Sentences with phrase «in arbitrary ways»

She prints a digital photograph of an image — usually appropriated from mainstream cultural sources, such as TV — using water - based inks, and then douses it with water, allowing the inks to bleed, blend, run and pool in arbitrary ways.
The Fed answers it in an arbitrary way, by estimating the replacement cost of real estate structures.
Love becomes an empty shell, to be filled in an arbitrary way.
They are not just imagined or dreamed up in some arbitrary way.
The problems have to be solved as best they can, often in an arbitrary way.
And it's not as if that message is tacked onto the movie in an arbitrary way; it's really placed at the core of the story, and it bleeds through every scene, almost to the point of overkill.
«And if it's being used in an arbitrary way, in a way that requires a precision that can't be achieved, judges can look at that and say, «Well, I can understand those due process issues.
The post-cubist Antibes is named after the town with the Picasso museum, which Kelly visited in 1949; the black - and - white stripes of Cité (1951) were arranged in an arbitrary way, partly based on a dream and reflecting surrealist procedures.
It is not right to ignore uncertainty, but expressing this merely in an arbitrary way (and a total range as before) allows the uncertainty to swamp the magnitude of the changes through time.
Using the integrated assessment model from Golosov, Hassler, Krusell, and Tsyvinski (2013), we derive an explicit formula for the optimal carbon tax when time preference rates are non-constant in an arbitrary way.

Not exact matches

«If you sincerely want the world to be a better place, and you believe business is a way to get there, then it's pure academic nonsense to set some arbitrary size limit above which you can not be a responsible company,» says Gary Hirshberg, who founded the organic yogurt maker Stonyfield Farm in Londonderry, N.H., in 1983.
The country will survive an arbitrary, pointless increase in the price of consumer durable goods, but it's still a stupid way to run the country.
This effectively allows handling arbitrary assets in much the same way that bitcoins are handled.
don't you see the trouble that most people are in and that they just want you for their own advantage but I swear to you we're different from all of them come join us I can tell you are lookin» for a way to live where truth is determined by consensus full of codified arbitrary directives come join us all we want to have is your small mind turn it into one of our own kind you can go through life adrift and alone desperate, desolate, on your own but we're lookin» for a few more stalwart clones come join us come join us come join us
Far from being arbitrary, it reflects the truth about the human person and in that way helps build communion.
For it would seem that the arguments from order and from contingency either rest on a misunderstanding of what an explanation is, or more likely, on an arbitrary supposition that man's experience is intelligible precisely in this way.
To attempt to justify this by transforming the epistemological problem of «uncertainty» into an ontological fact is simply a way of mobilizing the present limits of scientific knowledge in order to assert an arbitrary philosophical thesis.
Determinism rejects this and is left with a choice between Spinozism (or the Leibnizian subterfuge) and a wholesale admission of contingency entirely beyond our experience, back at the beginning or back of the beginning, some act of God, endowed with supreme freedom (in a sense in which our freedom is not simply inferior but is zero), or some mere arbitrary, absolute chance, or finally an infinite regress for which nothing at all by way of reason is conceivable.
As voters, we are hiring these people to represent us, yet we are not allowed to screen any of them in any way beyond a few useless arbitrary requirements.
Yet in other ways his self is a quite isolated, arbitrary, and self - determining authority.
God could have willed to order creation in an infinite number of other ways, since God's will is unbounded and arbitrary.
It is arbitrary in that there are no inherent grounds in the object of that choice that compel my response... Jesus is in the world in such a way that he readies me for whatever beliefs and actions and forms of self - discipline I may be obliged to take on.
But if this is asserted and if we do not wish to think of the orientation of the development by God as a series of arbitrary measures taken by him and as giving impetus to the development from outside (a way of representing the matter which is absurd in fact and method, for all kinds of reasons), then this orientation can only be conceived as happening precisely through, and out of, 11 the of course ultimately divinely - created reality of what Is itself developing in that way.
Is it possible for human beings to revere an arbitrary line in the same way they respect a divide imposed by nature?
In fact, to Richard, the claim that the divine properties are identical to each other and to God depends on the somewhat arbitrary way «one divides up the properties of a thing (how many properties one says that some thing has)» and that applies to all things, not only to God.
The watchmaker argument is flawed in that equates something that does not occur in nature, and applies the logic of design and purpose onto nature in a very arbitrary way.
As the Pope explains in his 1995 «Letter to Women,» «a certain diversity of roles is in no way prejudicial to women, provided this diversity is not the result of arbitrary imposition, but is rather an expression of what is specific to being male and female.»
It is arbitrary to slice up the unities in one way and not in the other.
Chapters 3 - 11, to which we will turn in the next section, demonstrate in full context the intention to affirm in faith that all men (not excepting Israel, obviously) contend, in one way or another, from one false presumption or another, that order and meaning are not thus created and sustained, but are subject to man's arbitrary manipulation.
While it is true that man's spiritual personality has its origins in a direct intervention by God, this intervention itself was in no way arbitrary or discontinuous with the previous history of the cosmos.
This is a sport / entertainment for crying out loud... Things that don't affect fighter safety like 0.2 lbs they can look the other way... Let's not apply super strict rules to a sport that has arbitrary rules in the first place!
People are realizing that all those stats aren't really correlating to equal return in the W - L record and that it's hardly more than an arbitrary way of measuring someone's impact on the game.
What is really being pushed on parents here is the arbitrary social idea and / or judgment that the earlier the infant does not need intervention the better (in some way for the infant and eventual child and adult) and this concept is inappropriately used as a weapon often by false claims suggesting that if an infant or child can not by some pre-determined age «self - soothe» it never will, or that something is either wrong with them, and is in need of repair, or that their parents are deficient (for not setting «boundaries»).
Decentralizing power and removing arbitrary power, in ways that don't create new injustices or power inequalities, can be something labour can get radical about and excite the electorate with.
The British way is that every measure we take to enhance security is complimented by additional protections against any arbitrary treatment and in defence of the liberties of the individual.
In some ways the rules can be arbitrary, but generally they help to preserve order.
But do they really want the heads of MPs to be chopped off in such an arbitrary way?
Yet the real interest of politics is in its uncertainty, in how marginal choices produce outcomes that must appear entertainingly arbitrary to the gods who know what would have happened if the coin had fallen the other way, or if a human impulse had chosen a slightly different expression.
What seems universally overlooked in casual conversation is that, much in the way of Gödel's theorem, Church and Turing answered the computability question in the negative: Algorithms can not compute all numbers or functions to arbitrary precision.
The way in which arbitrary sexual selection has been eliminated or rejected by the field is explicitly anti-Darwinian.
Our labs are science - based mini-societies — so why do we run them in the same arbitrary and bureaucratic way as the rest of the world?
However, another way in which this universe deviates from perfection is that the rules in use are arbitrary and vague — if they are defined at all — and they differ considerably between collaborations and institutions.
«This way, not only can we see the circuit in action, we can manipulate it with light and be able to get the circuit to become activated and inactivated in an arbitrary fashion,» says Yuste.
An article by two Brazilian scientists in the April issue of the journal Animal Cognition points the way to the future for how dogs can communicate with people about such things as being hungry (Rossi, A. P. and C. Ades, 2008, A dog at the keyboard: using arbitrary signs to communicate requests, Animal Cognition 11: 329 - 338).
We live in a society that celebrates and rewards the most ridiculous and arbitrary traits, thinness being way up there on the list.
The AI was arbitrarily set by the DRI committee at 1,500 mg sodium or a little more than one half teaspoon (3 grams) of salt per day for young adults ``... to ensure that the overall diet provides an adequate intake of other important nutrients and to cover sodium sweat losses in unacclimatized individuals who are exposed to high temperatures or who become physically active...» However, no supporting information on young adults was provided to confirm that this arbitrary figure was in any way justified.
And the rule changes will come in random and completely arbitrary ways.
Roos, though, hasn't cracked the puzzle of how to explore that behavior on screen in such a way that the characters behave badly in interesting, rather than arbitrary, ways.
His pointedly off - kilter direction subtly establishes the immediacy of bored chocolatier Hermann Hermann's (Dirk Bogarde) rapidly unraveling emotional well being, and in almost each scene, Fassbinder instantly establishes arbitrary oppositional relationships between Hermann and commonplace objects in ways that Stoppard's script only hints at.
Willed by dead Susie, fate inevitably catches up with him but in the most arbitrary way.
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