Sentences with phrase «in bodily feelings»

Rather it is occurring in bodily feelings, the feeling of breathing, for example.

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These target and reduce bodily responses to stress, such as feelings of butterflies in the stomach or chest tightness.
But even when we do feel justified in criticizing those within the church, Paul is not providing a license for us to do them bodily harm, or even to slander them to others.
Hebrew thought developed this idea rather than immortality, first, because the Hebrews had a vivid sense of the goodness of material bodily existence; and second, because they understood the necessary unity of the person not as a soul - in - body but as a whole living, feeling, thinking personality.
The evil occurs in and to God's body; the pain that those parts of creation affected by evil feel God also feels and feels bodily.
The first description points to a level of mental functioning in which bodily experience is merely registered without much enhancement of the mental pole in the occasions other than perhaps a general feeling tone; the second points to an habitual form of bodily unity; and only the third suggests a flight from environmental obligations in the interest of greater depth of experience.
I know that I am «the same person» now as the person who started writing this paper; and I also know that I have undergone a complex variety of changes in sensation, feeling, emotion, ideas, bodily processes and so on between then and now.
In considering the Easter story, for instance, Cox describes the biblical accounts of Jesus» bodily resurrection as the confused ramblings of disciples who knew no other way to express their feeling that their rabbi remained somehow present in their liveIn considering the Easter story, for instance, Cox describes the biblical accounts of Jesus» bodily resurrection as the confused ramblings of disciples who knew no other way to express their feeling that their rabbi remained somehow present in their livein their lives.
In the case of sight, Whitehead states, the bodily feeling is virtually absent; in touch, however, the feeling in the hand is dominant (PR 181In the case of sight, Whitehead states, the bodily feeling is virtually absent; in touch, however, the feeling in the hand is dominant (PR 181in touch, however, the feeling in the hand is dominant (PR 181in the hand is dominant (PR 181).
Indeed he went to great lengths, grappled with the formidable problem of the nature of light, made incredibly subtle distinctions between various types of change, all to explain the fact that in sight consciousness is consciousness of an object, pure and simple, apart from any feelings of bodily involvement.
Continued auto - erotic practices also reflect both inability to give oneself in a complementary way to others and a habit of seeking compensation in one's own bodily feelings for the frustrations of interpersonal associations.
So vivid and so powerful was this recovery of the kind of interchange with one another that they had had when Jesus was alive with them that it produced the feeling of his actual presence with them in bodily form.
As the Christian comes to abandon his belief in the empty tomb and «bodily resurrection», even though he once regarded it as a sure and certain proof of the truth of Christianity, he may experience an exhilarating sense of freedom not unlike that felt by Paul when for the sake of Christ he abandoned the former things in which he trusted.
I hold that in feeling pain I am intuiting feelings in my bodily constituents, feelings which are not initially mine and only become mine by participation.
In such cases the sensory datum complete with the feeling of bodily efficacy is present.
Therefore, the feeling of bodily efficacy, since it can be delusive, provides no certain knowledge about the operation of a causal nexus in nature.
Moralism results in strong feelings of guilt and inhibition concerning bodily drives and hostile feelings.
Finally, ascetic exercises may in rarer instances be prompted by genuine perversions of the bodily sensibility, in consequence of which normally pain - giving stimuli are actually felt as pleasures.
That is why I had to leave the church — I had to learn to dance, feel, love, and get in touch with my bodily wisdom.
It is true that ideas can be derived from other ideas, but in each process mentality originates by a conceptual reproduction of a bodily feeling.
The existing patterns of physical feeling in my brain cells have to be deflected repeatedly by fresh novelty — now this way, now that way, in a tedious sequence of trial - and - error, before these tiny bodily societies learn the new patterns which enable them to respond to my aims to type.
We have been saying that parent - child intimacy develops in the process of teaching the child to prize his own body and bodily experiences, his own senses and sensations, his own feelings, both good and bad.
But in its bodily protective role, which eternal objects the presently concrescing occasion of the supportive nexus feels as more relevant «lures for feeling» than others «is left unanswered by the category of reversion» (PR 381f).
This can also by all means be regarded as ensuing in the interest of a more inclusive analysis of the human being, as an opportunity for the theoretical comprehension of the so - called «primitive» experiences which even human beings have — and indeed to a large extent in every case — experiences which, as a rule, reach the level of consciousness only, for example, in a dull bodily sensation, in the feeling of various degrees of general psychophysical «presence,» etc..
Thus, in the immediate subject, the presentational immediacy is to be conceived as originated in a late phase, by the synthesis of the feeling of bodily efficacity with other feelings» (PR 312/475).
9 There are striking parallels between Merleau - Ponty's account of expression and Whitehead's in MT. See especially MT32, where Whitehead discusses the relationship of feeling to expression, considering both of them in terms of the natural functioning of the bodily system.
Crying in the first three months of life is about regulating bodily needs, wiring up the nervous system, and feeling close to and safe with a caregiver.
How would I feel if I was a small person in a big world, a world where large beings were constantly jabbering at me in a language I barely understood, a world where everything was a challenge, from climbing out of a chair to learning to control my bodily functions, a world where every day, all day long, I was confronted with new things to taste, new things to explore, new things to discover.
It would look (and feel) like safety and connection and relaxation in whatever way works for your family, while allowing each person their bodily autonomy rather than being forced to try to sleep at an arbitrarily designated time.
The whole point of potty training is to get them to get in touch with their bodily functions and recognize what it feels like to have to go potty.
Remember that as your child becomes more and more mature and in control of her bodily functions, she will feel much more comfortable at deciding that she can risk trying to go to sleep without a diaper.
«If [a patient] can accept his bodily homoerotic experience while staying connected to the therapist,» he wrote in «The Paradox of Self - Acceptance,» «the sexual feeling soon transforms into something else: the recognition of deeper, pain - generated emotional needs which have nothing to do with sexuality.»
As a result, our feelings are integrated with our environment and bodily responses, a different paradigm than occurs in other species.
The repression part is still debatable, but Eastwood has found that students who scored high on scales of alexithymia — difficulty in describing or identifying feelings, distinguishing between bodily sensations and feelings, and an inhibited inner emotional and fantasy life — also tended to be bored.
Often participants in this workshop realize they already know a lot about anatomy because they feel it bodily rather than have the ability to verbalize it.
It's a vicious cycle of trying to control what we eat, feeling like a failure because the scale doesn't move, punishing ourselves for not being «more in control,» and then manifesting a huge amount of bodily stress that causes further havoc in our bodies.
American Wedding feels a bit too much like the closing chapter in a series, where the ideas (if bodily function jokes can be called ideas) are starting to wear out and the characters may have gone as far as they can possibly go.
«I remember all my collaborations with Jerry, in terms of one tactile bodily feeling, which is his hands on my shoulders,» recalled composer Leonard Bernstein at a Dramatists Guild Symposium in 1985.
Instead, it's interested in showing how the parts of racism that try to be aggressively unscary are just as horrifying, and in making us feel that horror in a visceral, bodily way.
The elliptical animation is meant to feel like memory, reminding the audience that the small child who passionately fell in love with the game still burns inside Bryant despite the championships, the fame, the tireless hard work, and extreme bodily pain — Bryant was widely considered the hardest - working athlete in basketball and played through injuries that would have sidelined most.
By associating a thought or emotion with a movement, you are fostering kinesthetic empathy, or the idea that bodily experiences provide a type of knowledge that can not be conveyed through words alone, allowing others to better connect with you and how you are feeling in that moment.
Bellman can only explain his response to the giant animal bones in terms of bodily sensations: «There were no words for the prickling feeling he had that the giant animals were important somehow, only the tingling that was almost like nausea and the knowledge that it was impossible for him, now, to stay where he was» (p. 16).
I'm kind of lost when Robin talks about one of the main threads of BC17 as «whether or not what we feel as «physicality» in abstract sculpture is inevitably some kind of metaphor for a «bodily» sensation.»
In Truitt's work, color is not merely a decorative surface, but rather a bodily locus of meaning:» In some mysterious way, I felt myself to be color.»
To pick up on one of the main threads, whether or not what we feel as «physicality» in abstract sculpture is inevitably some kind of metaphor for a «bodily» sensation:
As Lynda Benglis has said, «I am involved with bodily response so that the viewer has the feeling of being one with the material and that action, both visually and muscularly... in other words, you draw out the complete body through the work.»
I was an abstract painter when I left Yale, and I was really aware, partially because minimalist artists had helped me articulate this, how standing in front of a painting or sculpture felt different depending on whether it's symmetrical or asymmetrical, if it towers over you, or it's smaller than your head how all of those things affect bodily feeling.
I also see them in the concepts of the Ichts, these Is in their bodily presence sent into the incalculability of time, where their existence performs as a screen for projections, identifications and feelings, being reminded of what Walter Benjamin writes about the I, and especially the I in the novels of Proust and Kafka: He writes: «When Proust in his Recherche du temps perdu, and Kafka, in his diaries, use I, for both of them it is equally transparent, glassy.
David's process of conceiving an image is rooted in the line and he retains the impulsive and ephemeral nature of drawing as he transitions from sketches on paper to painting, sculpture, and other media often reverting to drawing — in ways that he refers to as «following instructions in order to formalize the feeling of bodily presence and absence, assembling and dissolving in equal measures.»
His warped bodily forms, sometimes seeming to howl, or stacked one upon another as in his sculpture The Assumption of Weee (2014), make one think «Some days, I feel like that.»
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