) are in appropriate cases aspects of the quality of goods --
There are no regional variations, eg London rates, and no recognition of the need for PPCs to mediate in appropriate cases.
One of the solutions suggested is requiring search engines to de-index web pages containing personal information in appropriate cases.
1279 (ALC)(AJP), 2012 WL 1446534 (S.D.N.Y. Apr. 26, 2012), in which he stated, «This judicial opinion now recognizes that computer - assisted review is an acceptable way to search for relevant ESI in appropriate cases
[37] While this statement does not preclude an inquiry committee from taking extraordinary action without notice in appropriate cases, a committee should be cautious about deciding on extraordinary action without first giving a registrant an opportunity to provide input, «with or without counsel».
Failures of that kind are matters from which inferences can be drawn, but only in appropriate cases, and the drawing of inferences from such failures is not a «tick - box» exercise.
Because the workers» compensation Commission also wants you to return to earning a living, benefits available in the appropriate case include money for occupational and vocational rehabilitation, and for education and training.
That should be sufficient to support the mahr in appropriate cases.
It is a flexible principle, which in an appropriate case will allow a wide margin of discretion to employers as to the appropriate special treatment to be accorded to pregnant employees and those on maternity leave, particularly where such advantages are not directly at the expense of their colleagues and do not cause them serious prejudice.
Simon Sinnatt will be delivering a talk on how the civil procedure rules may be used to free up hospital beds in appropriate cases.
Although on the facts of the case, the Court concluded that the part - time income received from Sobeys did not rise to a sufficient level to make it a substitute for her work at PJ — M2R Restaurant Inc., it raised the possibility that such an argument could be made in the appropriate case.
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