Sentences with phrase «in calorific»

Q. I'm in a calorific deficit daily but managing to tone and possibly even increase muscle.

Not exact matches

But you have over 80 different recipes in the plan and they are all tailored to your macro and calorific needs so you can mix them up as much as you'd like!
Aside from several references to «Martha Washington's Great Cake» - a cholesterol and calorific wonder of 40 eggs and four pounds of butter, which comes up in several vintage American cookbooks, most prized fruitcake recipes hail from Britain.
I had a similar issue — i made mine and then ate them and went to put the recipe in my fitness pal and it came out as DOUBLE the calories the flour was calorific.
Hi Corey, I appreciate that the calorific count will differ with whatever is added to this recipe, but do you know, roughly, the calorie count in your basic, original recipe please?
Overindulgence in too many calorific treats such as mince pies (around 200 calories each), Christmas cake (approximately 250 calories per slice) and mulled wine (about 250 calories in a glass) can leave us all struggling to buckle our belts in the New Year.
The char is of sufficiently high quality and calorific value that it can be used either in filters or as a fuel in its own right.
Of course, this sucks in sea water with its calorific content to melt more ice.
In other cases, your diet may not be working for you even if you have small portions because you're eating foods that have high calorific value.
Endomorphs tend to be dominant in insulin, meaning they have a lower carbohydrate tolerance to the other body types, and a propensity towards energy storage (e.g additional calorific intake and sugars are easily stored as fat.)
I loveeee chocolate, but I choose to make chocolatey treats with Bioglan Superfoods» Raw Cacao powder and only have actual, full on calorific, «naughty» chocolate once in a while.
Getting enough fruit in Vilcabamba, Ecuador was easier than Brazil, but we remained unaware that our calorific intake was still inadequate and that we were still not eating enough.
I would have thought if I'm already in ketosis then any calorific restriction my body needs would be supplemented from my body fat?
When you bear in mind that fats have 9kcal per gram it gives you an idea of how calorific your evening treat is.
Beware, it is incredibly calorific, and all the calories come from the fats, so perhaps don't douse your salad in it.
They are highly calorific being high in carbs and fat so wouldn't need that many over an ironman distance.
Therefore reducing daily calorific intake by five hundred calories should in theory lead to around one pound of fat loss per week.
So instead of focusing on the lettuce in your salad, focus on the more calorific parts: the cheese, avocado, the nuts.
Limit how much fruit juice you drink to a max of 1 glass a day — it's high in natural sugars and thus very calorific.
For some bodybuilders, being in an off - season mode and bulking up is something to look forward to as they use it as an excuse to binge eat and gorge themselves on a selection of calorific foods that they have denied themselves for so long as they were dieting down and cutting.
To start with, keep in mind that the adult dogs should be served foods with calorific value of 1740 Calories per day.
The calorific values calculated using SmartSim are recognised by the Office of Weights and Measures and by the Federal Institute of Physics and Metrology (PTB) in the same way as «measured» values for gas billing.
SmartSim uses all digital data available (network topology, feed - in data, consumption details, pressures) to accurately calculate the calorific values required for billing.
So the unintended consequence is that you will have to provide 30 - 35 times the calorific input in order to match say a turbo diesel engine.
If you increase the calorific forcing by 18 calories a day, by putting two sugar lumps in his morning coffee, he will convert this excess forcing into mass, until the extra mass causes him to burn the excess forcing.
Laura's «newly in charge» position was aided by her understanding that an increased calorific intake could, without significant weight gain, begin to reverse many of its most troubling signs and symptoms.
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