Sentences with phrase «in arbitrary»

Again, I'm pulling in arbitrary numbers but this is what I'm talking about:
BUDA's general manager, Pablo Chávez, argued the move sees banks decide not to operate with companies related to cryptocurrencies «in an arbitrary manner and without a solid foundation.»
Next keep adding resistors in arbitrary combinations up to say a dozen resistors and become confident that you can calculate the voltage and current regardless of any combination that is given to you.
Voluntary life insurance is typically offered in multiples of your salary with the company rather than in arbitrary amounts that you can choose from.
We signed up for areas of expertise and the referral service would provide us (in arbitrary rotation) names of prospective clients interested in getting legal services in the practice areas we signed up for.
The TWU decision is decidedly different than Roncarelli v Duplessis, where a government agent (not a regulatory body) exerted his authority in an arbitrary manner and without good faith.
Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Ralph Goodale announced last August an investment of $ 138 million to improve and minimize the use of immigration detention, including expanding alternatives to detention and strengthening partnerships with the Red Cross and United Nations (which in 2015 issued a report saying that Canada's treatment of immigration detainees was cruel and unusual and resulted in arbitrary detention).
He added that (para 95) «the key point is that article 5 (1) was intended to avoid arbitrary detention», ie it is concerned with the physical liberty of the person, and aims to prevent people being dispossessed of their liberty in an arbitrary fashion, and is not directed at mere restrictions of liberty of movement, as here.
You may have a bad faith claim against your insurance company if it fails to pay your claim within the applicable statutory period or denies your claim without cause or in an arbitrary and capricious manner.
The intestacy rules apply in an arbitrary manner, particularly where a client does not have children, because a surviving spouse or civil partner may have to share assets with other relatives — whom the client may not wish to benefit.
In R. v. Mernagh, 2013 ONCA 67, a challenge was made to this scheme on the basis that an insufficient number of doctors were participating and that some of those participating exercised their functions in an arbitrary manner.
Khadr then sued the government for $ 20 million in compensation for the wilful violation of his Charter rights, negligent investigation, conspiracy with the United States in his arbitrary detention, torture, cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment, false imprisonment, intentional infliction of mental distress and failure to comply with domestic and international human rights obligations.
Street checks are police instigated stops in high - crime neighbourhoods, and the reason the tactic has received so much recent media attention is because it usually results in arbitrary detention of citizens.
In the case before us today we are not directly concerned with the character of the standard that will identify unconstitutionally excessive awards; rather, we are confronted with the question of what procedures are necessary to ensure that punitive damages are not imposed in an arbitrary manner.
Thus in Lord Hope's judgment, measures of crowd control fall outside the scope of Art 5 (1) provided that they are not effected in an arbitrary manner.
The excited state may subsequently decay by emitting light of the same wavelength in an arbitrary direction, or the excited molecule may relax some other way.
Say, you have the following yearly concentrations of CO2 (in some arbitrary units) with «unprecedented» 1000 % jump in one year, from 1 to 11: 1,2,1,1,2,3,1,1,11,13,12,10,11,10,11..
We can precisely calculate the probability that a CO2 molecule will catch an infrared photon, and we have testable and, BTW, spectacularly well tested theories, that show that after a time, the molecule will either re-radiate the photon in some arbitrary direction, including down in the case of the atmosphere, or collide with another molecule, passing its heat on that way.
Using the integrated assessment model from Golosov, Hassler, Krusell, and Tsyvinski (2013), we derive an explicit formula for the optimal carbon tax when time preference rates are non-constant in an arbitrary way.
That is for a coal burning power station in an arbitrary location under moderate carbon taxes.
The brief also charges that the DEA acted in an arbitrary and capricious manner in exempting hemp seed mixed with animal feed, although Congress made no such distinction in the CSA.
It is not right to ignore uncertainty, but expressing this merely in an arbitrary way (and a total range as before) allows the uncertainty to swamp the magnitude of the changes through time.
Slow enough that we can ignore it at least to the extent that we can ask what state we are likely to find a gas initially prepared in an arbitrary initial condition — after waiting just long enough for hydrostatic equilibrium to be established but not long enough for thermal equilibrium (which is isothermal and strict maximum entropy) to be reached via internal conduction.
Then the posterior PDF will indicate an 0.825 probability that the item lies at a location below 900 (in the arbitrary units used).
And that after some amount of time, the molecule does not surrender the heat as an IR photon that can travel either up or down of in any arbitrary direction, some of the time producing «back radiation»?
Commentator as opposed to draughtsman, Burdis's disregard for the language and history of drawing and painting is reflected in his arbitrary use of media.
The post-cubist Antibes is named after the town with the Picasso museum, which Kelly visited in 1949; the black - and - white stripes of Cité (1951) were arranged in an arbitrary way, partly based on a dream and reflecting surrealist procedures.
It forgets that, just as Krasner took up squiggles, Pollock and others, too, had been using scrawls and formal design to revel in the arbitrary.
This, for example, is the case of a reference to the «natural» world which occurs in arbitrary and misleading spaces, with architecture acting as the catalyst for separating the two parts of a single subject, rewriting both appearance and meaning and, in a de facto sense, revealing the artifice of the whole operation.
These seemingly coded paintings are actually manipulations of enlarged pixels presented in arbitrary arrangements, resulting in works that are at once rhythmic and meditative, handmade and mechanical, minimalist and abstract, orderly and random.
She prints a digital photograph of an image — usually appropriated from mainstream cultural sources, such as TV — using water - based inks, and then douses it with water, allowing the inks to bleed, blend, run and pool in arbitrary ways.
The first time I played, I just swam in an arbitrary direction and ended up drowning.
And while aquaplaning in Forza 6 sounds and feels exhilarating, its puddles are often placed in arbitrary positions like arcade - style Pole Position oil slicks.
Coming next patch will be 1v1 player lobbies, so you can prove what a tough guy you are in arbitrary 1 on 1 battles in a 2 on 2 game!
Implementation of generalized path - finding algorithm in the arbitrary 3D space (air, land and underwater).
The «ancestral» phenotype in my arbitrary definition (which, however, is in line with the views of many or most professionals in animal science) is one that comes to mind when one thinks of the Jackal, Northern Wolf, and descendants of the extinct Pale - footed Wolf (such as sighthounds).
They also say the law is enforced in an arbitrary, inconsistent and discriminatory manner.
It was a bit of waffling about simplicity (the list of free - to - trade ETFs is fairly daunting, and misses the usual recommendations), a bit about customer service (which even if you only need it once is still important if you're a new investor trying to get something going and you don't even know what it is you're trying to ask for), and a bit about e-series allowing you to optimize / maximize your investing with monthly savings plans thanks to a low minimum and the ability to invest in arbitrary increments.
(fxTrade allows you to trade in arbitrary units, as opposed to fixed lots, which makes this simple to do.)
Just because a book is temporarily # 1 in an arbitrary category on Amazon means nothing.
«And if it's being used in an arbitrary way, in a way that requires a precision that can't be achieved, judges can look at that and say, «Well, I can understand those due process issues.
And sometimes officers treated all soldiers in an arbitrary and unfair manner.
Many feared that the new assessments would result in arbitrary or unfair personnel decisions.
Finally, it delivers public subsidies in an arbitrary and potentially unfair manner and would encourage employers to do the same.
McQueen has traded in arbitrary mystery for some time.
Garrone, one of four credited screenwriters, braids his three stories together in an arbitrary, pass - the - baton style that continually stalls the film's momentum.
Pixel values are in arbitrary units.
The propositionalism project now underway in Frankfurt devotes itself to the general question of the extent to which the propositionalist strategy can be applied to any kind of intensional construction in arbitrary languages.
«This way, not only can we see the circuit in action, we can manipulate it with light and be able to get the circuit to become activated and inactivated in an arbitrary fashion,» says Yuste.
This process is not just a matter of putting particles in nice - looking patterns in some arbitrary fashion; several properties, such as the electric charges of the particles, have to match up exactly with the relevant quantities in the representation.
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