Sentences with phrase «in character assassination»

Yet you engage in character assassination without any cause whatsoever.
Among the traits discovered: When cornered, de Blasio becomes willing to engage in character assassination.
Notice how they didn't indulge in any character assassination of Horny?

Not exact matches

Eve Costopoulos claims Shkreli (SHKREL» - ee) led a «campaign of harassment and character assassination» in her lawsuit filed in federal court in Manhattan Thursday.
The week - long dispute has included dueling press statements, an accusation of character assassination and a YouTube video in which Long pleaded with the entrepreneur to show compassion.
You come in here and attack the author with a very personal character assassination and have the nerve to act all self righteous when he responds to your abusive bullying?
Milligan charges that to adduce Scott's biography in the context of his allegation is «character assassination
We should not unduly engage in vitriolic attacks and character assassination.
it is clear that the change in divorce laws in the last half of the 20th century reflected a change in social values — a change that simultaneously attempted to: 1) make divorces easier to obtain; 2) reduce the social and legal stigma associated with divorce; and 3) reduce the psychosocial trauma (blame and character assassination) associated with divorce.
«My appointment at the University of Ilorin was sequel to a response to the advertisement by the University of Ilorin which was made open to all Nigerians, published on the 7th of May 2012 in many newspapers including the one that is now the platform of character assassination.
The care with which Bo's ouster was handled, and the character assassination of him now taking place in the Chinese press indicates Bo's popularity has hit home with the CCP leadership, underscoring the increasing tensions between politics and society.
Those involved in any form of character assassination will definitely hear from us.
This space was devoted last week to the negative advertising, the «attack ads» or election by character assassination, which dominated the 2014 election in Suffolk County, the state and nation.
However, apart from the repetitious character assassination, his sweeping allegations without further proof are not and can not be the answer to the contentions contained in my article, for whose sake I was being cowardly attacked personally instead of addressing the issues in conflict.
Any person casually acquainted with the theories of conflict studies and research knows that when individuals or groups in conflict do not have credible facts to defend their side of disagreement or conflict issues, they resort to odious personal attacks and / or the assassination of the character, honour and integrity of their opponents as a cover for their inability to rebut the objective issue in conflict.
«These two attack dogs [Koku Anyidoho and Kofi Adams] engaging in the monotonous acts of character assassination to avoid the real issue, deliberately repeated similar unfounded accusations against me that I had creditably refuted with supporting facts and evidence, which the very media carrying the recycled accusations had published in previous years.
I had intelligence back then that Koku Anyidoho as the Communications Director at the Presidency was the conduit that was used to orchestrate the personal attacks and character assassinations because I was exposing those involved in Woyomegate.
«Anyone who has a case against any man of God should swear an oath, proceed to the law court and face the rigours, rather than engage in media trial and character assassination, which have become the hallmark of this administration.»
BY KEN PASKAR Speaker Sheldon Silver is being pilloried in the press for accusations of corruption, and I felt it's time to take a hard look at the allegations being leveled against Silver and see them for what they are: character assassination, pure and simple.
In response, he lashed out at his accusers, dismissing the allegations as «character assassination
My second point is that longstanding resentment against Tony Avella in northeast Queens for his character assassination of former Senator Frank Padavan has left a sour note with many voters that want to see Avella out of office or possibly tarred and feathered (yes it's that bad).
The script, credited to Reynolds, Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, finds the mutant Deadpool meandering his way to the X-Mansion and joining various X-Men members — including Domino (Zazie Beetz) and Colossus (computer effects plus the voice of Stefan Kapičić)-- as they try to protect an alienated, rebellious teen mutant called Firefist (Julian Dennison) from assassination by the Terminator, er Looper, er mercenary - from - the - future Matthew Cable (Josh Brolin, aka Young Nick Nolte Returned, playing his second Marvel character in less than a month).
Sydney Pollack's («Three Days of the Condor» / «Out of Africa») well - made but unimportant political thriller (more a character driven than a plot driven story) is set in New York City and frames its story around an assassination plot of an African leader set to speak at the United Nations.
Not only were several of the movie's major characters involved in the assassination plot (it was a multi-pronged affair and involved other attempts on lives of the cabinet), Lincoln drove through throngs of people, enraptured in celebratory glee, following the passing of the Amendment.
... This is a show that mostly succeeds at blurring the lines between protagonists and villains, to the point that we're even forced to sit through the character assassination of Hannah in court and question what we thought we knew about her.
Westinghouse has a more aggressively supportive spouse in Marguerite (Katherine Waterston), and he strives to avoid character assassination or dirty tricks.
It's as mean - spirited as anything in Match Point, which uses a rifle to go by its character assassination.
In new film Bobby, his death is seen through the eyes of 22 characters in the hotel in the hours leading up to the assassinatioIn new film Bobby, his death is seen through the eyes of 22 characters in the hotel in the hours leading up to the assassinatioin the hotel in the hours leading up to the assassinatioin the hours leading up to the assassination.
Jackie, which stars Portman as the title character, chronicles the four days in Kennedy's life after the assassination of her husband, President John F. Kennedy in Dallas in 1963.
Finally, the scene of Kennedy's assassination shows characters covered in blood.
But Steven Soderbergh, with characteristic restraint and intelligence, avoids this trap, a feat made doubly impressive by that fact that, in basing the film on ex-lover Scott Thorson's book, the material would easily have been there for a character assassination.
I guess maybe I am because I was just really drawn to it,» says Gadon of the miniseries that sees the show's lead, played by Franco, traveling back in time to the Sixties to embark on an unlikely mission to prevent Kennedy's assassination while finding love with Gadon's character, Sadie Dunhill, along the way.
Rising character actor James Badge Dale has already featured in one dramatisation centred on the assassination of President John Kennedy this year, with Peter...
Now, 48 years later, Stephen King transports readers — along with his main character — back in time in a quest to stop Kennedy's assassination.
Despite the passage of all the years since the assassination of John F Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, and Martin Luther King, it still was unsettling to have characters in a book joking about killing these political leaders.
Like Laocoon's multiple and often contradictory stories from classical literature, the present work speaks to death, character assassination, and a general loss in trust.
A professor who is accusing global warming skeptics of engaging in tabloid - style character assassination of scientists, called an American climate skeptic â $ œan assh * leâ $ on the December 4, 2009 live broadcast of BBC's Newsnight program. â $ œWhat an assh * le!â $ declared Professor Watson at the end of the contentious debate with Climate Depot's executive editor Marc Morano.
It might appear to the casual observer as though there has been a concerted and co-ordinated effort to double down on the message for the cause by character assassination of respected academics, perhaps in the hopes that Their climate guru might have his alleged criminal perversions swept into the ever - growing hillock of ignorance under the carpet.
In my limited personal experience with him, he was a pleasure to work with and was a brave man who followed the science where it led even at the risk of character assassination by his critics.
«Having lost the argument on the scientific facts, the opposition has had tremendous success in their new strategy of character assassination,» he said.
Now, we're left wondering whether Gansler is a deliberate participant or an inadvertent dupe in the spread of elemental misinformation stemming from the same small clique of people associated with the 20 year + character assassination efforts aimed at skeptic climate scientists.
Ever since character assassination replaced the scientific method in Western academia, the Left — and only the Left — could and did say anything it wanted say and get away with it, no matter how outrageous.
Is it not plausible that instead of a situation existing where scientists — in some cases the same scientist — use identical tactics behind cancerous second - hand smoke and ozone depletion denial to sow disinformation over climate science which delays political action, that we instead have — in some cases — the same small clique of enviro - activists (none of whom possessing science expertise to prove Dr Singer's atmospheric assessments are disinformation) attempting to prop up unsupportable political agendas through the use of character assassination disinformation?
One more in the series of occasional guest posts written by skeptics of catastrophic man - caused global warming people who encountered character assassination efforts from critics rather than reasonable science - based debate.
Rather than provide real evidence — it simply can't — it traffics in condemnations, character assassination, reprisals and marginalization.
Journalists clearly are not doing their jobs when it comes to checking the basic veracity of the accusation, but now a bigger question needs to be asked: How worried were the «IPCC affiliated or sympathetic scientists» about the soundness of their science assessments, if some in their midst felt a need to use baseless character assassination in order to persuade their fellow scientists to ignore material from scientist critics?
page 10's Conclusion: The student's «climate change misinformation campaign is a multi-faceted scheme» statement is technically true, but regarding the assertion about «almost everything leads back to the fossil fuel industry,» this student's paper inadvertently becomes a case study of how scrutiny of every angle of such accusations does not actually reveal the appearance of a disinformation campaign created by the fossil fuel industry, but instead one apparently created and promulgated by enviro - activists, supported in a major way to this very day by character assassination accusations from a single source — Ross Gelbspan and the clique of enviro - activists surrounding him.
When this approach was not sufficiently successful, they resorted to character assassination of the scientists involved in writing the IPCC report, as in Climategate.
I'm sure none of us have any interest in playing the character assassination games.
Whether it is scientific conclusions or the tactic of character assassination, that's pretty much what determines if the statements we all hear have merit, or if they blow away in the wind.
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