Sentences with phrase «in certain quarters»

In the last few months, I've had over 30 women In certain quarters of society, the idea that women have become too easy is a common complaint.
There is also a narrative emerging in certain quarters that charters are getting blended learning right, but that school districts aren't.
If so, are these abnormal returns concentrated in certain quarters?
I am aware that statements like these give offense in certain quarters.
«I'd anticipate some resistance to our conclusions in certain quarters,» he says.
This strong economy has helped the city gain top rankings in certain quarters.
In certain quarters of society, the idea that women have become too easy is a common complaint.
«My attention has been drawn to insinuations in certain quarters of my purported repayment of some monies I was allegedly given by the former National Security Adviser, Col. Sambo Dasuki (rtd),» Mr. Ribadu said.
Formal attire (otherwise known in certain quarters as conservative wear) is the furthest thing to come to mind.
But he debunked the insinuation in certain quarters about a possible postponement of the elections, with a declaration that the date fixed for the exercise remains «sacrosanct.»
Third, it has also become a contemporary practice in certain quarters to lionize victims while demonizing victimizers, a practice that can have dangerous results.
There is a tendency in certain quarters to see the teachings of Jesus as nothing more than moral or ethical maxims to be observed to ensure harmonious relationships between each members of the human race.
The theological background to this ongoing activity of demythologizing that developed in certain quarters in Israel may be analyzed very crudely and briefly as follows.
Danny Ward: # 7m (player seems highly rated in certain quarters based on his performances for Huddersfield in 16/17; Klopp would probably like to keep him but the player seems keen to move on in search for regular appearances rather than to provide back - up to Lloris Karius)
Though the Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), Ibrahim Magu had said the commission had no evidence yet to warrant the arrest of the former President, there had been rumours and suggestions in certain quarters that Dr. Jonathan needed to be questioned.
The deputy Senate President also disagreed with the views expressed in certain quarters that all the country needed was good governance and not restructuring.
Despite enjoying large viewership among Nigerians, the reality show has been perceived in certain quarters as having negative impact on youths.
If the word «Christian» has become taboo in certain quarters, the words «Christian school» are utterly detonating.
Almost comically reviled in certain quarters of the British press, Curtis brings his customary seamless Nottinghillizing touch to the people and locales of About Time.
There was dismay in certain quarters that Sluizer (whose best known film remains The Vanishing) even decided to revive the project.
I'm sure there is much weeping and gnashing of teeth in certain quarters (Germany, Detroit).
E-book readers, also known as e-Readers in certain quarters, are not exactly the fastest moving tablet - like device in the market at the moment, and neither has it been that way for a long time.
Completing missions earns status in certain quarters and notoriety in others, enabling players to rise in the ranks of their chosen faction, unlock new opportunities and perks, and exert an even greater influence over the world.
I mean, it's a * wonderful * game, brilliantly executed — I'd certainly score it well into the 90 % s — but I can't help thinking there's some kind of emperor's - new - clothes review hysteria taking hold in certain quarters...)
At a time when abstraction is regarded in certain quarters as a dated style, the exhibition promises to raise fundamental questions not only about Frankenthaler's career but about abstract painting as a whole: Does abstraction have any meaning today?
The excerpt comes from a recent piece in the Conservative - leaning Washington Times, to which links are being circulated in the certain quarters of the Blogosphere.
First off, these latest results are being strongly misrepresented in certain quarters.
But a single working hypothesis may lead investigation along a given line to the neglect of others equally important; and thus, while inquiry is promoted in certain quarters, the investigation lacks in completeness.
He said, «Representation should not be abandoned because the client's legal position is extremely unpopular in certain quarters
2) «lawyers still have outstanding value to offer in certain quarters, but we need to concentrate our market offerings around that value, and we need better platforms for our services than traditional law firms provide.»
The Gamesir G3 is really popular in certain quarters, both with computers and cellphones (its original primary market).
A week before the polls, insinuations emerged in certain quarters that sensitive materials for the elections had already been delivered to Anambra state and compromised.
The minister said that contrary to perception in certain quarters, the government anti-corruption fight was not one - sided or targeted at opposition.
Following the leadership crisis that has bedeviled the PDP, insinuations in certain quarters have it that some aggrieved members of the party were plotting to float a new political party.
In certain quarters, the change in narrative is only seen as India's new found zeal to «project» its efforts to the global community more proactively now.
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