Sentences with phrase «in blanket statements like»

I don't believe in blanket statements like this.

Not exact matches

When some asshat like you, just sayin, HeavenSent, Bob, etc. make blanket statements and refuse to respond to corrections, criticisms, or valid points refuting those statements, then there is no point in bringing up any kind of argument.
In either case, you can't make a blanket statement of the media like that without coming across bias yourself.
To make a blanket statement like, «If they're slightly separated, they sleep much better» is unwise, in my opinion — each child is different and instead of this author telling parents how to parent their child, they should give unbiased information and encourage the parents to do what is best for their family (not just what is in the best interest of the parents).
I can't make blanket statements like, «I will never bring my child his forgotten lunch» or «I won't save him from disappointments in life.»
If you make blanket statements like «supplements are useless», what that shows is that you have done no research and are probably just mindlessly parroting back what you read in an article that was written by someone who also never did any research.
The point I am trying to make is that blanket statements like, «no more than five minutes in length» sound good, but often lead to instructional designers being put into binds by managers who hear this kind of advice, and then insist that all videos be less than five minutes.
What you are looking for in a compact SUV might diverge drastically from the attributes valued by your neighbor, sibling, or coworker, and so instead of making a blanket statement about the latest and greatest, we've instead decided to highlight what we like the most about some of the strongest options on the market.
I'm done commenting, but you should dig a little deeper in your research before you make a blanket statement like this.
Jenny: No, I don't believe in objective criteria or blanket statements like this.
Like everything else in this world, blanket statements / advice often lead to disaster and I believe the same holds true for trailing stops.
As always, blanket statements like «don't travel in your early 20's» are typically clickbait and usually based in flawed logic.
As for the quality of low - category hotels, it's hard to make a blanket statement like that without researching thousands of hotels across all three chains — something I've done and I haven't found Hilton hotels to be noticeably lower in quality.
Now, it's very possible this is just a blanket statement regarding not commenting on DLC of any sort, but it reads much more like microtransactions are in fact going to be in the game, otherwise DICE would surely have just denied it.
Where does the NY Times get off with a blanket statement like the absurd «in the rural West, the right of humans to dominate nature is as deep - rooted as the laws of physics.»
Time will tell, but in science blanket statements like this man made are well, simply unscientific.
There are typically blanket statements in either statutes or preamble to / in pawn broker licensing requirements that say something like they'll work with law enforcement, including supplying lists of all pawned goods w / serial numbers and descriptions, contacting police if they suspect an item is stolen, allow for the inspection and analysis of any pawned goods that there is reasonable suspicion was the fruit of, or related to criminal activity.
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