Sentences with phrase «in child custody determinations»

Limiting factors in child custody determinations involve quite complex legal issues which need the attention of a seasoned professional — a child custody lawyer.
Nancy D. Polikoff, Why Are Mothers Losing: A Brief Analysis of Criteria Used in Child Custody Determinations, 7 Women's Rts.
See Nancy D. Polikoff, Why Are Mothers Losing: A Brief Analysis of Criteria Used in Child Custody Determinations, 7 Women's Rts.
The wisdom of Solomon: Issues in child custody determinations.

Not exact matches

On many points, decisions of Islamic religious courts have the force of national law (a touchy issue when a dispute involves a Muslim and a non-Muslim, or when one spouse in an existing marriage converts to Islam and makes the other members of the family subject to Shari'a determinations on matters such as child custody).
In Massachusetts, child custody determinations are based on the best interests of the child.
In the state of Nevada, the following factors (in no particular order) are evaluated as part of a best - interests child custody determinatioIn the state of Nevada, the following factors (in no particular order) are evaluated as part of a best - interests child custody determinatioin no particular order) are evaluated as part of a best - interests child custody determination:
To make this determination, the Court exercises certain deliberations to award custody, generally based upon those factors considered to be in the best interest and welfare of the child (ren).
Nebraska: The court makes a custody determination based on the best interests of the child, which include the relationship of the child to each parent; (b) the desires and wishes of the child; the general health, welfare, and social behavior of the child; credible evidence of any abuse in the household.
The review, entitled «Lesbian and Gay Parents and Determination of Child Custody: The Changing Legal Landscape and Implications for Policy and Practice,» was published in the first issue of the American Psychological Association's (APA) new journal, Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, which was released in March 2014.
The potential impacts of social media activity on many aspects of a divorce case, from spousal support, to determination of income for child support, to determination of custody and visitation for minor children, are too numerous to discuss here or for an attorney to address in advising their client on what they can and can not share on social media.
Virginia courts, first and foremost, consider the best interest of the child in making a child custody determination.
For more than 20 years, the New York Child Support Standards Act (CSSA) has taken a great deal of the guesswork out of the determination of child support payments in Supreme Court divorce actions and Family Court custody and paternity petitChild Support Standards Act (CSSA) has taken a great deal of the guesswork out of the determination of child support payments in Supreme Court divorce actions and Family Court custody and paternity petitchild support payments in Supreme Court divorce actions and Family Court custody and paternity petitions.
The Uniform Child Support Enforcement and Jurisdiction Act (UCCJEA) contains a provision that, «A party to a child custody proceeding, including a modification proceeding, or a petitioner or respondent in a proceeding to enforce or register a child custody determination, is not subject to personal jurisdiction in this state for another proceeding or purpose solely by reason of having participated, or of having been physically present for the purpose of participating, in the proceeding.&rChild Support Enforcement and Jurisdiction Act (UCCJEA) contains a provision that, «A party to a child custody proceeding, including a modification proceeding, or a petitioner or respondent in a proceeding to enforce or register a child custody determination, is not subject to personal jurisdiction in this state for another proceeding or purpose solely by reason of having participated, or of having been physically present for the purpose of participating, in the proceeding.&rchild custody proceeding, including a modification proceeding, or a petitioner or respondent in a proceeding to enforce or register a child custody determination, is not subject to personal jurisdiction in this state for another proceeding or purpose solely by reason of having participated, or of having been physically present for the purpose of participating, in the proceeding.&rchild custody determination, is not subject to personal jurisdiction in this state for another proceeding or purpose solely by reason of having participated, or of having been physically present for the purpose of participating, in the proceeding.»
Both pieces of legislation dictate that the determination of custody and access of the children following a separation or divorce will be based upon the best interests of the child in the circumstances.
In such circumstances comity is violated because the issuing state might still believe its courts have an interest in protecting its residents in such child custody determinationIn such circumstances comity is violated because the issuing state might still believe its courts have an interest in protecting its residents in such child custody determinationin protecting its residents in such child custody determinationin such child custody determinations.
We know that the issue of Child Custody in North Carolina often evokes deep emotion, and that emotion is just as important a factor in the determination of Child Custody as the legal issues that arise.
Once a Child Custody determination is made, it is often memorialized in a Court Order called a Consent Order.
A family attorney in Manassas provides information to parents about the different types of custody and factors that can affect custody determinations, the basics of how child custody decisions are made in the family courts, and the rights to custody of unmarried fathers, among other topics.
This article explains how the occurrence of domestic violence impacts a court's determination of which parent should have custody of a child in New Mexico.
Therefore, in any judicial determination regarding the custody of children, including where they reside, the best interests of the child should be the standard and primary consideration.
If the court finds it is not in the best interests of the child to relocate as defined herein, but the parent with whom the child resides the majority of the time elects to relocate, the court shall make a custody determination and shall consider all relevant factors including the following where applicable:
When a marriage or a relationship that resulted in children dissolves, and the parents are unable to make a child custody determination without court intervention, the court will make the custodial decision.
There isn't really a significant difference in the determination of custody and parenting time between California and Nevada in that both states focus on a standard of what's in the best interest of minor children.
When South Carolina codified child custody factors in June 2012 as S.C. Code § 63-15-220, I noted, «I do not see any reason why this statute should radically alter South Carolina child custody determinations
Katherine has extensive litigation experience in all aspects of family law including custody, financial issues including corporate and business issues arising out of separation, income determination, and child and spousal support.
Our Family Law Group offers legal assistance in custody, access, financial issues arising out of separation, income determination, and child and spousal support.
On the basis of the fresh evidence, the Court of Appeal found that on a balance of probabilities, the three children would suffer serious harm if now ordered to return to Nigeria to await a custody and access determination in the Nigerian courts.
In an uncontested divorce, the spouses agree on everything and do not need the court to divide assets or make determinations about spousal or child support or custody.
In making a custody determination, Illinois courts look at evidence that shows what is in the best interest of the chilIn making a custody determination, Illinois courts look at evidence that shows what is in the best interest of the chilin the best interest of the child.
If the court determines that the child is mature enough to understand the proceedings, usually 14 or older, the court may consider the child's wishes in the custody determination..
In Idaho, «the court may award either joint physical custody or joint legal custody or shared custody based on the court's determination of the best interests of the child or children
Even in states without breastfeeding laws, a judge can consider breastfeeding when making a custody determination since custody is to be awarded according to the best interests of the child.
If mediation is not successful, the court may then appoint a custody evaluator as well as an individual to represent the child's interests - a guardian ad litem, child representative or attorney - in order to assist the court in making a custody determination.
Virginia custody determinations are based on what the court determines is in the child's best interest.
In making such determinations, the family courts of Hawaii do not award custody based on the parent's gender or wealth but on the best interests of the child.
If you are involved in a child custody dispute, whether it is the initial child custody determination or a child custody modification, you would be wise to consult a family law attorney in your jurisdiction to help you learn about the law and the standard for custody determination in your area and how these laws apply to your specific situation.
Like all states, an Arizona court bases child custody determinations on what is in the best interests of the child, but a judge will consider certain factors in making a determination.
Although some states have moved away from traditional fault grounds, adultery may still affect certain aspects of a divorce, such as spousal support, property division, and in extreme cases, child custody determinations.
Like most states, the standard for child custody determination in California is the overall best interest of the child such that it assures the «health, safety, and welfare» of the child and «frequent and continuing contact» with both parents.
Like most states, the standard for child custody determinations in California is the overall best interest of the child with an emphasis on ensuring the health, safety, and welfare of the child and frequent and continuing contact with both parents absent child abuse, domestic violence, or where the contact would not be in the best interest of the child.
This might play a larger role than in the original custody determination if the child was not old enough at that time, but has since matured.
Law enforcement may place a child in protective custody based on an independent determination that the child's health, safety, and welfare is jeopardized.
In an initial custody determination, the trial court has «the widest discretion to choose a parenting plan that is in the best interest of the child.&raquIn an initial custody determination, the trial court has «the widest discretion to choose a parenting plan that is in the best interest of the child.&raquin the best interest of the child
adoption service (s)(in intercountry adoption) The six major services provided by adoption service providers: (1) Identifying a child for adoption and arranging an adoption; (2) Securing the necessary consent to termination of parental rights and to adoption; (3) Performing a background study on a child or a home study on a prospective adoptive parent (s), and reporting on such a study; (4) Making nonjudicial determinations of the best interests of a child and the appropriateness of an adoptive placement for the child; (5) Monitoring a case after a child has been placed with prospective adoptive parent (s) until final adoption; or (6) When necessary because of a disruption before final adoption, assuming custody and providing (including facilitating the provision of) child care or any other social service pending an alternative placement.
For a listing of statutes in 35 states requiring courts to consider evidence of domestic violence or abuse of a spouse in custody or visitation determinations, see, the Family Violence Project of the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, Family Violence in Child Custody Statutes: An Analysis of State Codes and Legal Practice, custody or visitation determinations, see, the Family Violence Project of the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, Family Violence in Child Custody Statutes: An Analysis of State Codes and Legal Practice, Custody Statutes: An Analysis of State Codes and Legal Practice, 29 FAM.
Even if the custodial parent is otherwise «fit,» such bad faith conduct may be relevant to a determination of what permanent custody arrangement is in the minor children's best interest.
In making both temporary and permanent custody determinations, Nevada courts are primarily concerned with what is in the best interest of the chilIn making both temporary and permanent custody determinations, Nevada courts are primarily concerned with what is in the best interest of the chilin the best interest of the child.
Previously in this space we discussed the fact that Florida and the other 49 states each passed the Uniform Child Custody and Jurisdiction Act to promote mutual respect for child custody determinations from one state to the Child Custody and Jurisdiction Act to promote mutual respect for child custody determinations from one state to thCustody and Jurisdiction Act to promote mutual respect for child custody determinations from one state to the child custody determinations from one state to thcustody determinations from one state to the next.
Custody disagreements are settled by a judge's determination of what is in «the best interests of the child
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