Sentences with phrase «in bone development»

While calcium and phosphorus play a major role in bone development, protein is also needed in greater amounts to supply the structural proteins needed for cartilage development.
One example is calcium, an essential dietary mineral that plays a critical role in bone development.
Not eating dairy products may elevate the chances of your child to become calcium deficient which may cause problems in bone development andgrowth.
While earning a master's degree in biology at the University of Vienna in his native Austria, he spent more than a year researching the function of genes in bone development and cancer in Erwin Wagner's lab, which was located at the Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP) in Vienna.
Despite the many health benefits of cycling and swimming, the study found little difference in bone development between cyclists, swimmers and the control group.
Several trace minerals, especially copper, zinc, and manganese, are essential in bone metabolism as co-factors of specific enzymes in bone development and mineralisation.
The most common form of osteochondrosis in dogs is called osteochondritis dissecans (OCD), which is a defect in bone development at the extremity of a bone.
In fact, one cup provides 200 % DV of manganese, a trace of mineral that plays an important role in bone development and other bodily functions -LRB-
Vitamin K plays a role in bone development, helping your bone cells produce proteins required for the formation of new mineralized bone tissue.
In fact, one cup provides 200 % DV of manganese, a trace of mineral that plays an important role in bone development and other bodily functions (16).
They play an important role in bone development.
Vitamins such as A and D also have crucial roles in bone development and maintenance by regulating bone and calcium metabolism.
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