Sentences with phrase «in car wreck»

* «The perception of the public makes me wonder if the signage may make you a target for gold - diggers in car wreck fraud schemes or thieves (due to the high - tech garb we carry.)»
«Why not at least put something in force so that while you are working on your cholesterol, your family will be OK if you die in a car wreck, have a heart attack (there is a link between high cholesterol and heart disease), or are diagnosed with something more serious that renders you uninsurable?»
There is no doubt that life insurance companies take it in the shorts with this option occasionally, but no more occasionally than when they sell a $ 3 million dollar policy to someone who dies a month later in a car wreck or dies of a heart attack.
A car that is damaged in a car wreck needs to have collision.
Even a better idea is having a back up person so that, for instance, you are in a car wreck and the husband dies and the wife lives but needs help gathering her life together important things like that death benefit won't be overlooked.
If you end up in a car wreck with an uninsured driver, you could be stuck paying for the damage to your car out of pocket.
If you are involved in a car wreck, you don't want to have to write a check to cover the damages to your car or the other vehicle either.
When someone's vehicle gets damaged in a car wreck, and it's your fault, will your property damage liability insurance cover it?
Rader says his organization has launched a follow - up study in Oregon to examine marijuana use and the risk of being injured in a car wreck.
As explained by Worters, if you're involved in a car wreck when you're high, your auto insurance rates might go up, but not because you'd been smoking weed.
Your wife is injured in a car wreck before your trip and her injuries won't allow her to travel comfortably
In many states, it is incredibly important to those injured in auto accidents, however because Kentucky is what we call a PIP (Personal Injury Protection) state; which makes it less important in car wreck litigation.
For that reason KRS 304.39 - 060 prohibits a person from suing for injuries sustained in an car wreck unless their medical expenses exceed $ 1,000 or the injury involved (1) a broken bone, (2) permanent disfigurement, (3) permanent injury or (4) death.
Modern medicine is a wonderful thing that can save lives and cure injuries in ways once not thought possible, but if you are seriously hurt in a car wreck you will find the costs of your medical treatment quickly surpass the cost of replacing your vehicle; in addition to lost wages.
UM is for when you are hurt in a car wreck where the other driver has no insurance at all.
The typical scenario is this, you are involved in a car wreck with a person that has minimum liability coverage of $ 25,000.00 and no personal assets.
My point then was that Fortune 500 GCs seeking a lawyer for a basic corporate deal did not require the same level of protection against a law firm's marketing as e.g. a terrified first - time criminal defendant or a teenager tragically injured in a car wreck.
The truth is that almost all defendants in car wreck cases and other injury cases, have insurance.
For example, in car wreck cases the injured person may have liens or subrogation claims against them by medical providers.
When you've lost a loved one in a car wreck, it may seem like your entire world has come to an end.
When you've been injured in a car wreck involving an uninsured driver, you can recover some of your losses by filing a claim with your insurance company.
If you have been hurt in a car wreck or slip and fall and the adjuster is requesting, please call or text Lawyer Mark Jones to further discuss your rights for free at 706-225-2555.
Oftentimes insurance adjusters will request that Lawyer Mark Jones» Columbus, Georgia and Phenix City, Alabama clients provide a recorded statement to them regarding the injuries he / she received in a car wreck or slip and fall claim.
The rules that apply when when somebody hurts you in a car wreck and you suffer damages are not the same ones you live with day - to - day.
When you're in a car wreck, life changes.
If you fail to seek immediate treatment for the injuries sustained in a car wreck, you may not receive the maximum recovery from the at - fault driver's insurance company or a jury due to the delay in seeking treatment for the injuries.
The only protection you have in a motorcycle accident is your helmet and the clothing on your back, so compared to someone in a car wreck, you're likely to experience much more damage.
Injured in a car wreck?
Being in a car wreck is a scary thing, but becoming increasingly upset will just make it worse.
If your child has been involved in a car wreck, do not hesitate to reach out to a determined Omaha teen driving accident lawyer as soon as possible for help.
If you have been in a car wreck, contact Zinda Law Group of Fort Worth at 817-769-8442 today for a free consultation.
If you are injured in a car wreck, it's important to get medical attention right away.
If you or someone you love has been involved in a car wreck, you may be eligible to receive financial compensation for any losses.
In fact, the odds of dying in a car wreck are 1 in 113 according to the National Safety Council, whereas the likelihood of perishing in a plane accident are 1 in 9,737.
As a favor for a friend, I took a case to help a little girl who was significantly injured in a car wreck.
The attorneys at Clark & Smith Law Firm LLC have represented clients in car wreck and truck wreck cases for many years.
There are some wonderful chiropractors in Atlanta who do great work and do heal their patients; but the overwhelming majority that are involved in the car wreck industry should operate differently.
You've just been injured in a car wreck, you've got a million things running through your mind.
Uninsured motorist insurance protects you against those drivers who don't have insurance or don't have enough to cover damages if you are involved in a car wreck.
Regardless of the app or distraction, if you've been in a car wreck by someone who wasn't paying attention to the road, call us today.
If you were injured or a loved one was injured or died in a car wreck in North Carolina, don't wait to call 704-375-8488.
When a loved one has been killed in a car wreck, then you need to have someone with experience to protect your rights.
The following is a quick rundown of some of the information you should absolutely collect any time you are involved in a car wreck:
If you have been in a car wreck that involved high speeds on freeways and highways you realize quickly that these types of accidents result in serious collisions and these lead to the injuries specifically listed above like spine injuries, paralysis, and brain injuries.
When you've been in a car wreck, you need an experienced lawyer to who knows the law to protect your interests.
If you or anyone you know was hurt in a car wreck, truck accident, moped or motorcycle wreck, George Sink, P.A. Injury Lawyers is here to help with a free consultation.
When you're injured or your car is damaged in a car wreck and you want to make a claim for compensation, it's your responsibility to prove that you suffered harm that was caused by the other person's negligent, reckless or intentional actions.
The personal injury lawyers at Auger Hollingsworth currently represents a number of clients in Brockville who have been injured in a car wreck or other accident.
When somebody is injured in a car wreck, there are oftentimes significant financial hardships that they endure as a result.
When somebody is injured in a car wreck, there are oftentimes significant financial hardships that they...
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