Sentences with phrase «in catastrophic injury cases»

Our attorneys have particular experience in catastrophic injury cases and those involving complex issues of fact or law.
Professional support from our legal team is an urgent need in catastrophic injury cases.
We have the experience and resources to recover all types of damages in catastrophic injury cases, from future medical expenses, to lost earnings, and loss in quality of life.
We work with medical experts and life - care planners in catastrophic injury cases.
We are skilled at much more than proving liability in catastrophic injury cases.
While our firm represents clients in catastrophic injury cases involving head injuries, we can not provide medical advice.
Evidence in a catastrophic injury case takes on the same form as many other cases.
An attorney who is experienced in catastrophic injury cases can be most helpful in lining up alternative financial assistance.
Numerous experts are needed in a catastrophic injury case, and if the attorney does not have the finances to hire these experts, that attorney can not prove his case.
The nature of the damages in catastrophic injury cases are dramatically different from other personal injury cases.
Ball & Bonholtzer specialize in catastrophic injury cases, committing experienced trial attorneys to the research necessary to ascertain fault in the aftermath of a serious burn incident.
Due to the extent of injuries sustained in catastrophic injury cases in particular, victims are usually able to seek more for medical care (as continued or lifelong medical assistance may be necessary) as well as higher amounts for pain and suffering and emotional trauma.
This is usually only seen in catastrophic injury cases like birth, brain injuries or paraplegics.
Recovery of Damages We might hear of extraordinarily large jury verdicts in catastrophic injury cases, but there are times when those verdicts just can not be collected.
The availability of funds in a catastrophic injury case is critical to its success, which is why choosing a law firm like Lorenzo & Lorenzo — a firm that uses our own resources and won't collect fees until and unless we win your case — gives you such an advantage.
In addition, the expense of prosecuting in a catastrophic injury case is higher than most other types of cases.
We have obtained numerous multi-million dollar verdicts and settlements in catastrophic injury cases.
Munday & Nathan is a Chicago personal injury law firm that represents injured individuals in catastrophic injury cases, not insurance companies.
Meanwhile, we have an instructive judgment from the Privy Council dealing with an appeal from Guernsey in a catastrophic injury case — Simon v Helmot [2012] UKPC 5, [2012] All ER (D) 215 (Mar).
«It just seemed kind of a natural progression in my practice to really expand beyond and go national,» said Kennerly, who plans to continue his local practice in catastrophic injury cases.
«Accident benefits can be quite extensive, but lawyers will sometimes settle for benefits of only $ 25,000 in a catastrophic injury case where the client could have received hundreds of thousands of dollars of benefits over a lifetime.»
At Lorenzo & Lorenzo, our expert attorneys specialize in catastrophic injury cases — fighting to help individuals throughout Tampa, Clearwater and St. Pete receive just compensation.
Personal Injury Attorney Neal Davis is experienced in catastrophic injury cases, having 20 years of experience in trying hundreds of cases to juries.
In catastrophic injury cases, the combination of these risks could result in cost liabilities of several hundred thousand pounds.»
In catastrophic injury cases, such as traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, burn injuries, serious construction accidents including amputations, loss of hearing, eyesight or other, it is absolutely vital that the change in quality of life is addressed in the claim.
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