Sentences with phrase «in biological necessities»

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The role of mother is so firmly grounded in biology that it can come to seem only necessity and not at all free opportunity — all biological given, and no freely developing history.
In biological discussion when a few speculative biologists point to the necessity of an «epigenetic landscape» to make sense of embryogenesis, development and growth their colleagues usually summon them back to «reality» with sober accusations of mystification.
In us, matter is brought into direct synthesis with spiritual mind from ontological (and indeed biological) necessity.
The immense social disturbances which today so trouble the world appear to signify that Mankind in its turn has reached the stage, common to every species, when it must of biological necessity undergo the coordination of its elements.
A sense of collectivity, arising in our minds Out of the evolutionary sense, has imposed a framework of entirely new dimensions upon all our thinking; so that Mankind has come to present itself to our gaze less and less as a haphazard and extrinsic association of individuals, and increasingly as a biological entity wherein, in some sort, the proceedings and the necessities of the universe m movement are furthered and achieve their culmination.
The characteristic of man whereby he can transcend himself, and subordinate all others to his own desires, is the same fundamental quality whereby he can define his destiny in terms of his biological necessities.
In his writings on women it is clear that he misunderstood their traditional home - centered roles, seeing them as normative expressions of inherent biological necessity.
Adequate sleep is a biological necessity to stabilize mood and support the miraculous growth and development that occurs in early life.
«On one hand, we saw similarities that reflect biological necessity and, on the other hand, differences that mirrored the organism's history,» said Cristina Sisu, postdoctoral fellow in Gerstein's lab and the first author of the pseudogene study.
In addition, the probe's spectrometer gathered far more detail than Pilcher's Earth - based tool, revealing a surface abounding with sulfur, sulfur dioxide, and other biological necessities.
The desire for a mate is biological and social norm or rather a necessity in today's fast - paced, rat race type of materialistic society.
Starring Kim Ok - bin (most immediately recognisable from her performance in Park Chan - wook's 2009 film Thirst), The Villainess by some accounts received a four - minute standing ovation when it screened at Cannes, fuelled no doubt as much by admiration for the film itself as it was a sheer biological necessity to release the film's near - palpable, contagious energy.
Some of these topics include poverty, sustainable farming, and eating ethically, and the end result is that food, no longer just a biological necessity, now aids in building communities.
An obligate carnivore is an animal that eats meat as a biological necessity — they must eat meat in order to obtain energy and nutrition.
This will alleviate the necessity to explain basic biological terminology to you such as carrying capacity, invasive, domesticated species (selectively bred), zoonotic diseases, and the scientific method in general.
Born out of struggle, hardship, and more importantly, out of furious curiosity and biological necessity, his practice has recently manifested in sound.
Without taking a step to improve these relationships in our lives, the protective relationships that are a biological necessity to survival may dwindle away.
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