Sentences with phrase «in certain nutrients»

Many women are lacking in certain nutrients, notably folate, calcium, and iron.
They are technically a fruit and happen to be very high in certain nutrients, especially fiber and potassium.
But a diet devoid of vegetables and other plants will likely be a little low in certain nutrients that we need.
While feeding a raw diet offers the most nutrition, both raw diets and commercial diets are often insufficient in certain nutrients necessary for good fetal development.
Additionally, if the body is lacking in certain nutrients, the first places it will show is in the skin, hair and nails.
It is fine to give them some raisins now and then, but most treats are too high in certain nutrients to be given regularly.
Vegan diets have health benefits, but can be low in certain nutrients.
When I first started, it seemed like I couldn't eat anything and I was depriving myself of everything, but it is important to remember that many times the body is deficient in certain nutrients because of an autoimmune disease so during the course of the 30 - day reset, I focused on extensively nourishing my body with as many high quality proteins, vegetables and healthy fats as I could consume.
Research suggests that nutrition can have a big impact on mental health and that deficiencies in certain nutrients can lead to mental health struggles.
Because gluten - free diets can be lacking in certain nutrients like fiber, niacin, folate and vitamin B12, we made sure to include plenty of healthy foods to help you meet your daily nutrient needs.
White sweet corn is rich in certain nutrients, and one large ear contains just 113 calories...
Deficiency in certain nutrients that support and protect collagen can hinder its formation and production (more on which nutrients you need below).
Studies suggest that people with fibromyalgia are usually deficient in certain nutrients that worsen their muscle and bone pain.
Mother's milk after a premature birth is much higher in certain nutrients, and studies show superior growth and head circumference in low - weight infants fed milk from preterm baby mothers.
The Macrobiotic diet is considered by some nutritionists to be too restrictive and lacking in certain nutrients, such as protein, vitamin B12, iron, magnesium, and calcium, especially since vitamin or mineral supplements are not allowed.
Your post-pregnancy diet may be low in certain nutrients and these vitamins can fortify your milk to be at its best quality while making sure to take care of you at the same time.
A teenage vegetarian requires a plant based diet that is balanced and high in certain nutrients that you would normally get in large quantities from meat.
A plant - based vegetarian diet must be high in certain nutrients that you would normally get very easily from consuming meat and fish.
But I also don't take at face value medical claims of how deficient kids are in certain nutrients.
Researchers report in the journal Chest that adolescents are more likely to experience respiratory problems if their diets are deficient in certain nutrients.
Did you know that being low in certain nutrients is a common cause of hypothyroidism, or an underactive thyroid?
You've probably seen articles about how most people are deficient in certain nutrients, and how you simply can't afford to eat any «empty calories.»
Diet and nutrition is strongly associated with regulation of mood, and a deficiency in certain nutrients can increase the risk of depression.
One such method is eating foods that boost testosterone because they're high in certain nutrients.
If counting Calories is causing you to be deficient in certain nutrients, these nutritional deficiencies will lower your BMR.
And someone deficient in certain nutrients or who has starved themselves on a low calorie diet will have a much lower metabolism than someone who eats the proper amount of nutrient - dense foods.
Deficiencies in certain nutrients can lead to anxiety, depression, and even psychosis.
Studies suggest that people with fibromyalgia are usually deficient in certain nutrients that worsen their muscle -LSB-...]
Cravings are the body's way of telling us that we are lacking in certain nutrients and our cravings help us find the way back to balance.
Supplements should be given to canines that are lacking in certain nutrients.
However, furkids that are fed home - cooked food may require supplements as their diet might be deficient in certain nutrients.
If you do opt to feed only kibble, at least rotate the brands; if your brand is lacking in certain nutrients and you feed only that food for life, your pet will have serious problems down the road.
If you are worried your dog is deficient in a certain nutrient or vitamin, you should discuss it with your veterinarian before you alter their diet.
On the other hand, if he's eating feces from another animal, chances are that the dog food you are giving him is lacking in certain nutrients and minerals that his body needs.
Feline diets deficient in certain nutrients can cause diseases, including blindness (taurine).
If not, the prepared food may be lacking in certain nutrients a dog needs.
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