Sentences with phrase «in arbitrary fashion»

He added that (para 95) «the key point is that article 5 (1) was intended to avoid arbitrary detention», ie it is concerned with the physical liberty of the person, and aims to prevent people being dispossessed of their liberty in an arbitrary fashion, and is not directed at mere restrictions of liberty of movement, as here.
«This way, not only can we see the circuit in action, we can manipulate it with light and be able to get the circuit to become activated and inactivated in an arbitrary fashion,» says Yuste.
This process is not just a matter of putting particles in nice - looking patterns in some arbitrary fashion; several properties, such as the electric charges of the particles, have to match up exactly with the relevant quantities in the representation.
But «a moral discussion is inconclusive and even trivial, if it leaves out the question of its application,» as Gregory Vlastos has said.13 In order to be as specific as possible about this approach to Christian social philosophy I shall outline in arbitrary fashion five general principles which I suggest can be supported by the evidence of human experience as being necessary guides to the conditions under which the Good Society can grow.
At first sight, beings and their destinies might seem to us to be scattered haphazard or at least in an arbitrary fashion over the face of the earth; we could very easily suppose that each of us might equally well have been born earlier or later, at this place or that, happier or more ill - starred, as though the universe from the beginning to end of its history formed in space - time a sort of vast flower - bed in which the flowers could be changed about at the whim of the gardener.

Not exact matches

- the proposal that the New Testament used the Old Testament in an arbitrary and unwarranted fashion
A society that chooses its own, ultimately arbitrary, standard of good and evil, easily abandons any notion of truth in favour of expediency and intellectual fashion.
In any case, only an employee can question whether a tax code is correct so it is far more logical to continue the existing process than to apply codes that may be incorrect in the proposed opaque and arbitrary fashioIn any case, only an employee can question whether a tax code is correct so it is far more logical to continue the existing process than to apply codes that may be incorrect in the proposed opaque and arbitrary fashioin the proposed opaque and arbitrary fashion.
They did it without any independent review on their own, and in a very arbitrary fashion.
We are presented with four works: in Tower Block, a blank monitor is interjected with high rises, surreally spliced into abstraction via arbitrary image edging; in Floor, three parallel projections explore the surface texture of floorboards with a near - fetishistic, intimate scrutiny; in Shirt, worn fabric is rendered nonfigurative, the patterns and folds becoming landscape instead of fashion; while in Moon, a twin - screen installation, presents us with 21 miniature viewing - windows from which we voyeuristically glimpse the moon, creating a field of juddering orbs.
As well the direct connection between level of disability and functional impairments means characterization could create arbitrary results unless distinctions based on reading the printed word, using a conventional telephone or walking upstairs are treated in the same fashion as distinctions based on visual, auditory or mobility disabilities.
What I find of concern is, however, mainly the nearly arbitrary way in which external agreements of the EU are interpreted, sometimes in a minimalist, sometimes in a maximalist fashion.
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