Sentences with phrase «in certain behaviors»

For some, what's more important than keeping their cat from engaging in certain behaviors is keeping them out of designated areas.
People generally use shock collars to get their dog to stop engaging in certain behaviors, such as excessive barking.
I asked a counselor, «How can you call something a disease if it could have been avoided had you not participated in a certain behavior
However, mom really needs to reign in certain behaviors to protect her health and her unborn child's future.
Children may take part in certain behaviors to be part of «the group.»
So Pollard is trying to pin down not only which bacteria are important for a given disease, but also which proteins — and thus which genes — within that strain of bacteria result in a certain behavior.
«Participants who reported talking to their partners about (STDs) say it affected their decision to engage in certain behaviors in that it made them feel more comfortable and led them to stop using condoms,» Mullinax said.
Parents notice the difference in certain behaviors such as [children] making eye contact and shaking hands.»
My Puppy Growls When Being Handled If your puppy growls, snaps or bites when she is being handled, she might have a touch sensitivity issue, feel pain or not like the fact that you are preventing her from indulging in a certain behavior she likes.
Under Georgia law, a negligent supervision claim requires «sufficient evidence to establish that [an] employer reasonably knew or should have known of an employee's tendencies to engage in certain behavior relevant to the injuries allegedly incurred by the plaintiff.»
We don't always understand why our dogs engage in certain behaviors, and eating household objects such as dirt, paper towels, clothing, stool / poop and other strange things are some behaviors that are still very mysterious and perplexing to pet owners and veterinarians.
In this test, male mice in a tube (see related video) face each other and researchers record how much each one engages in certain behaviors: push initiation, push - back, resistance, retreat, or stillness.
For example, it can help make sense of why one's partner is engaging in certain behaviors, which can be useful in helping to understand the meaning of those behaviors.
In speaking with lawyers and law firm managers, I often hear complaints that employees and / or young associates aren't putting forth the effort the firm expects, or fail entirely to engage in certain behaviors or activities that the senior partners in the firm consider to be essential for the job or for that individual's career advancement.
The therapist may come up with reasons why a patient engages in certain behaviors or feels certain ways about situations.
Men's higher sex drive, therefore, might lend insight into why they engage in certain behaviors.
Finally, self - efficacy is defined as the estimated ability to engage in a certain behavior.
A child who witnesses parents make certain choices or engage in certain behaviors may develop a tendency to behave in a similar pattern.
With an understanding of why a partner is engaging in a certain behavior, the counselor encourages the couple to engage in that behavior more often, allowing each to build tolerance to the previously problematic behavior.
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