Sentences with phrase «in arguments with»

Those who tweeted, responded to tweets, or scanned their Twitter feed more often than that were more likely to get in arguments with their partners, and also more likely to divorce or cheat.
Gradually, couples begin to recognize and eventually express their needs for love, support, protection and comfort that are often hidden or disguised by the harsh words used in arguments with each other.
She has also attempted to alienate the children from their father, as shown by the children's parroting of language used by mother in her arguments with father.
Oftentimes they would end up in arguments with each other, mostly about other women or ways that her husband could seem neglectful or inattentive.
In my arguments with the «contrarians».
Still — I shall use them in arguments with my friends!
This is what real science sceptics haven't appreciated in the arguments with AGWScienceFiction.
AGW itself was produced by this department so they could tie themselves up in arguments with CAGW's about the differences.
If you're into that, Senran Kagura is probably the best «oppai - ge» series out there, so you can find quality gameplay to justify indulging your other tastes in arguments with your friends.
Getting in arguments with people only turn potential readers off.
I avoid politics on my clothes, even though I am a strongly opinionated progressive, because I don't want to get in arguments with strangers, or get a pie in the face.
From a legal standpoint, there are two main laws that the observer may use in arguments with Committee members, in courts etc: Federal Law 67 «On basic guarantees» (lays down the rules for elections and referendums) and the Federal Law «On Presidential Election in the Russian Federation».
Children seem to «excuse» their mothers» negative behaviour in arguments with their fathers more readily than they do fathers», more commonly attributing it to «state» («the mum had a bad day») than to trait («it's because of the kind of person the dad is»)(Weston et al, 1998).
His Summa Contra Gentiles was designed to equip missionaries in their arguments with Moslems, the major body of non-Christians with whom the Catholics of the period were in contact.
I used to get in arguments with my mom regarding tatoos, piercings, and multicolored hair and I used to always bring that up!
In spite of the losers accusing others of being heretics, these bully tactics are common, don't be intimidated by them, don't join in arguments with them, they are the heretics (divisive) not you.
Out of all the postings on this site today, I found «Derp's «post the most fascinating and informative, as well as deeply revealing.Even after boasting of what seems to be a practically perfect live by any measure, he informs us that he takes pleasure in mocking and ridiculing those of faith who are presumably his opposite; I can only wonder if, given all his supposed accomplishments, he is smart enough to realize how deeply revealing of his true character his remarks are.As a believer, I rarely engage in arguments with my atheist friends, and like to think I wouldn't lower myself to the level of juvenile name - calling and personal attacks against whatever my atheist friends hold dear.Most of the time we simply agree to disagree; when they hold forth with misinformation or ignorance on their assumed «knowledge «of my faith, I try to gently correct them; I certainly don't allow any disagreements we have to devolve into hateful insults and name - calling.
I don't think of it as being me in an argument with HubSpot.»
Samuel Eliot Morison, a canny sailor himself and judicious historian of Columbus, describes Irving's dramatic scenes of Columbus in argument with the learned doctors at the University of Salamanca as «pure moonshine.»
We get in argument with our spouses or our children.
I don't care to engage in an argument with you; I want simply to announce my resignation from the advisory board.
The next time you find yourself in an argument with your spouse or feel an all - too - familiar disappointment, step back for a moment.
Dez Bryant got in an argument with Jason Witten on the sideline after the Dallas Cowboys gave up a go - ahead touchdown to the Detroit Lions in the closing seconds of Sunday's game.
For us to be even in the argument with what they've spent just goes to show you we've made a couple of big strides in the right direction.
I agree with you RvP but not getting in an argument with CC.
Guy gets kicked out of the combine for getting in an argument with a medical staffer, lots of rumors in college, yet still was a top talent.
If your child tends to be argumentative and you stay in the argument with them, it makes them feel more powerful and in control.
When you change your actions in an argument with your ex, eventually your internal state will change too.
The man was in an argument with another man when the other man took out a gun and started shooting at him as the man tried to run across the street to escape the gunfire, Alfaro said.
Think of it this way: when you engage in an argument with your child, you're just giving them more power.
2) if you engage in an argument with a child they have already won.
NOW according Seneca Police Chief John Covington, one of his staffers became angry and engaged in an argument with meeting attendees but that the altercation did not turn violent.
But he showed up anyway, and according Seneca Police Chief John Covington, one of his staffers became angry and engaged in an argument with meeting attendees.
Do a partner pose to reconnect if you find yourself in an argument with each other.
That stress response can be anything from what most people typically think of as stress, which would be driving in a traffic jam, getting in an argument with your spouse, financial stress or working too much; all of that sort of thing.
If you don?t have any phone chemistry at all or find yourself in an argument with your date before you even meet them, don?t schedule a date.
It's a proverbial trump card in any argument with anybody who says remakes are never better than the original.
Schrader is in argument with himself, his characters and his audience.
However, we are also able to cross-reference that inference with context: how does the student usually respond to lessons, what is going on at home, what are you noticing in the general social dynamics of the classroom, did they get in an argument with their best friend this morning, did they eat breakfast, did they sleep well, was a new video game released yesterday, is it particularly humid in the building today, what's going on in the general school culture right now, has this student been taking tests all day, are elements like depression or anxiety potentially relevant, or is it just an «off day» for a great student?
«One of the very few times I've been in an argument with (team manager) Gary Pratt was in the pits prior to the start of the race,» Fellows recalled.
Finally, you know that PETA has filed various motions to have the case dismissed by arguing that the dog was worthless, she had no value beyond the cost of replacement for another dog, they had permission by the property owner to remove community cats so they can not be guilty of trespass for entering and killing a dog, the family is not entitled to punitive damages because PETA's theft and immediate killing of a happy, healthy, beloved dog is not «outrageous» conduct, and in an argument with racist overtones, that the family may not be in the country legally so PETA should be allowed to get away with the theft and murder of their dog.
Some of the highlights include the player flying over a winery or vineyard, a player (who looks like Trevor) in an argument with a character near a smoking car near an overpass, and a helicopter flying into a sunset.
Can you point to a time where, in an argument with a skeptic, you acknowledged that your opponent's argument had prevailed?
I got in an argument with a professor who said they real programming and programs occurred on mainframes and Vaxes; the PC would never be able to run Chemtran or other computer intensive programs.
As Monbiot reveals in his argument with Lynas over GM, all he has to say is that Lynas has been conned by big agribusiness.
This is where Spencer tried to prove El Ninos were caused by cloud changes in his argument with Santer, right?
As Franny Armstrong puts it in her argument with Ed Miliband, it's not her wish we reduce the amount of flying we do by 95 per cent, but science which demands it.
A woman on the train the other day was in an argument with the guy opposite her, about global warming.
I'm currently engaged in an argument with someone about global warming and while I know this exists, despite a large amount of google searching, I can't find a peer - reviewed paper that (quoting other party here, excuse the obvious baiting):» 1.
Now I'm in an argument with the restaurant over who must pay for the replacement order.
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